Crucible 3.9 release notes
Today's release of Crucible 3.9 brings a new way to see comment activity on reviews, and a raft of performance improvements.
If you are updating an earlier version of Crucible, please read the Crucible upgrade guide and the End of Support Announcements for Crucible. The Crucible 3.9 changelog is below.
Review activity
When you go to a Crucible review, you want to quickly see the recent comments from your team. That's just what the Review Activity shows you, so now it's easy to catch up on a review, or to find outdated or hidden comments.
Click Activity at the top right of the review (or use the keyboard shortcut 'shift' + ']'):
The bubble beside the Activity link shows the number of unread comments.
To see the comment in context just click it (or press the 'return' key) to go to the file where the comment was made:
Read more about commenting on reviews...
We think you'll notice a much faster experience with Crucible!
Review page load time
We've introduced permissions caching to speed up the loading of a review. The cache lifespan is request only.
In testing, load time for a review with about 500 comments on a single FRX diminished from 9s to a little over a second.
Project Review Dashboard load time
The Reviews tab for a project now loads faster than ever!
We've optimized the calculation of the average number of files per review in the 'Statistics' section, and now only display the unread comments count for the reviews that you are participating in. Further, the maximum open reviews label has been removed.
Faster searching by review PermaId
We've tweaked searching for review comments by the review PermaId to take fuller advantage of database indexes, resulting in a very useful performance gain.
Oracle 12c is supported
The bundled Oracle JDBC driver is now version 12cR1.
DVCS のサポート
Git 2.5.0 and Mercurial 3.5 are now supported.
Java 7 support is removed
As previously announced, Crucible 3.9 does not support Java 7.
Internet Explorer 9 support is removed
As previously announced, Crucible 3.9 does not support Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.
This section will contain information about the Crucible 3.9 minor releases as they become available. These releases will be free to all customers with active Crucible software maintenance.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Crucible, please read the Crucible upgrade guide and the End of Support Announcements for Crucible.
The issues listed below are just the highlights of all those that have been resolved for the Crucible 3.9.x releases.