Jira Cloud Knowledge Base
- Tickets in the timeline view are not hiding after resolving epic.
- Estimation of Story Points observed on the Backlog does not match the status category.
- Unable to move issues from Team managed to company managed project using Bulk operation
- The user profile picture or default avatars do not load as expected across the Atlassian Cloud Site
- Unable to view worklog information of a Jira project issue via API
- How to create velocity chart report with multiple projects?
- Automation | Always add the same HTML LINK to all newly created issues
- Epic issues appear in the Active sprint in Scrum Board
- How to add "Product Admin" for JIRA
- The Jira Work Management board has a limit of 3000 issues
- View and change issue security level from within a plan
- Exporting Atlassian Teams and Members data from my Organization
- Prevent users from editing the ‘Issue Type’ of an issue in Team-managed projects
- Atlassian API token/key | Status of API tokens/keys when a user who generated the token/key has left the organization
- Troubleshooting Missing Email Notifications for User Mentions
- User is unable to see Manage app/Explore app section
- Jira CSV export | Discrepancy in the date and time when exporting issues with CSV export.
- How to limit the Sprint field to only show active or future sprints in the current project
- On a Team- managed project, re-naming a status and re-using that status name, does not let us save the changes.
- User custom fields are returning blank values in the notifications received for the users.
- Plan shows incorrect start date for sprints on plans
- Error while creating issues via Timeline in Jira
- Unable to receive push notifications on Jira mobile app for new issues created
- How to enable the 'Assign to me'
- CSV import| Import multiple project key using CSV import.
- Automation fails in Team-managed project if the actor does not have the required permission.
- Unable to group tickets by subtasks in board
- Installing app from marketplace fails
- Clone a version and its associated issues using Jira automation
- Jira is rollback changes in filter JQL
- Can't uninstall apps after cancellation
- Unable to respond to an Atlassian support ticket with the error "You do not have permission to view this request"
- User with "schedule issue" permission is unable to delete a sprint.
- Clear Resolution field in tickets with Automation instead of Workflow Post Functions
- Why the dates are not rolling up to the target end dates in the Advanced Roadmap plan
- How to retrieve linkedIssues of a particular issueLinkType
- Automation to sum up story points of Stories in different statuses and add the value to the parent
- Authentication Error on Confluence Links within Jira
- Disabling edits in closed issues for Jira tickets
- Jira board showing Done issues when"Hide completed issues older than" is enabled.
- How to delete comments from issues
- Unable to Close Sprint in a Team-managed Project
- Automation rule to count how many times an issue has passed through a specific status
- Retrieve Project Roles List using Python
- "Cannot delete screen as it is used in Screen Schemes" appears, even though the screen is not linked to any Screen Scheme
- Flagging an issue does not work
- Whenever we are entering the number in the number field automatically comma is added
- Rollup story points to Epic level, if story points on a subtask of a child story is updated
- Creating tickets from a Mailbox subfolder using Jira Incoming Mail handler
- Issues can’t be manually ranked error is observed when ranking issues in the Backlog.
- Automation to send email only once per assignee
- Scrum reports not loading with the error 'Could not find suitable statistics field with ID 'customfield_xxxxx'.
- Append Fix Version field with next unreleased fixed version
- Testing Webhooks in Jira Cloud
- Sorry, something went wrong error is received when trying to create a new Team on the site.
- Using Cloud Storage to migrate attachments in Jira CSV import
- Understand how the Original Estimate field value is calculated when viewing the data export in Jira Cloud
- Default Quick filters are not available on the Board of a newly created project.
- Permission needed for CSV bulk import without giving Org admin permissions to users
- "Something Went Wrong" error in Jira Teams app
- User is not able to create jira issue in a project even with the required permission to create ticket
- Unable to change the issue's status on the board
- Unable to see issues for a quick filter set up on the Board
- How to verify if webhook is being triggered in Jira cloud
- How to fix Outlook 413 Error received when trying to create/ view/ send issues via Jira Cloud for Outlook add-in
- We couldn't create filter. Check your connection, then give it another try.
- A few users are unable to reorder Sub-tasks under its Parent issue view.
- ルールが 2 つある (グローバルとプロジェクト固有) 際に Automation が機能しない
- Set Resolution Field for Team Managed Project Jira Issues
- Security containers in Jira showing wrong vulnerability statuses
- Add Watchers and Vote buttons are greyed out in Team Managed Project issues
- Time Tracking Report in Jira cloud project is not accessible.
- Unable to transition issues due to misconfigured User Property custom field
- "Required fields not present or fields too long in collector XXX" error - required field not added to view
- Delete custom fields in team-managed projects
- Undone and done issue of the last week
- Sprint field displays sprint information as Current Sprint though they have not been started yet.
- Problem with Atlassian Cloud app creating issues from the Google Marketplace
- Whiteboards for Jira App does not load
- Epics are missing in Epic panel on Team managed project board.
- Unsupported date picker format in the Advanced settings will result in an incorrect behaviour
- Audit Log for Jira Cloud Add-ons
- Retrieving email addresses of users through Jira Cloud REST API
- Changes in Advanced Roadmap Plan Not Reflecting for Other Users
- Custom field values do not show up as options in Automations or cannot be searched via JQL
- Unable to set the the issue type hierarchy of Epic issue type if created manually after a deletion
- "Issue Create" button/option not visible in all columns of Boards in Company Managed Projects
- Copy only date value from a DateTime picker to a Date picker field
- How to customize/change the name of the statuses or hide them in our Jira Project.
