Add-Ons App Got Disabled/Enabled By Anonymous User


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プラットフォームについて: Cloud のみ - この記事は クラウド プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品に適用されます。



When the admin user checked the Managed Apps audit log, the user sees that Add-on app has been installed/Disabled or even enabled by anonymous User.


  • クラウド


At the moment, this is a known behaviour in Jira.

Typically, the anonymous entries relate to system update events when there are updates for pre-existing add-ons.  The Marketplace (app) Audit Logs will show anonymous for a few different reasons:

  • This occurs when an app is installed from the backend by the system because a purchase order for the app was submitted. The user information is not shown correctly on the UI and appears as anonymous.
  • Whenever there is an automatic update of the plugin from the Jira side, the plugin would still show anonymous instead of the detailed message.
  • Sometimes apps will be installed by anonymous if the app is a Connected App.

Although non-admin users are unable to install apps through the Marketplace, it is still possible for these users to grant access to certain apps directly when initiated from the external apps UI. When the user clicks on a Jira link from within that app, they are prompted to grant the app access to your Jira site. These apps are Connected Apps which you can view and manage from the link above. 

At this time we do have the following open feature requests to better handle this situation and you can view them here: 

The common questions:

Could you please let us know the reason why was it disabled?

When an update takes place it shows anonymous because it is coming from 3rd party, generally, during an update the app should continue to work BUT can happen might be some momentaneous blocker,
If the users want to ensure there was a release on the X date, they can ask for more details from the 3rd party app from their support page.

If an app upgrade taken a place, is there a way for admins to be notified e.g. by email?

Unfortunately, there is no standard way of doing this. In the best case, the user can watch for upgrades for an app on Marketplace. It will notify them whenever a new version is available (for example, for Xray on this page close to the bottom you can see “Watch App (976)” But the "when" and "if it gets upgraded" on your instance will vary. 

Can site admins control the upgrade timing?

Unfortunately, it is not possible. Checking for updates is done once every 24 hours. Roughly, it is at midnight. Some randomization is added to the time to ensure that not all instances overload our servers for update checks simultaneously. 

During an app upgrade, is there a period when the app is not functioning (assuming the upgrade works)?
From the logs, we see X seconds between the start and end of the upgrade.

Generally, an app update should not cause a stop of functionality. However, for this matter, the third-party app vendor can better clarify the dynamic of the type of release and if it impacts the functionality during that lapse of time of the update. Was it one time, or did it happen often?

最終更新日: 2025 年 1 月 28 日


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