アプリケーション リンクのバージョン マトリクス

The table below shows the version of the Application Links plugin that is bundled with the versions of the listed Atlassian products.


  • The Application Links plugin is bundled – you don't need to install it into any product.
  • You can link between products that bundle different versions of the Application Links plugin (except as indicated below).
  • Application Links v5.0.5, and later versions, includes built-in diagnostics

Jump to Bamboo, Crowd, Crucible, Fisheye.

AppLinks 10.1.12

Confluence 9.3

Jira 10.5 プラットフォーム

AppLinks 10.1.8

Bitbucket Data Center 9.5

Bitbucket Data Center 9.4

Jira 10.4 プラットフォーム

AppLinks 10.1.6
Confluence 9.2

Jira 10.2 プラットフォーム

Jira 10.3 プラットフォーム

AppLinks 10.1.2
Confluence 9.1

AppLinks 10.0.16

Jira 10.1 プラットフォーム

AppLinks 10.0.15

Bitbucket Data Center 9.3

Bitbucket Data Center 9.2

Confluence 9.0

Jira 9.17 プラットフォーム

AppLinks 10.0.13Bitbucket Data Center 9.0

AppLinks 9.2.3

Jira Software 9.17 platform

Jira Software 9.16 platform

AppLinks 9.2.2Bitbucket Data Center 8.19

Confluence 8.9

Jira Software 9.15 platform
AppLinks 9.2.1

Confluence 8.8

AppLinks 9.1.6

Jira 9.14 プラットフォーム
AppLinks 9.1.4

Bitbucket Data Center 8.18

Bitbucket Data Center 8.17

Bitbucket Data Center 8.16

Confluence 8.7

Confluence 8.6
Confluence 8.5

Jira 9.13 プラットフォーム
AppLinks 9.1.1
Confluence 8.4
AppLinks 9.0.15

Jira 9.12 プラットフォーム

Jira 9.11 プラットフォーム

Jira 9.10 プラットフォーム

AppLinks 9.0.14
Confluence 8.3
Confluence 8.2
Jira 9.9 プラットフォーム
AppLinks 9.0.13

Bitbucket Data Center 8.15
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.14
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.13
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.12
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.11
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.10
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.9

Jira 9.8 プラットフォーム

Jira 9.7 プラットフォーム

AppLinks 9.0.10Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.8
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.7

AppLinks 9.0.8

Confluence 8.1
Confluence 8.0

Jira 9.6 プラットフォーム
AppLinks 9.0.5

Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.6
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.5
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.4
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.3
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.2
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.1

Jira 9.5 プラットフォーム

Jira 9.4 プラットフォーム

Jira 9.3 プラットフォーム

Jira 9.2 プラットフォーム

Jira 9.1 プラットフォーム

Jira 9.0 プラットフォーム

AppLinks 9.0.1Bitbucket Data Center および Server 8.0

AppLinks 8.2.2
Confluence 7.19
AppLinks 8.1.1
Confluence 7.20
AppLinks 8.1.0
Confluence 7.18 
Confluence 7.17

AppLinks 8.0.11Bitbucket Data Center and Server 7.21 
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 7.20 

Jira 8.22 プラットフォーム
AppLinks 8.0.8

Jira 8.21 プラットフォーム
AppLinks 8.0.7

Jira 8.20 プラットフォーム

Jira 8.19 プラットフォーム

AppLinks 8.0.4Bitbucket Server 7.19
Bitbucket Server 7.18
Bitbucket Server 7.17
Bitbucket Server 7.16
Bitbucket Server 7.15
Bitbucket Server 7.14
Bitbucket Server 7.13

AppLinks 8.0.2

Jira 8.18 プラットフォーム

Jira 8.17 プラットフォーム

AppLinks 8.0.0

Jira 8.16 プラットフォーム

Jira 8.15 プラットフォーム

Jira 8.14 プラットフォーム

Jira 8.13 platform
Jira 8.12 platform

AppLinks 7.2.13
Confluence 7.16
Confluence 7.15 
Confluence 7.14
Confluence 7.13

AppLinks 7.2.9
Confluence 7.12
Confluence 7.11 Confluence 7.10
Confluence 7.9
Confluence 7.8
Confluence 7.7