- New workflow editor doesn't save transition changes if Draft exists in Old workflow editor
- Posting messages in MS Team Private channels
- Jira prompts admins to upgrade the plan to Standard while Jira is already in Standard
- Information about uninstalled Marketplace app
- Automation rule to copy users associated with a project role into a multi user picker field
- Some emails sent to the Jira Cloud Mail Server/custom server are not creating issues in Jira via the Incoming Mail handler
- How to view Remaining Time Estimate on issues from Backlog
- Automation rule to clone an Epic with its child issues
- Fields in The Right-Hand Panel In The Issue Layout Tab Are Missing
- Automation rule to fetch the parent's parent issue key on the current issue
- Unable to view/add a user to the assignee field of issues in Jira cloud projects
- Projects are not available in the project list dropdown when creating a new filter
- Jira automation: How to increment a Date Field by Business Days Based on a Custom Number Field
- How to enable Jira Push Notifications on Jira Mobile App (Android, iOS)
- How to properly make use of the Automation actions button
- Automation rule message: You've reached the maximum number of 65 components allowed per rule
- Clone a Jira project using CSV import
- Unable to clone a story in Jira Software Cloud
- Sprint Report Inaccuracies after Workflow Change
- Create Jira Product Discovery ideas from Confluence
- How to check your Jira cloud version
- Transition Jira Issue when Bitbucket PR is approved
- Something's gone wrong error on team-managed Jira project board
- Users report "State mismatch!" error when trying to export Jira cloud issues to MS Excel or Google sheets
- How to find group usage in permission schemes for Jira Cloud via REST API and Python
- Export over 1000 results in Jira Cloud
- Confluence page link does not show up in Jira Issue
- Create and configure the announcement banner in Jira Cloud
- Invalid Share Permissions on Jira Board Creation
- Can't install cloud apps in Jira after restoring from backup
- Grant permission in Jira Cloud for Teams Integration
- Unable to search using a custom field when executing a JQL
- Invited User's account marked as suspended
- Avoid duplicated priorities and fix migrated values
- Unable to delete validator from workflow transition
- Project Field Configuration Overrides Custom Field Description
- What are trusted users in Cloud?
- Approval Step not showing in the Workflow
- Install Jira Marketplace app manually with descriptor file
- Export Jira Project Attachments using REST API
- Automation Trigger Delays
- Users unable to access the Jira Board or Project
- The due date field is not visible in Team managed backlog
- User in comments showing up as "not a request participant"
- Jira server was contacted but has returned an error response. We are unsure of the result of this operation
- How to Delete a Software Board in Jira Cloud
- How to hide or disable the development tools information on a specific workflow status
- How to identify inactive projects: Finding projects with no recent issues created or updated
- How to copy version releases from one project to another using Automation for Jira
- How to Get existing Board Access in Jira Cloud
- How to link user stories from one Jira instance with the user stories of another Jira instance?
- How to assign issues to users based on the group selection
- How to retain created date while importing issues
- How to handle two web-hooks triggered when a issue is transitioned from one status to another via board
- How to Make a Field Uneditable (Read-Only) in Jira Cloud
- How to stop being added as a Watcher when working on issues in Jira Cloud
- How to alter the branch name format in the "Create Branch" option in development panel
- How to import an Ordered List into Jira using the External System Import
- How to control Horizontal Scrollbars on Filter Results Dashboard Gadget
- Add-on fails to load in Jira Cloud
- Round off field to 'n' decimal places using automation
- Export all the project names to CSV
- Filters break after renaming issue types at the Epic level
- Planned scope issues in sprint showing as scope change in burndown reports
- Disable jira dashboard or filter access publicly
- Users can not view or access Teams in Atlassian Cloud site
- "Subtask is not permitted" message seen when trying to create a Subtask under a standard issue.
- Apps and user license
- User not able to change the reporter on an issue
- Cannot link Jira issues in one or more projects
- Cannot see users in assignee or reporter fields in Jira
- "Filter for this gadget could not be retrieved" error in Jira Dashboard
- "A value does not exist for the field 'project'" accessing Dashboard or Filter
- Set Jira project issue key counter to a custom starting number
- Can't search for some users in single user picker field in Jira Cloud
- How reCAPTCHA works in Atlassian Cloud including Jira, JSM, and Confluence
- Translate workflow statuses in Jira
- Broken issuetype scheme under project settings: ${issueTypeScheme.name}
- Use Epic Color for Epics in Jira Cloud
- Fields not visible or missing on issue types
- How to change the default issue type displayed at the Create Issue screen when a user creates an issue for the first time in a specific project
- Sprint cannot be completed as there are incomplete subtasks in Jira Cloud
- "Only show sprints in this project" not working as expected in Jira Cloud
- Jira custom field description can't exceed 255 characters
- 500 server error when deleting all team-managed projects in Jira Cloud
- Issue creation fails due to invalid custom field default value
- Can't see existing project to share settings when creating a Jira project
- Cannot see transition names when transitioning Jira issues
- Jira Cloud text editor formatting
- Automation Rules missing from Export File
- Change the Atlassian organization name
- Merge two custom fields into one
- Issues don't show on a Team managed business project board in Jira Cloud
- "One or more of the selected users don't exist or are not valid for this user picker" while creating Jira Issue
- How to retain formatting of text content when sending it in an email via Automation for Jira
- "Something's gone wrong" error when deleting sprint in Company Managed Project
- Restrict user permissions to only see their own assigned Jira issues
- Agents unable to "Mention" users in comments
- Jira Automation fails to transition an issue to destination status
- Date picker field not showing value in Advanced Roadmaps plan in Jira Cloud
- Cannot edit issue type in Jira Cloud project
- CSV Import: Unable to create issue due to invalid data in the 'Team' field
- Automation rule: How to set the Category field in Jira business Project
- Improve Date Reports with Automation
- How to set a custom connection timeout value in Jira Service Management email channel
- How to fix security tab not loading with error 'Unable to load xx containers. Retry'
- Negative number field shows as zero in issue history
- How to upload custom Priority Icons in Jira Cloud
- Images or icons are different across two computers or browsers
- How to display the email address of the reporter on a Jira Issue
- Unable to search or filter search results when a custom field has context configured.
- Deleting priority returns 504 Gateway timeout
- How to see total count of issues when using JQL and the result is greater than 1000
- Delete Automation rules in Jira Cloud
- Select Default Product Access while Inviting User
- Unable to create retrospective page from the Board view or Backlog view in team-managed project.
- Unable to save edited comment in new issue view
- Dashboard gadget displaying the error: No matching Issues found
- Disable or remove inactive Jira users in bulk in Jira Cloud
- Images not loading and displaying "Preview unavailable"
- Unable to save the automation rule
- Epic issue not visible on board
- Emoji not displaying in the issue view
- Add attachments to comments while transitioning an issue
- When search using the new search endpoint, we found that the "versionedRepresentations" expand field returns NULL.
- Activity Stream dashboard gadget fails to load
- Unable to share a dashboard or filter with specific group
- (Archive) 'Required' field is not linked - Why is this pop-up error showing in a Jira form?
- Inconsistent search results when using dashes.
