Keep issue parent-child mapping during CSV import to Jira Cloud


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When a CSV import is performed in Jira, we usually lose Parent-child relationships between imported issues, but the links can be maintained.

Previous versions of this article made reference to the "Epic Link" field. This KB has been updated as of April 2024 to reflect the changes in regards to the Deprecation of the Epic Link and Epic Name fields.  Going forward, the Parent field should be used in place of Epic Link in Jira Cloud.

Confirm proper formatting in the CSV file

Issue relationships are usually lost because of issue order in the CSV file and/or improper mapping of the parent and child during the import process. 

First, make sure the exported CSV file contains at least the following columns for the parent-child mapping:

 Issue type, Issue key, Issue ID, Summary, Parent

Next, confirm the file has all issues listed in order of their hierarchy. 

That is, the topmost rows of the CSV must list all the Highest hierarchy issue types, with subsequent rows including the Standard issue types, and finally the Sub-task types. 

Demonstration of a properly ordered CSV file


Initiatives and other higher levels


Standard issue types (Story, Bug, task, etc.)




Map issue IDs using the Parent field in the CSV file

For the parent→child relationship to work, copy the Issue ID of the parent issue and paste it in the Parent column of the the Child issue.

After making the above changes, the Issue Type mappings should look as per the below sample screenshot.

Example of Issue ID mapping

Example CSV With the following layout:

NOTE The ID's used are place holder numbers. They can be any number but each issue must have a unique ID.

issuetype課題キーステータス要約issue idparent
テーマtest-123作業前Example theme summary1
initiativetest-124作業前Example initiative summary21
エピックtest-125作業前Epic with parent and no child story but 1 sub-task and parent Initiative32
エピックtest-126作業前This is an epic with 1 story and 1 bug as child issues mapped4
ストーリーtest-127作業前Example story 1 Summary no child issue mapped5
ストーリーtest-128作業前Example story with 1 child sub-task mapped, and a parent epic is mapped64
バグtest-129作業前bug with 1 child sub-task1065894
サブタスクtest-130作業前subtask 176
サブタスクtest-131作業前subtask 28106589
サブタスクtest-132作業前Subtask 393

As Raw text in CSV formatting:

issue type,issue key,status,summary,issue id,parent
Theme,test-123,To Do,Example theme summary,1,
initiative,test-124,To Do,Example initiative summary,2,1
Epic,test-125,To Do,Epic with parent and no child story but 1 sub-task and parent Inititive,3,2
Epic,test-126,To Do,This is an epic with 1 story and 1 bug as child issues mapped,4,
Story,test-127,To Do,Example story 1 Summary no child issue mapped,5,
Story,test-128,To Do,"Example story with 1 child sub-task mapped, and a parent epic is mapped",6,4
Bug,test-129,To Do,bug with 1 child sub-task ,106589,4
sub-task,test-130,To Do,subtask 1,7,6
sub-task,test-131,To Do,subtask 2,8,106589
sub-task,test-132,To Do,Subtask 3,9,3

In the above table, we have used the "Issue Key" column only for a better visual understanding of the table. When the issues are imported into the destination project, they will be assigned a new issue number (based on the issue counter on the destination project) and the destination project key. For example, if we import the above issues to a destination project which has the project key "CSV", and no pre existing issues, then these newly imported issues will have the issue key as CSV-1,  CSV-2, ... etc.

The CSV file is now ready for import. 

Import the CSV file to Jira

  1. Select Settings (cog icon) > System
  2. Navigate to External system import under the "Import and export" heading
  3. Select Switch to the old experience
  4. Select CSV
  5. Select "Choose File" and navigate to the file via your machine's file explorer 
  6. Once uploaded, select Next
  7. Select the destination project where you want the issues to be imported from the CSV file
    1. Unless you made custom changes to any additional date and time fields or email address fields, leave formatting as default 
  8. Map the CSV fields with the corresponding Jira fields as below:
    1. Issue id → Issue id
    2. Issue key → Issue Key
    3. issue type → Issue Type
    4. parent → Parent
    5. status → Status
    6. summary → Summary
    7. You can also reference below sample screenshot
      screenshot of jira csv importer. the fields are mapped to match between the file and the destination jira field.
  9. Select Next
  10. Verify status values map to your desired statuses in Jira
    1. For example, that the "To Do" status maps to the relevant status in your desired project
  11. Select Begin import

During CSV import, you can also include any other custom fields you wish in the CSV file and import them along with the correct parent-child mapping.

Demonstration of post-import results

If we imported our example issues as listed above, the end result would look like the below screenshot.

 screenshot of jira issue search. issues have been imported to match the above examples.

最終更新日: 2025 年 1 月 10 日


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