AppLinks 7.2.0Bitbucket Server 7.12
Bitbucket Server 7.11

Bitbucket Server 7.10

Bitbucket Server 7.9

Bitbucket Server 7.8
Bitbucket Server 7.7
Bitbucket Server 7.6
Bitbucket Server 7.5

Bitbucket Server 7.4

Bitbucket Server 7.3

AppLinks 7.1.3

Jira 8.11 プラットフォーム
AppLinks 7.1.0Bitbucket Server 7.2
Bitbucket Server 7.1

Bitbucket Server 7.0

Bitbucket Server 6.10

Bitbucket Server 6.9

Bitbucket Server 6.8

AppLinks 6.1.0Bitbucket Server 6.7
Bitbucket Server 6.6

AppLinks 6.0.24
Confluence 7.6
Confluence 7.5
Confluence 7.4

AppLinks 6.0.9
Confluence 7.3
Confluence 7.2
Confluence 7.1
Confluence 7.0

AppLinks 6.0.6Bitbucket Server 6.5
Bitbucket Server 6.4

AppLinks 6.0.5Bitbucket Server 6.3

AppLinks 6.0.4Bitbucket Server 6.2
Bitbucket Server 6.1

Jira 8.10 platform
Jira 8.9 platform
Jira 8.8 platform
Jira 8.7 platform
Jira 8.6 platform
Jira 8.5 platform
Jira 8.4 platform
Jira 8.3 platform
Jira 8.2 platform
Jira 8.1 platform
AppLinks 6.0.3

Jira 8.0 プラットフォーム
AppLinks 6.0.2
AppLinks 5.4.12
AppLinks 5.4.7
AppLinks 5.4.6
AppLinks 5.4.5Jira 7.13 platform
Jira 7.12 platform
Jira 7.11 platform
AppLinks 5.4.4
AppLinks 5.4.3
AppLinks 5.4.2
AppLinks 5.4.1Jira 7.10 platform
JIRA 7.9 platform
JIRA 7.8 platform
JIRA 7.7 platform
JIRA 7.6 platform
JIRA 7.5 platform
AppLinks 5.4.0
AppLinks 5.3.2Jira 7.4 プラットフォーム
AppLinks 5.2.6N/A
AppLinks 5.2.4Bitbucket Server 4.14
Bitbucket Server 4.13

Bitbucket Server 4.12

Bitbucket Server 4.11

Confluence 6.0

Jira 7.3 プラットフォーム
AppLinks 5.2.3N/AN/AJira 7.2 プラットフォーム
AppLinks 5.2.2Bitbucket Server 4.10
Bitbucket Server 4.9
Bitbucket Server 4.8
Bitbucket Server 4.7
Confluence 5.10 N/A
AppLinks 5.1.1Bitbucket Server 4.6N/A
AppLinks 5.0.10N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.0.8N/AConfluence 5.9.9N/A
AppLinks 5.0.7N/AN/AJira 7.1 Core
Jira 7.1 Software
AppLinks 5.0.5Bitbucket Server 4.5
Bitbucket Server 4.4
Bitbucket Server 4.3
Bitbucket Server 4.2
AppLinks 5.0.4N/AConfluence 5.9N/A
AppLinks 5.0.3N/AN/AJIRA 7.0 Core
JIRA 7.0 Software
AppLinks 5.0.1Bitbucket Server 4.1  
Bitbucket Server 4.0
AppLinks 5.0.0N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 4.3Stash 3.11
Stash 3.10
Stash 3.9
Stash 3.8
Stash 3.7
Stash 3.6
Stash 3.5
Stash 3.4
Confluence 5.8Jira 6.4.1
AppLinks 4.2Stash 3.3
Stash 3.2
Stash 3.1
Confluence 5.7
Confluence 5.6
JIRA 6.4
JIRA 6.3.3
JIRA 6.3
AppLinks 4.1Stash 3.0
Stash 2.12
Confluence 5.5Jira 6.2
AppLinks 4.0Stash 2.11
Stash 2.10
Stash 2.9
Stash 2.8
Confluence 5.4
Confluence 5.3
Confluence 5.2
JIRA 6.1
AppLinks 3.11Stash 2.7
Stash 2.6
Stash 2.5
AppLinks 3.10Stash 2.4
Stash 2.3
Stash 2.2
Stash 2.1
Confluence 5.1 Confluence 5.0JIRA 5.2
AppLinks 3.9Stash 1.3  N/AN/A
AppLinks 3.8Stash 1.2Confluence 4.3 N/A
AppLinks 3.7Stash 1.0Confluence 4.2JIRA 5.1
AppLinks 3.6N/AConfluence 4.1JIRA 5.0
AppLinks 3.5N/AConfluence 4.0JIRA 4.4
AppLinks 3.4N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 3.3N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 3.2N/AConfluence 3.5JIRA 4.3

