Bamboo 6.0 Release Notes
Configuration as code
Configuration as code is now available in Bamboo! You can start storing your build plan configuration as code for easier automation, change tracking, validation, and much more. Read all about other benefits of using configuration as code in Bamboo Specs. We've also prepared a tutorial that will help you create a simple plan in no time. For behind-the-scenes information about the Bamboo Specs library, see our detailed reference documentation.
Support for pull requests
Starting from version 6.0, Bamboo can create plan branches whenever a pull request is created. Create plan branch when ready to share your work with teammates and the CI system. Bamboo will detect new pull requests and create a plan branch.
Pull requests join the branch status page
In Bamboo 6.0, the branch status page gives you even more insight into your environment with a new section showing pull requests for the selected VCS branch. To learn more, see Using the branch status page.
Fastlane and Xcode support
Bamboo 6.0 introduces support for Fastlane allowing you to run Fastlane processes and discover Fastlane capabilities in Bamboo agents. Additionally, the XCode plugin is officially supported by Atlassian and from now on is going to be bundled with Bamboo.
SQL Server JDBC driver update
As of version 6.0, SQL Server jTDS driver is replaced with the official Microsoft JDBC driver. To learn more about this change, see here. Also check our upgrade guide to make sure that your upgrade goes smoothly after this change.
Bug fixes and improvements
- A long standing bug where remote events/triggers from Bitbucket Server to Bamboo stop working after restart was identified and has been fixed in Bitbucket Server. The fix requires you to upgrade to Bitbucket Server 4.14.3+ or apply the workaround in the bug report. BSERV-9710 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Bamboo 6.0 provides you with security bug fix for BAM-18242 - Getting issue details... STATUS
You can view the detailed list of other fixed bugs at the bottom of this page.
10 October 2017 - Bamboo 6.0.5
This is a security fix release. We've fixed the following issues:
12 September 2017 - Bamboo 6.0.4
This is a bug fix release. We've fixed the following issues:
7 June 2017 - Bamboo 6.0.3
This is a bug fix release. We've fixed the following issues:
5 June 2017 - Bamboo 6.0.2
This is a bug fix release. We've fixed the following issues:
BAM-18442 - Getting issue details... STATUS
22 May 2017 - Bamboo 6.0.1
This is a bug fix release. We've fixed the following issues:
26 April 2017 - Bamboo 6.0.0
We've fixed the following issues: