Unable to upload a new project avatar from the local machine.
プラットフォームについて: Cloud のみ - この記事は クラウド プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品に適用されます。
When trying to upload a new project avatar from the local machine, we see an error.
Occurs on all the projects on the cloud site. The below error message can be seen from Browser dev tools:
Cannot attach file <file_name>: The image uploaded_avatar is too big. The maximum allowed upload size is 0.0 kB.
The Attachment size set to 0.0 KB from the System > Attachments
Increase the attachment size to 1GB which is the default. The maximum size allowed for an attachment is 2GB.
最終更新日 2021 年 9 月 9 日
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