- Add-Ons App Got Disabled/Enabled By Anonymous User
- How to filter inactive users without using add-ons
- Issue Collector is not able to create issues from Chrome
- Update the duration of issues displayed in the Summary tab
- Understanding the Time to First Response gadget in Jira Cloud
- How to mention a group of users using @ feature in a Jira issue
- Give users the option to remove the migrated text from fields when using JCMA
- CSV import | Unable to map a specific field (Example Summary) when importing with External system import
- How to make "Assignee" as a Required field
- Internal Server Error while moving issues to 'done' status
- Workflow transition stuck - Can't move or transition Jira issue
- Fields are not visible on screen even though these are added to edit/view screen.
- Automatically set project creation date with project properties
- Automatically Add Watchers to Issues on Creation
- Jira Work Management Team-managed project: Newly created issue not showing in the list view but not in the board view
- Restore deleted issues in Jira Cloud using local backup files
- Tabs Don't Show up on View Issue Screen in JIRA
- Add-on installation on sandbox is failing
- Outgoing Mail in Jira Cloud
- 自動化ルール: サブタスク課題に親タスクのエピックの詳細を表示する
- Transition screen returns "Internal server error" when transitioning issue
- Duplicate Statuses on Board / Workflow Transition shows (2)
- How to change 'Created' and 'Updated' fields location in new Jira Cloud issue view
- Jira still sends emails although outgoing mail is disabled
- How to restrict editing of an issue in a specific status
- How to Fetch Site-scoped Atlassian Teams via Public Teams REST API
- How to disable automatic watchers on Jira issues
- How to import comments with author and date using the CSV importer
- How to bulk import Components into Jira Projects and Issues
- Restrict the comment visibility in a team managed project
- Unable to change Jira Project lead or Project Name or Project Key
- Incoming emails are not creating issues in Jira cloud after re-Authorization
- Keep issue parent-child mapping during CSV import to Jira Cloud
- Use the Edit Workflows permission in company-managed projects in Jira Cloud
- Find the ID numbers of Jira priority field values in Jira Cloud
- Enable or disable new issue search in Jira Cloud
- Jira Cloud - Created vs. Resolved chart showing incorrect count of resolved issues
- Automation rule to fetch the date from a string and store it into a date field
- Send a notification to the Slack channel when a deployment to production fails using Jira automation.
- How changing the Board column settings can impact the Sprint reports
- How to use issuesApproachingLimitParams in Automation to get the list of issues approaching the limit
- Unable to enable the automation rule which was imported post migration to Jira Cloud.
- Send an email to a specific group once the the version is released
- While creating an issue, Project field not showing all the projects available
- Bulk edit option not present for custom fields when issues are in certain status
- When releasing the version, a warning regarding unresolved issues is displayed, even though these issues are marked as completed.
- Workflow property: jira.permission.edit.group not allowing the tabs to be visible on edit screen
- Unable to add user groups under View permission of Filters
- How to retain user information on the issue comments made by former users during CSV import between sites?
- Automation | The Due Date set by Automation rule which is copied from Sprint End date is different
- CSV import | CSV import generate duplicate entries for option/value of custom field "Select List" type
- Incorrect mapping of issues from Trello to Jira Board
- How to preserve comment author details when importing issues via CSV?
- Bulk archive issues in Jira Cloud
- Template Saving Error in Jira Product Discovery
- How to fix "We couldn't export your issues. Refresh the page and try again" error during export operation
- User with Manage Sprint permission unable to close sprint
- Use cover images for issue cards on boards in Jira Cloud
- Unable to Change the Default Assignee of the Project
- GitHub links are not unfurling in Jira
- Using Automation for Jira to set a select field based in a value of child value from a cascading field.
- Restrict field editing to specific user
- "Unknown fields" error on Create or Edit issue action in automation rule
- Associate fields with screens in Jira Cloud
- What is catch email address and how does it work?
- Troubleshooting "You can't access this board - You don't have permission to access this board based on its filter. To access this board, update the filter's owner and permissions"
- CSV import fails with "The first header row of the CSV import file contains following errors for the field name <'Custom field'>: 'brackets mismatch'"
- After moving an Epic issue to Done/Completed status Epic is still shown on Epic panel
- When linking issues, user receive error as "We couldn't link the issue. Wait a few moments, then give it a try."
- Transfer products- "Reset user access" settings in the Improved user experience
- Users unable to complete the Sprint with Error "You don't have permission to complete this Sprint"
- How to identify if an App is Forge or Connect?
- How to Filter issues in Advanced Roadmaps
- How to Export all custom field with it's ID for JIRA
- How to correct workflow post function in Jira when the configured resolution does not exist
- How to bifurcate Time spent and Time remaining in Time-Tracking field for Standard and Subtask issue type
- Unable to create a new project of type 'Top-level planning'
- Unable to add, edit or delete a comment when issue is in a specific status
- Revoke the cancellation of subscription
- Unable to do bulk edit using the option Transition issues
- JIRA is being unable to create a connection with Zendesk
- Erorr in the Sprint Burndown gadget
- Re-activate disabled unmanaged account
- Mention a Team in Jira Cloud Automation using the Add Comment action
- How to verify the membership of a user across all Jira projects within the instance.
- Translated Name and Description set for a status reflects differently for users
- Image attachments are not displayed in emails
- You've logged in as an administrator, but you don't have access to any Jira applications
- エピック リンクをサブタスクに表示する自動化ルール
- Resolving Individual Email Notifications Despite Grouping Enabled in Jira Cloud
- Project timeline shows all the sprints mixed together and can't set the sprint to the issue using drag & drop in Timeline
- The subtask creation fails with the error "Transition is not authorized because current issue's parent issue should be in one of the following statuses"
- Option 'Add to Starred' Not Available for Jira Company Managed Projects
- Allowed authentication methods for Jira & Azure DevOps integration
- Unable to find the IssueID and ParentID fields when importing parent-subtask relationships via External System Import - CSV
- Delete option is not available for inactive workflows
- 'Can't save your settings' Error when configuring 'Username mapping' for SAML SSO setup in Jira
- Jira linked issues relationships are inverted
- Transfer user data to another user, including Assigned Issue
- Internal server error when opening sprint report in Jira Cloud
- Sprint Burndown Chart Information Unable to Load Under Insights in Jira board
- How does the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant duplicate email check work?
- What type of project am I using?
- How Resolution Time is Calculated
- Wiki markup format is broken or not rendering as expected in Jira
- Duplicate epics on issue card under the board.
