Confluence 5.6 リリース ノート


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2 September 2014

Highlights of Confluence 5.6 


Read the upgrade notes for important info about this release.

See the full list of issues resolved in this release.

Thank you for your feedback 

(green star) 10 件の機能や改善のリクエストが対応されました。

(green star) 1290 を超える票が満足と投票しました。

Confluence Data Center の導入

To provide performance at scale, high availability and instant scalability in large Confluence installations, we're pleased to announce Confluence Data Center, our new solution designed specifically for Enterprise.

Grow Confluence with your business

Is your organization growing? Confluence Data Center spreads the load evenly between clustered nodes, processing more requests than a single instance.  Put simply this means that more people in your organization can use Confluence while maintaining performance. 

Licensing is based on users, not the number of nodes in your cluster, so you can join additional nodes to your cluster at any time. Confluence Data Center grows with you. 


Is Confluence mission critical in your enterprise? With Confluence Data Center if a cluster node is shut down, fails, or is disconnected from the network the rest of the cluster will continue operating - as long as one node remains. The only time you should need to bring down your entire cluster is to upgrade Confluence itself, allowing you to keep your organization humming, and your teams productive. 

Try it now

Confluence Data Center requires a separate license, contact us if you're interested in trying it.

Interested in the technical details? Read more in our Enterprise documentation

JIRA 課題を視覚的に追跡

If you use JIRA and Confluence together we have two brand new chart types for the JIRA Chart macro that help you see progress against your backlog and provide better transparency of your team's work.

作成済み vs 解決済みグラフ 

Are you making progress or losing ground in your project? Now you can get a clear view of your team's progress, without leaving Confluence. 

See the difference between the number of issues created and the number of issues resolved over a given period of time with the Created vs Resolved line chart. 

Go to Insert > JIRA Chart > Created vs Resolved to try it.

2 次元グラフ

Want a high level view of your JIRA project? Need a quick and simple way to monitor work in flight? The Two Dimensional chart is an extremely flexible way to display issue statistics on any Confluence page in a comparison format. See things like:

  • the status of each person's work (assignee vs issue status)
  • a breakdown of the types of issues being raised in each component (component vs issue type)
  • the priority of issues in each component (component vs priority).

You can configure both the X and Y axis to show issue status, priority, type, assignee and more.  It's completely up to you. 

Go to Insert > JIRA Chart > Two Dimensional Chart to try it.


By popular demand, you can now restrict blog posts. Restrict blog posts is perfect when a blog post is only relevant to a specific group or team, or when confidentiality is important. 

Note that notifications on new blog posts are sent at the point a blog post is created - removing restrictions won't trigger a new notification. 


Tired of waiting for long pages to refresh every time you add or edit a comment?  Confluence now posts your comments instantly, without refreshing the page, so it's easier to discuss pages with your colleagues.  


Starting in 5.6 you can now access your recently viewed Confluence pages from your mobile device.

Tap  then choose Recently Viewed

"Recently viewed" is synced across all your devices so from your mobile you can quickly access a page you were previously viewing from your laptop.

Get your tasks in order

Sorting in the Task Report macro has been improved. There is now a Sort parameter that can be used to set the default sort order of Tasks (by due date, assignee or page title) and you can also sort tasks using the Task Report column headings when viewing a page. 


With Confluence 5.5 you could insert a date lozenge by typing // into the editor. Now we've added natural date recognition so you can type dd/mm/yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy to trigger the date picker. For example 31/12/2014 will convert to .


The sidebar now defaults to show the page tree when you create a new space. You can easily switch between Page Tree and Child mode, just go to Space Tools > Configure Sidebar

We've also improved the space logo uploader to make it easier for you to resize and centre your images.  

Go to Space Tools > Configure Sidebar to edit the space logo. 

PDF エクスポートの改善

We have improved the way emoticons, JIRA issues and tables render in PDF exports. 

Office 2013 のサポート

The Office Connector now supports displaying, editing and importing Office 2013 documents. There are some browser and operating system limitations, so be sure to check the Edit in Office using the Office Connector page for details. 