AppLinks 10.1.8

Bamboo 10.2

Bamboo 10.1

AppLinks 10.0.16

Crowd 6.2.3

Crowd 6.2.2

Crowd 6.2.0

Crowd 6.1.2

Crowd 6.1.3

Crowd 6.1.4

Crowd 6.0.6

Crowd 6.0.7

AppLinks 10.0.15Bamboo 10.0

Crowd 6.1.1

Crowd 6.1.0

Crowd 6.0.3

Crowd 6.0.2

AppLinks 10.0.10

Crowd 6.0.1
Crowd 6.0.0

AppLinks 9.2.4Bamboo 9.6

Crowd 5.3.4
Crowd 5.3.3
Crowd 5.3.2

AppLinks 9.2.1

Crowd 5.3.1
Crowd 5.3.0

AppLinks 9.1.8

Crowd 5.2.8
Crowd 5.2.7
Crowd 5.2.7
Crowd 5.2.6

AppLinks 9.1.5Bamboo 9.5

AppLinks 9.1.4

Crowd 5.2.4

Crowd 5.2.3

Crowd 5.2.2

AppLinks 9.0.17
Crowd 5.1.12
Crowd 5.1.11

AppLinks 9.0.15Bamboo 9.4

Crowd 5.2.1

Crowd 5.2.0

Crowd 5.1.9

Crowd 5.1.8

Crowd 5.1.7

Crowd 5.1.6

Crowd 5.1.5

Crowd 5.1.4

Crowd 5.1.3

Crowd 5.0.11

Crowd 5.0.10

Crowd 5.0.9

Crowd 5.0.8

Crowd 5.0.7

Crowd 5.0.6

AppLinks 9.0.11Bamboo 9.3

Bamboo 9.2

AppLinks 9.0.10Bamboo 9.1

AppLinks 9.0.7Bamboo 9.0

AppLinks 9.0.5

Crowd 5.1.2

Crowd 5.1.1

Crowd 5.1.0

Crowd 5.0.5

Crowd 5.0.4

Crowd 5.0.3

Crowd 5.0.2

Crowd 5.0.1

AppLinks 9.0.0
Crowd 5.0

AppLinks 7.2.11Bamboo 8.2

Bamboo 8.1

Bamboo 8.0

AppLinks 6.1.12

Crowd 4.4.6

Crowd 4.4.5

Crowd 4.4.4
Crowd 4.4.3

Crowd 4.4.2

Crowd 4.3.11
Crowd 4.3.10
Crowd 4.3.9
Crowd 4.3.8

AppLinks 6.1.10
Crowd 4.4

AppLinks 6.0.16Bamboo 7.2

AppLinks 6.0.11Bamboo 7.1
Bamboo 7.0

AppLinks 6.0.5
Crowd 4.2
Crowd 4.1
Crowd 4.0

AppLinks 5.4.15Bamboo 6.10
Bamboo 6.9

AppLinks 5.4.14
Crowd 3.7
Crowd 3.6
Crowd 3.5

AppLinks 5.4.13Bamboo 6.8.2Crowd 3.4.4
Crowd 3.3.5

AppLinks 5.4.12Bamboo 6.8.0Crowd 3.4.3Crucible 4.7Fisheye 4.7
AppLinks 5.4.7Bamboo 6.7