- Calendar feature in Jira software project does not display options to filter by "Release" and "Sprint".
- How to move issue to a new project and retain the version fields Affects Version/s and Fix Version/s
- グループ メンバーシップに基づいて課題のセキュリティ レベルを設定する方法
- "The magic didn't happen" error when creating Jira project
- How Jira suggests sprint names
- Bulk edit issues and copy the value of one field to another
- Sprint Start Date entry in Jira Audit log does not match with the Actual Sprint Date
- Audit Logs | "Atlassian-addons-project-access" is modified by "Jira" for projects
- 企業管理対象プロジェクトの権限
- Create a private Jira project only specific users can access
- JIRA Rest API session resource changes in JIRA cloud
- JCMA migration fails with Media Server Exception
- Unsuppress email address in Jira Cloud Software or Work Management projects
- JIRA is not displaying the Bitbucket repositories
- Duplicated Fields in Two Dimensional Statistics Gadget
- Unable to Update License due to Untrusted URL
- Retrieve data with Jira REST API in Automation to update issue fields
- Searching for hidden custom field values from JQL does not return any results
- Microsoft Teams 連携 - Jira Server から Jira Cloud への移行
- New issues are being created with the resolved date set
- When creating new issue project selection is getting reset on slack
- Unable to Invite Users(With Managed Accounts) to a New Site
- 特定の種類のカスタム フィールドのカスタム フィールド値を一括インポートする方法
- Working with incoming webhook data in Automation for Jira
- Columns are greyed out in the board - Team managed project
- How to Split Large Automation File into Small Files
- User can't complete sprint: How to know where the user is missing permissions?
- Sprints not showing up on the Scrum board
- How to Remove Members from Issue Security Levels in Jira
- How to add an attachment to a Jira Cloud issue using REST API?
- We can’t display the gadget. You may not have permission to see the data or the gadget is no longer supported.
- Prevent users from editing the ‘Issue Type’ from an issue
- DVCS Smart Commits are not working due to User not found by email
- Monday.com to Jira migration does not import all users
- Cannot change or delete filters owned by deactivated or deleted users in Jira Cloud
- Can't see target workflow as option when changing a Request Type's workflow on service projects
- Sprint management for projects appearing on multiple boards in Jira Cloud
- Encountering error during Subtask Updates via CSV Import in Jira Cloud
- Understanding Jira's Required Permissions for Slack Integration
- Jira Automation | Deleting attachments when clearing a custom Text Field (multi-line) containing attachments
- Epic- You can't edit the parent of the issue. Not able to edit/add parent from the existing task
- Getting error when adding attachment to the comment : We couldn't save your comment
- View the Sprint Report for team-managed projects in Jira Cloud
- Some issues in the calendar view are not visible
- JQL Search Not Returning Results for Dropdown Field Option
- One specific user is not getting Slack notifications triggered by Jira automation
- Automation for Jira: Updating User picker field "People" in Team managed project
- Bulk Change of Filter Owners in Jira Cloud
- Extract Project Information using Python and Atlassian API
- Change the Issue Colour through automation
- Duedate field cannot be set in the project
- Group name does not show up in filter share search page or global permissions page
- How to link a Confluence page on a Jira Cloud Issue via Rest API
- Error/Failure scenarios during import from Trello to Jira Cloud
- Unable to Delete Issue Type Despite Having Zero Active Issues in Instance
- JQL filter blocking timeline
- The grey 'commited' bar is not showing for Sprint via Velocity chart
- Remove additional spacing from the project backlog
- Issue Type Description Not Updated for Most Users
- Result of Get IssueType REST API call and issue types depicted on Jira UI has discrepancy
- If users are added to a user picker field,mention them in a comment using an automation rule.
- Jira Automation: Parent issue should be closed when all sub-tasks and linked issue close
- Unable to assign additional roles to users in a project
- User is unable to access the calendar view on the project sidebar
- Epic Issue Type neither displaying on board nor backlog.
- How to || Allow users/assignee to edit custom field(s) without the "Edit Issue" Permissions
- Jira Cloud for Outlook: AADSTS90015: Requested query string is too long
- Not getting notifications in Slack intermittently when someone tags on Jira Issues with @mention notification
- Test connection for the Incoming Mail Handler is failing with an error for re-authorization
- When using the quick search function to find issues with a certain keyword, all expected issues are not retrieved
- Warning during CSV import: Sprint id must be a number
- Resolving the 'Error retrieving ID token' in Jira Cloud for Outlook Add-On
- Specific Issue type is not visible on the board for the jira kanban project
- Jira automation rule to create multiple sub-tasks based on the file-name
- Error received when trying to save a workflow in the team managed Jira Project
- Jira Automation: Create two issues and link them together within one automation rule
- Issue count variation shown in Version Panel and Release Version view
- How to display a custom message on create screen when using a validator
- How to export the reporter's email for the issues returned in a JQL?
- Planned Start date field is not showing data in the Advanced Roadmap Plan view
- Create a rich text default value for a custom field
- How to grant permissions to specific users in a Jira Cloud Software project that has a shared permission scheme
- Optimizing Jira Incoming Email Comments: How to Truncate Older Messages and Add Only New Email Content
- Making the Parent field as mandatory/required field during the issue creation.
- Jira Epic issues have subtasks under them along with child issues
- Unable to select a custom field in the Two dimensional gadget
- CSV exported file from Jira search is resulting empty file
- Discrepancies between Velocity Report's commitment and the Sprint report's sum of Story points at the start of the sprint
- Unable to connect to Jira from Google Sheets add on
- Unable to access DVCS configuration page
- Field mapping issue between Jira and Zendesk Error Failed to save changes
- Error arises when using Affects versions in JQL.
- Drag an issue from Backlog to a Sprint( vice versa) throws an error message as "Something's gone wrong. Refresh the page and try again"
- Remaining time for sprint completion date on the Scrum board is not shown
- Why does Project lead Role does not appear to be selected in Workflow conditions?
- During transitioning getting error "Transition Failed - Add a comment" but no pop up shows up to add comment.
- Unable to create an issue from the backlog, however, the create button at the top functions correctly.
- Epics being assigned to Sprints when they shouldn't be
- Unable to see Fix Version field in Jira issue
- How to create a Label based Issue Security Level in Jira projects.
