JIRA Webhooks stopped working


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Jira webhooks configured stopped working and the call might work when you hit endpoint using postman or any similar applications.


Applies for any version


    • You might notice that the Webhooks configured in your Jira are not working properly. For example, a webhook configured to update Servicenow whenever an issue is updated in Jira will not be updating the Servicenow ticket.

    • The API call will work if you try to hit the Servicenow endpoint using Postman.
    • If you enable the com.atlassian.webhooks debugging, on checking the logs, you will see that the Webhook has been sent out from Jira successfully.

      2022-05-10 08:16:52,136+0000 httpclient-callbacks:thread-143 DEBUG anonymous     [c.a.webhooks.plugin.PublishTaskFactoryImpl$PublishTaskImpl] WebHook successfully sent


This could be happening because Jira is decoding the UTF-8 based url using a non UTF-8 decoder. Basically Jira is decoding the Token from the callback URL generated from ServiceNow using a non UTF-8 decoder, this is causing issues while Servicenow checks for the token received in the query params from Jira after hitting the callback URL. Eventually, Authentication is failing with Bad Token error at Servicenow/the target application end.


  • Go to $JIRA_INSTALL folder/conf/server.xml file to check the Connectors in Jira. 
  • Check if the connectors has URIEncoding="UTF-8" property added to it. 
  • Sometimes the encoding would have been changed to something different like URIEncoding="ISO-8859-X", also if nothing is specified the encoding used by tomcat would be ISO-8859.
  • Edit the Server.xml file and add the UTF-8 value to encoding.

  • Jira を再起動します。

NOTE : Depending on the reverse proxy settings, there might be multiple connectors where you have to update the parameter.

最終更新日 2022 年 11 月 9 日


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