Crowd 2.12 Release Notes

25 April 2017

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We’ve introduced an audit log that tracks all changes in your directories, applications, and items in the Crowd administrator menu. The log is searchable from the UI by author or by time range. For more complex queries and custom events, there’s always the good ol’ REST API.

View the docs for more info

Directory failover

We’d rather be safe than sorry, so we’ve worked hard on the new failover directories. When the authentication can’t proceed because a user directory is unavailable, Crowd will simply authenticate against the next directory from the list. It's always good to have a backup!

View the docs for more info

Complete list of changes and improvements

Crowd 2.12.0 - 25 April 2017

P T キー 要約

最終更新日 2017 年 4 月 27 日


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