- Custom automation rule to copy 'Description' template set in add-on Default Values for 'Create Issue' screen
- Report latest 3 comments in log action using Automation for Jira
- Cloning an Issue with subtasks gives the error "Caught BatchUpdateException".
- Jira で制限つきコメントを追加する
- Linked issues not visible after linking.
- How to share a Dashboard or Filter (i.e. make it public / change its Viewers and Editor permissions)
- Jira automation rule to copy the value of the field label in the epic to its child issues
- Jira Automation Rule to Transition issue from status x to status y if all subtasks are resolved and ticket status has been over N days in status x
- Runbook: de-identification for Jira simulation testing
- Unable to move issues to a particular status(directly or through bulk move).
- Getting error while accessing the board due to TLS 1.3 hybridized Kyber flag configured at browser level
- Automatically replace some text in Summary,Description,Comments from the Jira issues in bulk
- Stuck loading on the splash screen when opening the JIRA plug-in within excel
- Not able to export Issues with all fields
- Users are unable to list or search some labels in Team managed (Next Gen) projects.
- Unable to add custom notifications for a project
- To set date type custom field via Automation rule when using JSON value {{now}} throws an error in Jira Product Discovery Project.
- How to track the number of sprints a Jira ticket has moved through
- Reauthorization of your incoming server, it is getting linked to your personal account
- Remaining time is not displaying accurately on the workload by assignee page
- How to get the count of updates made to the Start Date field in Jira issues.
- User is unable to edit the fields in the plan as the fields are greyed out.
- Calculate work logged by a specific user across multiple Jira Cloud issues
- Find what automation rules contain certain values (i.e. custom fields) using Python
- Display Epic completion percentage on Jira Dashboard
- Users are redirected to the "Timeline" application after a few seconds when attempting to work on an Epic issue type, and an error stating "License is expired" is displayed
- CSV import | Error after Importing CSV file in Jira cloud - Cannot add value [ [xxxx] ] to CustomField Parent Link in Issue with summary 'xxxx'
- Done Issues are Visible in the Backlog
- Workaround for per issue comment limits
- Jira automation: How to add newly created issues to the active/next sprint
- Integrity checks performed by Jira Cloud Mobile app as part of mobile app policy
- How to search for issues where the time spent is more than the original estimate?
- How to group by components in plans
- How to hide sub tasks on (Kanban/Backlog) view
- How to use Oauth2.0 in Postman client for Jira Cloud APIs
- How to configure webhooks in Jira for Freshworks
- Days Remaining in Sprint Gadget is throwing error "The requested board cannot be viewed because it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it."
- When configuring X-Ray for a new project, we encountered an error: "Error rendering web panel"
- "A3 BAD User is authenticated but not connected" error returned on the Test action when setting up a new Jira mail handler.
- What it is the Organization ID and where to find it
- Restricting clone permissions
- Create comment using CSV import on behalf of another author
- Error when adding a flag on issue - Jira cloud
- How to remove inactive users from the backlog?
- Unable to perform text search using "~" or "!~" when the text custom field is named as "External issue Id"
- Allow logging work in Jira issues while still using workflow property 'jira.issue.editable=false'
- The Jira Software board and backlog does not load across multiple projects (TMP and CMP)
- User getting notification from deactivated user in jira
- How to Associate a Single Issue Type with a different screen scheme and Workflow Scheme in a project
- REST API calls failing with error 4xx response code after Cloud site is renamed
- Actor permission error in automation execution log
- Celebrate accomplishments feature
- Next Status is unavailable to transition under the transition drop-down.
- Restrict the Public sharing of Dashboards and filters
- Altering a single workflow has an impact on all workflows and projects within the instance.
- How to add the "Type" tab to filter by issue types on a Board
- Sprint Health Gadget does not display Overall sprint progress OR does not display correct information.
- Dynamic update the Approval in Jira Work Management projects
- Estimation Bubble indicator showing zero values in the Backlog view for Team Managed project
- Jira Automation Rule to Auto Assign Issues Based on Role or Group
- How to Add Parent Key value in New issue view navigator.
- Unable to split issues due to field validator in the workflow.
- Automation: How to clone tasks/stories along with their sub-tasks
- The "+ Create" option is missing from Backlog
- What is the difference when you import the CSV file with issue key field mapping and without the issue key field mapping
- Health Check: Local backup security
- How to find out why an specific issue in not part of your plan
- How to find the details of the last Jira issue updated time and the total Jira issue count for all the projects
- Limitation with Jira workflow and how to convert it to Jira Software simplified workflow
- Configure your Jira instance to use a custom Agile framework
- During CSV import, the formatting of Description field contents gets removed.
- Creating a new column in a team managed project results in the board exceeding the limit of 5000 issues
- Error while importing Issue via CSV import: ERROR - Fatal error during import: Cannot invoke "com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue.getIssueType()" because "issue" is nul
- Top-level initiative issue type created automatically in the Jira Cloud site
- Unable to select Card Colors for Issue types
- Confluence page is not found when searching for it in order to create a link in the Jira ticket
- Setting Up a Custom Developer Console App to Connect Google Sheets to JSW Cloud API using OAuth 2.0 (3LO)
- Project Settings 'Notifications' screen fails to load.
- Optimizing Insights in Jira's Company-Managed Projects
- Users unable to create a table within a Jira Description field
- Gadget on shared Dashboard returns " could not be retrieved" error
- Visibility of the "Owner" field in the software project board settings
- Make Epics visible as issue cards
- How to get GitHub Actions details in Jira Cloud
- Keeping Custom Field Values in Sync Between Parent and Child Issues Using Automation for Jira
- Migrate a project from Jira Software to Jira Work Management(Business)
- How to mass delete issues in Jira
- Progress Bar is not shown for few Epics on the Timeline.
- Jira Cloud for Spreadsheets Accept button is disabled
- Search inconsistent with custom field type in the List, Timeline and Calendar view.
- JWM || The "Create issue" button is greyed out when attempting to create from the board view
- Unable to see the option view all on your work page
- Search for issues using JQL when summary has the numbers
- Fisheye and Crucible workflow conditions and gadgets will be removed from Jira Cloud on 24 July 2017
- Explaning the Ranking when creating issues from Planning Board and from outside of the Planning Board
- Error when creating subtask: "We couldn't create the subtask."
