Stash 3.1 release notes

2014 年 6 月 24 日

Introducing Stash 3.1

Today we're pleased to announce the release of Stash 3.1.

Stash 3.1 brings nice enhancements to the pull request experience (code search, comment attachments, transcoding), and we're taking this opportunity to remind you about the Stash installer (available since Stash 3.0.4).

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Stash, please read the Bitbucket Server upgrade guide.

Please also check the End of support announcements.

Add-on developers will be interested in the API changelog.

The Stash 3.1 changelog is at the bottom of this page.

Code search in pull request diffs

We've added the ability to search across all the files in a pull request, when viewing a pull request diff.

The search is applied to the diff and surrounding context lines. The search results are highlighted, as you'd expect, and you'll notice that the file tree on the left is updated to display the files and matching lines returned by the search.

Use the 'f' keyboard shortcut to quickly access code search when viewing a diff in a pull request. The usual 'j' (next) and 'k' (previous) keyboard shortcuts let you move between results. 'Esc' cancels the search.


Attach images to pull request comments

You can now drag and drop images, and other file types, in to your pull request comments and descriptions, so it's much easier for your team to discuss how that new UI should look. Alternatively, use the attachment button when editing the comment to upload a file from your file system, or use markup to add a resource, say from the web. Click on an image to see it at full size.


Stash administrators can use Stash config properties to control availability of this feature ( feature.attachments ) and to set the file size limit ( attachment.upload.max.size – the default is 10 MB).

Stash installer

A Stash installer is now available (since Stash 3.0.4) for the Linux, Mac OS X and Windows operating systems. The installer can be downloaded as usual from

The installer will install a supported version of Java, if necessary, and on Linux and Windows systems, it provides the option to install Stash as a service. See Getting started.

The installer can be run in GUI, console or unattended modes. See Run the Bitbucket installer for details.



Microsoft SQLServer

SQL Server 2014 is now supported. See Supported platforms.


Oracle 12c is now supported. See  Supported platforms .

Transcoding is now supported for diff views

Diffs in Stash now support encodings other than UTF-8, for example EUC-JP, GB18030, UTF-16 and UTF-32. This means that any file that displays correctly in the source view will now display nicely in a diff view. See Use diff transcoding.

See also  STASH-3179 - Getting issue details... STATUS .


This section will contain information about the Stash 3.1 minor releases as they become available. These releases will be free to all customers with active Stash software maintenance.

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Stash, please read the Bitbucket Server upgrade guide.

The issues listed below are the highlights of all those that have been resolved for the Stash 3.1.x releases.

5 November 2014 - Stash 3.1.7

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Note that Stash 3.1.6 was an internal release.

7 October 2014 - Stash 3.1.5

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4 August 2014 - Stash 3.1.4

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11 July 2014 - Stash 3.1.3

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Note that Stash 3.1.2 was an internal release.

1 July 2014 - Stash 3.1.1

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24 June 2014 - Stash 3.1.0

T キー 要約

最終更新日 2015 年 5 月 14 日


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