Crucible 2.8 Release Notes

2012 年 8 月 15 日

With great pleasure, Atlassian presents Crucible 2.8, introducing social features and performance improvements.

See the change log for Crucible 2.8.x minor releases.

Visit our issue tracker to see the full list of improvements and bug fixes in Crucible and FishEye for this release.

  • Upgrading from a previous version of Crucible. Upgrading Crucible should be fairly straight forward. We strongly recommend that you back up Crucible before upgrading. Please refer to the Crucible 2.8 Upgrade Guide for further essential information about your upgrade.
  • Known Issues. Please check the important technical advisories on the front page of the Knowledge Base for information about any known issues for this release.



Providing feedback:

Please log your votes and issues . They help us decide what needs doing, and are much appreciated!




In Crucible 2.8 you can use mentions to notify other users in the changeset discussions, review comments and snippet comments. Simply type @ and the name of the person you would like to notify to create a mention.




You can now share reviews with other users of Crucible as well as external people via their email. Sharing Crucible content has never been easier.



Improved performance for the projects listing

We improved the rendering performance of the projects listing
in Crucible.


Support for Subversion 1.7

Crucible now supports Subversion 1.7.  



End of life announcements

As previously announced, support for IBM ClearCase repositories has been removed in Crucible 2.8.



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The Crucible 2.8 team

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Core team

Geoff Crain
Tom Davies
Brendan Humphreys
Conor MacNeill
Richard Stephens

Team lead

Nick Pellow


Sten Pittet

Project manager

Anton Mazkovoi


Ajay Sridhar
Armen Khachatryan
Daniel Rohan
Douglas Fabretti
Felipe Kraemer
Gurleen Anand
Renan Battaglin
Rene Verschoor
Malik Mangier 


Product marketing

Giancarlo Lionetti
Jeff Park

Quality assurance

George Filippoff

テクニカル ライティング

Paul Watson


James Fleming

最終更新日 2015 年 5 月 14 日


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