- Opening a ticket URL shows a different board in the Planning section unlike the relevant board
- Jira Issue Links in Github are redirecting to wrong JIRA site
- Python Script to fetch the Jira audit log data in CSV format
- Original Estimate and Remaining Estimate fields not visible in Issue View
- Integrating Github cloud with Jira cloud when Jira admin is not a Github organization owner
- Custom epics not appearing as expected on the board, backlog and timeline
- Cannot see watchers option on Slack notifications
- "Unable to update product access. Try again later." when granting access to a group
- I cannot find the System field Original Estimate in Jira Plans (Advanced Roadmaps)
- How to update Target start and Target end date field via CSV import.
- Limit the ability to clone issues from the parent, but permit it from the child issues.
- The JWM board only displays issue from a single issue type
- Jenkins for Jira add on reports no server connection
- Resolving Invisible Comments Issue in Jira Due to Incorrect Group-Level Settings
- Resolving the "We couldn't load this page" Error in Project Settings' Automation Link
- Unable to merge version
- Unable to change managed user details (Error: Cannot load user details)
- oAuth app throwing error Unauthorized; scope does not match
- Where to look for the Verification code of Google Sheets for Jira Cloud
- Create new stories/tasks and respective subtasks when the automation rule is triggered
- "Unable to parse date" error using CSV import in Jira Cloud
- Sprint field value is showing none
- Closed issues are automatically included in the sprints when creating a new sprint.
- Jira Admin unable to copy data to the sandboxes
- Automatically populating the value to a project on a Jira issue.
- Unable to add a label to issues in a Team-managed project
- Auto-population of Component value during issue creation in Jira Software boards
- Open a create modal screen when directly initiating the creation of a child issue from the parent.
- Unable to see all the projects listed under the dropdown when trying to share the filter
- How to fix the automation error when cloning/creating an issue and editing the Original Estimate field
- Where do "Contact Administrator" emails come from - Jira Cloud
- Getting error "Looks like the auth state is missing" while logging into JIRA from MS TEAMs
- Managing Components and Default Assignee selection in Jira Software Projects
- Display empty "Due Date" field for users without edit permission
- Error while issue creation: <Field Name>: Specify a valid value for the <Field Name>. The allowed values are, -1.
- Unable to start a Future Sprint
- New Issues are getting created with Resolution already set
- Add a child issue button missing from within the Epic view even if Issue Hierarchy is correct
- Why a group of users get access to the project by default upon creation, even though they are not part of the project?
- "Unable to parse request. [null] is missing" 400 error when using Update Workflow REST API
- Setup OAuth Custom Mail Handler when using SSO
- Done or resolved issues are still shown as incomplete when closing sprints
- Transfer products option is grayed out on the Organization
- Users are not able to add flag to the issue
- Download large Jira backup files using cURL
- How to integrate Jira Cloud with MS Excel add-in
- How to restrict the creation of an issue based on issuetype
- How to generate evaluation licenses for Jira apps
- Jira Software でボードにアクセスすると権限エラーが表示される
- The e-mails sent from Jira Automation or Filter Subscriptions are in a bad format
- How to automatically popule the value to a field on a Jira issue and make the field non-editable once the value is set
- Resend Invites shows a Locked Icon
- Deprecation of HipChat on Post Functions in Workflows on Jira Cloud
- Data mismatch while comparing development data between Production and Sandbox - Github
- How to retrieve the filter subscription information from the Jira Server database
- Unable to find the field while creating a Jira issue even though the field is added to the create issue screen
- How to: Setup the user picker custom field should exclusively display only one default user
- Update the Original Estimate field for Jira issues in bulk
- Not seeing Development panel for some projects
- Not able to delete Attachments on a JIRA issue
- Hide Epics in Jira board while showing them in Timeline view
- Missing option to Create Branch in Bitbucket server from Jira ticket
- Bulk importing issues from CSV with limited context custom fields
- Restrict access to certain Jira issues based on the value of a custom field
- Unable to install marketplace apps in OneAtlassian site
- How does Jira allocate a priority to a Jira ticket if no default priority is set?
- Restrict sub-task creation until the Parent is in a specific status
- Existing project doesn't appear in the dropdown menu while creating a board
- Projected Sprints in Advance Roadmap
- Email fields gets "no subfield found" when using Jira Cloud for Sheets
- Warning in transition rule of a workflow of Team-managed project.
- Unable to Save workflow due to "you cannot change the association between step and status" error response
- Why do IDs of all components in an Automation rule change when rule is updated?
- How to use transition names as an automation trigger
- Jira 通知の送信者名を変更する方法
- Use Automation to edit link formatting on Paragraph Fields
- Email Gateway Provider setup for DMARC/SPF/DKIM to handle incoming email from Atlassian
- User gets an error - Jira Cloud /Atlassian needs permission to access resources in your organisation, when setting an office 365 account as an incoming mail server
- Incorrect date/time format in exported issues
- How to move start and end dates of issues with its dependant issues in the project timeline
- Runbook - Site export for simulation testing
- CSV import fails with the error: The specified author is not a user
- Duplicate Statuses show up in ShowConstantsHelp.jspa
- The Rest API call to retrieve the status transitions on JWM Team-managed projects fetches incorrect transition names
- Upgraded app shows Installed but incompatible in Jira
- Possible causes to error: "You don’t have permission to transition this issue/ticket"
- Close duplicate issues with automation
- How to: Identify field related information such as field name, custom field ID, context information, etc via Jira Cloud Rest API
- Error editing issues in Automation - <IssueID> (Specify a valid 'id' or 'key' for Test Project (customfield_10074))
- Backup import failing with error "Error processing user emails CSV"
- An "Unexpected" error in "Manage apps" menu - requests to Marketplace are being blocked by a proxy/firewall from customer's environment
- Unable to perform the copy operation for the workflow
- New Github organization does not show under project toolchain
- Make it mandatory to enter the Time Spent during transition
- Automation for Jira における低速なルール実行のトラブルシューティング
- Scope of automation rule showing project ID instead of name
- Cannot add member to Teams
- Unable to create a Github branch after creating a repository in Jira
- How to copy a version from a project to another project
- Order of Operations for JQL
- Reset Jira data for the sites billed under the new billing engine.
- Create branch shows duplicate options for the same bitbucket server connection
- Receiving 'Ticket Not Resolved After Due Date' Alert Despite Ticket being Resolution.
- Why can't I see certain fields on the view issue screen in Jira?
- Access Denied for app
- Sharing Jira filter with a user group via API fails with error "You do not have permission to share with Group"
- Unable to view the email address of a few of the users in the People section.
- Jira Work Management Automation rule executions are not counted towards the product with the highest limit
- How to Pull long date(eg: February 20, 2023) from Summary of an issue using Jira Automation
- Troubleshooting required-field errors
- Jira Automation - Auto Increment counter and assign issue field value when a new Issue is created
- How to search using statusCategory() & statusCategoryChangedDate() function with JQL
- Smart commits performed from Github are not updating Jira cloud issues as expected
- How to Get API tokens from all Managed Accounts using REST API
- Unable to change the 'Default assignee' field
- Simulation Testing - Customer Communication
- How to find an issue security level value when setting issue security via automation
- Dashboard for users to see the previously assigned issues which are still in progress in Jira Cloud
- Can't claim or unclaim account added to a CSV file
- Adding a field to the Issue Creation widget and making it mandatory
- Top 15 Projects with the Highest Number of Tickets during last 30 days
- Team Field is not visible in the subtask issue view screen
- Unable to integrate Slack with Jira project
- Github PR status not updated in Jira development panel
- How to use "Current issue vs Trigger Issue" for "Create or Edit Issue" action in the Jira automation
- Epic does not show issue count in epic panel
- Understanding how project permissions affect project visibility in Jira Cloud
- JQL to fetch Issues in scrum board Backlog and not part of Sprint
- How to prompt a required field when transitioning the status of an issue
- Jira Cloud - Bitbucket Cloud | Getting error "Repository not Found" when getting redirected to commit/PR/branch from JIRA Ticket
- Importing attachments stored in Google Drive into Jira Cloud using CSV External System Importer
- Jira cloud for excel add-in does not load on desktop and JIRA.JQL function changed
- Issue types in this board and project don't match
- Deployment Information is not available in Jira from Gitlab
- Can the new issue links related to Polaris be deleted
- How to return issues from a JQL query using REST API
- Unable to see the Epic name in the Transition screen of a project workflow
- Discrepancy in the data story points summary counter on the top right of the sprint.
- Cloning Issues in Jira: Preventing Notification to the Reporter.
- Release button is greyed out for Project/board admins.
- How to Copy "Original Estimate" to "Remaining Estimate" when Original Estimate is modified on a JIRA Issue
- Apps fail to automatically update because it needs your permission first
- How to update board administrators through REST API
- How to enable/disable the "Epic Panel" from a board through REST API
- How to set Estimation statistics and Time tracking estimation in the Sprint Burndown Gadget
- Copy Value From Other Field in Post-function does not show the custom field
- Unable to see Issues in the 'Your Work' dropdown list under the "Assigned to me" tab.
- API tokens are revoked automatically when used in public spaces
- Creating and granting edit permission for Filters in Team Managed Projects via REST API
- Toolchain does not show bitbucket cloud repositories
- Automation Rule | When the value in a User picker field on an Epic changes, the Assignee should be replaced with that user. Change in Assignee should be conditionally reflected in the Child issues.
- Adding the process to Approve Jira issues with the help of the workflow
- "Something's wrong, our team has been notified, if the problem persists please contact atlassian support" message seen when trying to access "Slack integration" from one of the projects in Jira Cloud.
- How to use RSS feed available from Manage apps audit logs
- Automation Rule Failures with "Required Field" on Issue Creation via Advanced Roadmap Plans
- Validation error when performing worklog field update via CSV import when the value is in seconds format
- Cloned ticket is not linked to the Parent
- JQL to get issues that have same reporter and assignee
- Add-on Atlas for Jira Cloud app | Disable "Linked Goals " button from Issue on Jira cloud
- Blank space in email sent via Jira Automation while using tables in issue description
- Non-admin users able to install app in jira site
- Unable to view the time spent rollup from the subtasks for the story in the CSV export.
- Update "Resolved date" for the resolved issues in Jira Cloud
- Steps for clearing unsaved data from the Description field without saving the data.
- We couldn’t save your changes error when trying to update Issue layout in Team-managed project.
- akhan:Smart Values do not show the users timezone
- Group by Sprint on Advanced Roadmaps (Portfolio) showing only Unassigned
- Unable to invite user, restore access or add a user to a group with error: Action could not be performed because you've reached the maximum number of users for your plan. Upgrade to grow your team.
- JQL to fetching issues that have been in a specific status for longer than 3 days.
- How to set the contributors field in the version releases page.
- Kanban boards is not displaying swimlanes based on Stories
- Unable to install/use the sentry (On-prem) with JIRA Cloud via the Atlassian marketplace addon
- How to find Cloud Site Id
- Unknown organisation showing in User management
- Atlassian cloud - Details around Atlassian account lockout policy
- Unable to drag and drop issues between the columns on the board
- Epic panel is not shown in the board view of a Team-managed project.
- After renaming existing issue type, old issue name is still shown on the issue create drop down menu
- Done/completed epics are still visible on Kanban board
- CSV Import| Post mapping the issue field with External system import feature "Next" button has greyed out
- How to retain field data such as Fix Versions, Repository data(Bitbucket/Github) & Custom Fields when migrating from Team-Managed project to Company Managed or vice versa
- Verifying if a URL name has been used when creating/renaming a Cloud site
- Move issues from Team managed project to company managed project with Epic and child issues
- Jira Charting, Jira Calendar and JIRA Toolkit Plugins in cloud
- User 'User' is not valid for this user picker while creating Jira Issue
- Epic Panel under Scrum board backlog is showing incorrect number of child issues
- Attachments lost after editing Description Field or Multi Line Text Field
- Find list of issues where attachments are added and their size is greater than 'xx'MB
- How to make a field mandatory based on a selection made in another field.
- CSV Import: Error when importing issues into a project <"Issue Creation Failed: User (displayname) doesn't exist">
- Jira & Github integration - Custom environment names does not show up in Releases Panel and instead show "Undefined Environment"
- Unable to create new Jira issues via Incoming Mail Handler due to workflow configuration changes
- Automation for Jira: Priority set within the rule is not copied when issue is cloned to another project
- Authorization error seen when using Jira Cloud for Google Sheets addon - Error 400: admin_policy_enforced
- Unable to view child issues under an Epic when using Jira Software Roadmaps
- Troubleshooting verification code for Microsoft Excel export - blocked WebSocket protocol
- Unable to delete some workflow statuses such as Backlog, Deployment, etc in Jira cloud
- Only private option available while sharing viewer permission for Dashboards and Filters
- Automation for Jira: 自動化ルールの監査ログで不明なエラーの根本原因を特定する方法
- Cannot Link to Confluence Space while creating a new project and option is greyed out.