Infrastructure changes and API improvements

New monitoring console

System Administrators can use the new lightweight monitoring console to monitor page and macro execution times.
Go to   > General configuration  Monitoring console. 

Set up a mail server with TLS 

You can now configure a mail server with TLS authentication (such as Gmail), right from the Confluence administration console.
Go to    > General configuration > Mail servers

REST API keeps growing

We're consolidating the capabilities we currently have in multiple different APIs into a single, easy to use REST API. Over the next several releases we will be deprecating our existing APIs as equivalent resources are made available in the REST API.

In this release we've focused on content properties.

See Confluence REST API in our developer documentation for more details. 

Plugin developers: see Preparing for Confluence 5.6 for changes that may affect your plugins and to find out how to mark plugins as cluster compatible on Marketplace. 


素晴らしい顧客の皆様に - 当社は(heart)心からの感謝の気持ちを表します

Our customers play an important role in making Confluence better. Thank you to everyone who participated in interviews with us, made suggestions, voted and reported bugs on our issue tracker!

The Confluence 5.6 team


Agnes Ro
Ali Kord
Alice Wang
Ángel Eduardo García Hernández
Brendan McNamara
Craig Petchell
Dave Loeng
David Ma
David Richard
David Rizzuto
David Taylor
Don Willis
Duy Quoc Tran
Duy Truong Luong
Edith Tom
Esther Asenjo Reyes
Giang Vo Truong
Hao Trung Ho
Hieu Ta
Huy Tuong Nguyen
Issac Gerges
Ivan Loire
Joe Xie
Julien Michel Hoarau
Kenny MacLeod
Khoa Pham
Lap Tran
Matthew Erickson
Michael Oates
Mitermayer Reis
Nabeelah Ali
Nguyen Dang
Nhi Nguyen
Niraj Bhawnani
Oliver Burn
Olli Nevalainen
Paul Curren
Peggy Kuo
Petro Semeniuk
Quang Ho
Phong Quoc Le
Phong Hong Nguyen
Raymond Su
Richard Atkins
Sam Tardiff
Samuel Day
Shaun Esther
Steve Haffenden
Steven Lancashire
Ted Piotrowski
Tam Tran Minh
Thinh Quang Hua
Tin Vuu
Truong Vu
Tue Tri Dang
Tung Thanh Dang
Vu Truong Vo
Wesley Walser
Xavier Sanchez Taixe



Wendell Keuneman
Bill Arconati
JK Thng
John Masson
Natasha Prasad
Sherif Mansour
Spenser Norrish
Stephanie Arnaud

Product marketing management 
John Wetenhall
Ryan Anderson
Terrence Caldwell

Development management 
Matt Ryall
Anatoli Kazatchkov
Ben Mackie
Chris Kiehl
Mark Schaschke
Martin Papy 
Mat Lawrence

Cross-product team

Henry Tapia
Royce Wong
Valter Fatia   

Quality assistance   
Mark Hrynczak
Glenn Martin
Hai Nguyen
Jonas Soderstrom
Mauri Edo
Phuc Thi Minh Nguyen
Son Lien Hoang

Technical writing      
Rachel Robins 


Sydney support 
Michael Seager
Denise Unterwurzacher
Lachlan Dally
Dave Norton
Hossein Toussi
Saleh Parsa  

Amsterdam support 
Theodore Tzidamis
Alex Conde
Shannon Mackie
Yilin Mo

Brazil support 

Jorge Dias
Rodrigo Adami
Guilherme Nedel
Giuliano de Campos
William Zanchet
Deividi Luvison
Eduardo Mallmann
Renato Rudnicki


Japan support

Adam Laskowski
Seiji Morita 

Kuala Lumpur support 
Immanuel Siagian
Septa Cahyadiputra
Foogie Sim
Hanis Suhailah
Jing Hwa Cheok
Patrice Samuel Rompas
Muhammad Lazuardi Rizki 
Wayne Wong 
Suren Raj

USA support 
Rick Bal
Tim Wong
Robert Chang
Brian Tom
Ann Worley

Service enablement 
Renan Battaglin

最終更新日 2016 年 11 月 4 日


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