Jira Core 8.8.x リリース ノート
新しいバージョンの試用をご検討中の場合、ソフトウェア メンテナンスを更新済みであることをご確認ください。いますぐ更新
互換性のある Jira アプリケーションをお探しの場合、次のページをご参照ください。
Data Center への移行をご検討の場合、弊社の推奨事項をご参照ください。「Jira のインフラストラクチャの推奨事項」
Update: In Jira 8.8.1 we've added new events to track installed and uninstalled apps and created and removed application links. Learn more
Can audit logs be fun to work with? Our revamped Audit log sure is. First of all, it’s the way it looks. With the clear, user-friendly interface, you can easily find your way around it, adjust the settings, and filter the events. But as usual, it’s not all about the looks. It’s also what you can do with it. And there is plenty to talk about:
→ You are now in control: you can decide which events are logged and how long you want to keep them
→ You get full transparency: you can filter the events, expand each for further details, and export the audit log if necessary
→ You free up your auditing schedule: by getting an audit log that’s clear and categorized, you don’t need to spend time browsing through piles of events.
Check it out yourself by going to Administration> System > Audit log and experience the new era of auditing.
最大 10,000,000 件の古い監査ログが新しい監査ログに移行されます。
機能の詳細については「Jira での監査」をご確認ください。