- Issue description or comment for the html code not rendered properly.
- Create Jira ticket via sending email only to catch email address in Mail Handlers
- Atlas for Jira Cloud does not display Atlas project information under context fields
- User Name and User Avatars are visible in JQL from 'Issue Panel' search but not in 'Advanced Search'
- Get list all the statuses used in all the active workflows from database
- Network Error while connecting JIRA Cloud to on-prem Server Using Application Link
- Adding default description in company managed project
- Fixing issues from Sprint created in different original board
- Unable to Save Workflow Schemes when associated with Projects moved to Trash
- Mentioning a user in comments shows the Atlassian Account ID instead of the Atlassian display name.
- Can’t access/view the attachment after importing CSV file.
- ScriptRunner Behavior can Prevent New Values from Appearing within an Existing Custom Field
- How to set Epic Name field to be the same as Summary on the Epic creating screen by default.
- Can't delete attachments from Jira tickets
- How to show/hide completed epics in the 'Epic Link' dropdown list
- The Jira server could not be contacted. This may be a temporary glitch or the server may be down
- Searching for users using Basic Search gives an error message
- JWM Board is loading as Empty Board
- How To Bulk Remove User Access From Jira During Maintenance Or For Test Instances
- Badges with numbers on a board does not represent the sprint value
- Why my JQL search with "not in" or "!=" (not equals) operators has issues missing
- Issue's status is not updated after it is transitioned
- What happens to PLAN data when subscription is changed?
- Translating the priority field
- Translating the resolution field
- Issue Types translation
- Velocity reports resetting the completed story points to 0 on all closed sprints on Team-managed projects
- 再インデックスを行わないと特定のタイプの新しい課題を検索できない
- Disable team-managed projects in Jira cloud
- Entering and Exiting Daylight Saving (DST) in JIRA
- Update status for a workflow associated with huge number of issue keys in Jira Cloud
- Smart Links for Confluence Server in Jira Cloud
- Active Directory User Filter Does Not Search Nested Groups
- Issue are "Flagged" upon issue creation
- Can't copy value from custom field to a specific field via Automation for Jira action
- JIRA Webhooks stopped working
- Using wildcards in JQL search leads to errors
- Unable to edit/delete "All users from G Suite" group
- Unable to change Jira Workflow due to migration error
- Cannot find issue on project board when created using RestAPI
- Error linking Jira Cloud and Confluence Cloud
- Automatically create tasks for other Teams/Projects
- How to restrict the assignment of issues that are already assigned to someone
- Working day calculation while starting Sprint in Jira Cloud
- I've received an email from Atlassian regarding data loss.
- Why are there entries in the Admin Hub's Audit Log from other products/site have been transferred across to my current organization?
- Alternative to Jira Auto watch
- JQL developmentcommits.all not working
- Ranking is not possible due to internal server error
- How to make logging hours field mandatory in Team-managed project?
- User cannot log into Atlassian cloud with error - "The signed in user is blocked".
- Post Function/Automation fails to copy the field value from one field to another field
- Date and Time fields format is displayed incorrectly on issue view
- The email request received on Jira Service Desk displays the content in a non-readable format
- How to make worklog mandatory in team-managed projects before transitioning to another status
- Unable to create project in jira
- Change the "From" header of emails sent from ScriptRunner For Jira
- When creating a new issue, you receive the error message Approver: Pick another user as the selected user doesn't exist.
- The API call /rest/api/2/myself fetches a incorrect user timezone when executing from Tempo add-on
- System fields are referenced by field ID in filters and JQL searches
- Unable to install any Atlassian Marketplace app in Jira Cloud
- The values for custom fields does not show for some projects under Issue Search
- Unable to create or link Confluence space from Jira Project pages
- Is it possible to use Static IP for a cloud instance?
- Filter owner unable to edit or save filter
- 各プロジェクトの課題数と最終更新時刻を取得する方法
- Issue with JQL Query when use "empty" criteria on fix version.
- A few tickets are assigned to the person who views it
- Installation of Add-ons/ Apps not possible since migration to cloud
- Irrelevant column displayed in Two Dimensional Filter Dashboard Gadget
- Trusted user on site cannot access Administration portal(to invite users), as it is supposed to be.
- Notification Alerts When Making Changes to Organizational Administrators for Atlassian Cloud
- Assignee list pop-up is not appearing for sub-tasks when viewing from the Parent tasks in Jira
- Issues created gets unassigned intermittently, despite having "Default Assignee" set for the project
- "Create backup for server" button greyed out
- Hide option 'Connect Slack Channel' in issue view
- How to copy comments (and format) from one site to another
- Unable to login to the browser with an error : We couldn't log you in
- Jira ignores field when creating an issue
- Unable to upload a new project avatar from the local machine.
- Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA) Error: Please remove these share permissions and re-create them after migration
- Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA) Error: You must have more than one Board Administrator
- Recently updated Jira KB articles (Cloud)
- Backup Progression check using Automation for Jira
- GitHub pull request always shown Open in the Jira issue
- Fix versions field disappear in the new issue view
- Jira fails to shutdown due to insufficient memory for the JRE
- G Suite sync fails with Unexpected error and "Your userbase might be out of date"
- How to programmatically update Issues from a JQL using REST API in Jira
- Condition failed because one or more issues failed to index in time
- Removing rate limits for Atlassian cloud products integrated with Jira
- CSV ファイルを使って Jira Cloud アプリケーションに添付ファイルをインポートする
- Removing unsupported external gadgets from JIRA Cloud
- User management REST API changes in JIRA Cloud
- User default Page Size set to '0'
- Removal of custom fields provided by JIRA Suite Utilities plugin from JIRA Cloud
- Unable to activate add-on trial in JIRA Manage Add-ons Page - User Permissions
- Release Burndown report shows total Story Points mismatch
- サポートにお問い合わせ
- アトラシアン コミュニティまたはアトラシアン開発者コミュニティをご覧ください
- 開発者サポート サービス デスク
- カスタム リクエストのためにアトラシアン パートナーをお探しですか?
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