CSV import| Import multiple project key using CSV import.
プラットフォームについて: Cloud のみ - この記事は クラウド プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品に適用されます。
Frequently, we encounter scenarios where there's a need to import issues into several projects simultaneously. For such instances, the CSV import feature from "External System Import" proves to be incredibly useful. This article serves as an extension of the document and delves into detailed steps for importing issues across multiple projects. Additionally, it addresses situations where you might notice the Project key field is missing during the field mapping process.
Jira Cloud
To import issues into multiple projects, you should opt for the "defined in CSV" option instead of selecting a specific project during the import process. This approach ensures that the Project Key specified in your CSV file is respected.
Here's a detailed demonstration of how to do this: Screen Recording 2024-03-11 at 11.35.36 AM.mp4.
If you encounter issues with mapping due to an absent Project Key, it could stem from one of two scenarios:
You may have initiated the import through "Issue search/Project issue search > Import Issues from CSV." Since the project key functions as a system field, it becomes mappable only when starting an import via External System Import.
It's possible that you chose a single project for importing your CSV data, rather than selecting "Defined in CSV," which is necessary for importing issues across multiple projects.