Display Epic completion percentage on Jira Dashboard


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This page explains how we can create an automation rule to capture Epic completion percentage and save this value in a custom field. This can be used to show it on a dashboard gadget for all the epics in a project.


  • Create a custom field of type Text Field (single line) and lets say it as Epic Completion and add it to relevant screens used by Epic Issuetype.
  • Create an automation rule and add Issue transitioned trigger. Select Done status in "To Status" dropdown.
    Note: We can use any other status which is considered as Closed on your project.
  • Add a JQL Condition and use below query to execute this rule only for issues in hierarchyLevel = 0 (Story, Task, Bug etc).

    hierarchyLevel = 0 AND Parent is not Empty
  • Add a Lookup Issue action with below query to get issue under an epic.

    Parent = {{issue.epic.key}}
  • Create a variable to save total counts of Issues under an epic.

    Variable Name: varTotalCountSmart 
    Smart Value: {{lookupIssues.size|0}}
  • Add another Lookup Issue action with below query to get Done issues  under an epic.

    Parent = {{issue.epic.key}} AND status = Done

  • Create another variable to save total count of completed issue under the Epic.

    Variable Name: varDoneCount
    Smart Value: {{lookupIssues.size|0}}

  • Add a Branch rule/related issues and select Parent. Under this branch create a variable to calculate and save epic completion percentage.

    Variable Name: varEpicCompletion
    Smart Value: {{#=}}{{varDoneCount.asNumber}}/{{varTotalCountSmart.asNumber}}* 100 {{/}}
  • Add an Edit Issue action and select the custom field created in first step. Use below smart value to update the custom field value. 



  • Create JQL filter to get all epics from the project.

    Project = ABC and Issuetype = Epic

  • Add a Filter Results gadget on a dashboard and select the create filter. Select the Epic Completion field to view it in the filter result gadget.

最終更新日 2024 年 7 月 10 日


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