Runbook: de-identification for Jira simulation testing


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。



This page establishes process for executing the De-identification tool for Jira simulation testing, and sharing the generated artifacts with the Atlassian.


  • Sign the consent form for joining the Life-Like Tenant program
  • Create a support request. Select the type "Technical Issues and Bugs" and title as "Jira Simulation testing"

  • IMPORTANT   Reply to the initial email thread or any communication channel with the ticket ID you receive. This will be used as the ongoing communication with the Jira simulation team.
  • Create Jira server backup, please create using Site export for Jira simulation testing   it might take up to 2 days to complete the process depending on your data size.

Technical requirements:

De-identify your data using Jira Mystique tool | Download & Run Steps

  • Open a command prompt and navigate to the location of the Jira backup ZIP. Unzip the backup using below reference command.
  • Create a temporary directory mystique  under backup directory, (In case of any permission error please re-run with sudo)
mkdir -p /var/atlassian/application-data/jira/export/mystique
  • Set the MYSTIQUE_HOME variable to  /var/atlassian/application-data/jira/export/mystique , below reference command is for Linux,
export MYSTIQUE_HOME="/var/atlassian/application-data/jira/export/mystique" >> /etc/environment
  • Download  jira-mystique-cli Jar from here, Once downloaded add to the MYSTIQUE_HOME directory.
  • Run jira-mystique-cli command with the following arguments.
    This command will create the de-identified XML based on the backup file. It can take several hours depending on the file size. As an indication, a backup file of 200GB it may take 1.5h to complete.

    java -jar --add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED jira-mystique-cli-<VERSION>.jar anonymize --entities-xml /var/atlassian/application-data/jira/export/entities.xml --activeobjects-xml /var/atlassian/application-data/jira/export/activeobjects.xml --compress true

    Note : Update the version mentioned in the Jar which was downloaded from above link.

  • When the tool has successfully completed the following log message will appear:

    INFO CommandContextExecutor Command completed: OK

Errors and Troubleshooting

If mystique is unable to execute successfully please send all logs from MYSTIQUE_HOME/logs to Atlassian. See section “Transfer the files to Atlassian” for instructions.

Review de-identified data

  1. Review the generated de-identified XML located at MYSTIQUE_HOME/data/generated-entities.xml and MYSTIQUE_HOME/data/generated-activeobjects.xml. Sanitise the data if needed.

  2. Review the process metrics stored in MYSTIQUE_HOME/data/metrics

    1. This folder contains QuestDb files with information related to process metrics.

  3. Review logs stored at MYSTIQUE_HOME/logs. Sharing these helps us improve Mystique.

    • The logs folder will have 2 files:

      • session.log - containing information about the process runs, errors etc.

      • session-metrics.log - this file will be empty.

  4. Share the generated tar file located at MYSTIQUE_HOME/<SESSION_NAME>.tar.zst to Atlassian.

Transferring the files to Atlassian

Please refer these guidelines - How to Transfer Large Files to Atlassian | Atlassian Support | Atlassian Documentation when transferring any files to Atlassian.

Cleanup checklist

All execution artefacts can be found at var/atlassian/application-data/jira/export/mystique.
We recommend keeping them for ~3 weeks in the event Atlassian needs to troubleshoot or assist further.

最終更新日 2024 年 8 月 12 日


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