Why my JQL search with "not in" or "!=" (not equals) operators has issues missing


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When performing a JQL search for issues not in a category or without a label, for example, using the "not in" or "!=" (not equals) operators, some are left out.


Some fields in Jira are actually relationships. When we tell JQL something like:

assignee not in ("user1","user2")

As described in Advanced search reference - JQL operators, what Jira really understands is: "to get all issues with assignees different from user1 and user2". The result is that unassigned issues will not show up.

Likewise, the query below brings issues with labels that are different from "important".

project = "My Project" and labels != important 


All we have to do is add  is EMPTY with an or statement. Taking the examples from above:

assignee not in ("user1","user2") or assignee is EMPTY

In the labels example:

project = "My Project" and (labels != important or labels is EMPTY)

最終更新日: 2023 年 2 月 2 日


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