AppLinks 5.4.6

AppLinks 5.4.5Bamboo 6.6

AppLinks 5.4.4Bamboo 6.5

AppLinks 5.4.3Bamboo 6.4
Crucible 4.6Fisheye 4.6
AppLinks 5.4.2

AppLinks 5.4.1

Bamboo 6.2
Bamboo 6.3

Crucible 4.5Fisheye 4.5
AppLinks 5.4.0N/A

AppLinks 5.3.2N/A

AppLinks 5.2.6N/A Crowd 2.12Crucible 4.4Fisheye 4.4
AppLinks 5.2.4N/A Crowd 2.11

Crucible 4.3
Crucible 4.2.1+

Fisheye 4.3
Fisheye 4.2.1+

AppLinks 5.2.3N/A N/ACrucible 4.2Fisheye 4.2
AppLinks 5.2.2N/A N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.1.1N/AN/ACrucible 4.1Fisheye 4.1
AppLinks 5.0.10

Bamboo 6.1
Bamboo 6.0
Bamboo 5.15

AppLinks 5.0.8Bamboo 5.14  N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.0.7

Bamboo 5.13
Bamboo 5.12  
Bamboo 5.11  

 N/ACrucible 4.0Fisheye 4.0
AppLinks 5.0.5N/A N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.0.4N/A N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.0.3Bamboo 5.10 N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.0.1N/A N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.0.0N/ACrowd 2.10
Crowd 2.9

AppLinks 4.3N/AN/ACrucible 3.10
Crucible 3.9
Crucible 3.8

Crucible 3.7
Crucible 3.6

Fisheye 3.10
Fisheye 3.9
Fisheye 3.8

Fisheye 3.7
Fisheye 3.6

AppLinks 4.2N/AN/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 4.1

Bamboo 5.9
Bamboo 5.8
Bamboo 5.7

Crowd 2.8Crucible 3.5Fisheye 3.5
AppLinks 4.0

Bamboo 5.6
Bamboo 5.5
Bamboo 5.4
Bamboo 5.3
Bamboo 5.2
Bamboo 5.1

 Crowd 2.7

Crucible 3.4   Crucible 3.3
Crucible 3.2

Fisheye 3.4  
Fisheye 3.3
Fisheye 3.2

AppLinks 3.11N/A N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 3.10

Bamboo 5.0
Bamboo 4.4
Bamboo 4.3


Crucible 3.1
Crucible 3.0

Fisheye 3.1
Fisheye 3.0

AppLinks 3.9N/A N/A

Crucible 2.10
Crucible 2.8
Crucible 2.7

Fisheye 2.10
Fisheye 2.8
Fisheye 2.7

AppLinks 3.8N/A N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 3.7

Bamboo 4.2
Bamboo 4.1

Bamboo 4.0

AppLinks 3.6Bamboo 3.3 N/AN/AN/A

AppLinks 3.5

Bamboo 3.2


AppLinks 3.4

Bamboo 3.1


Crucible 2.6

Fisheye 2.6

AppLinks 3.3



AppLinks 3.2



Crucible 2.5
Crucible 2.4

Fisheye 2.5
Fisheye 2.4

Cases of incompatibility

Atlassian Support has noted the following incompatibilities between versions of AppLinks. You should ensure your applications are using the same major version of AppLinks to resolve any potential incompatibilities.

Source ApplicationDestination Applicationステータス
Jira 4.4.5 (Applinks 3.5)Confluence 5.6.6 (Applinks 4.2)Incompatible - 404 on some REST fields in Jira.


* Products using AppLinks v3.4 or earlier cannot use Trusted Apps to link to products using Applinks v3.5 or greater which have been patched in line with the following security advisories. Please follow the links for more details:

最終更新日 2017 年 9 月 13 日


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