Searching for hidden custom field values from JQL does not return any results
プラットフォームについて: Cloud のみ - この記事は クラウド プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品に適用されます。
When performing an advanced search using JQL for a custom field that is hidden, it does not return any values/results.
The reason why we do not see such field values while searching:
The field is marked hidden from the field configuration section.
The option to hide will remove the field value from the issue view screen and the Issue navigator page.
- A hidden field is also removed from the index, which can help in the index size and indexing time. See Optimizing custom fields for more background.
- Automation rule cannot be used to retrieve these results as this also uses the same JQL for returning the values, so a field must be present in the screen even to retrieve them.
Reason for this behavior
- The main reason why we did not provide the option in JQL is that all users in the project have permission to search issues in the issue navigator, so if we allow the permission to display these fields, then any user can search for this field from the issue navigator(advanced issue search). Hence we have hidden it everywhere.
The only way to be able to search for these field values are by any of the below options
- Configuring the field to show in the issue view again while you want to see the results. You can choose to hide the field again.
- Must be checked in Jira DB (if server version), see documentation for query examples
最終更新日 2024 年 11 月 14 日
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