Stash 2.1 release notes

5th February 2013

With today's release of Stash 2.1, we've added a slew of new features to simplify your Git development workflow by providing more contextual awareness of key JIRA issue and Bamboo build information. Additional new features provide quick clicks to your recently viewed pull requests and notifications of your tasks. More contextual information, more tracking capabilities, more automation – that's Stash 2.1.

Pull request integration with JIRA

Developers create pull requests when their code is ready for peer review before merging a development branch into the main code line. To make pull requests most effective, reviewers need more context around the changes: What bug or feature is this pull request resolving? What are the details of those issues? Are any of the issues still open?

Pull requests now tightly integrate with JIRA, putting issue details front and center. View the status of an issue, along with it's assignee and description to get the scoop without ever leaving Stash. This allows reviewers to

  • Gain contextual awareness into the task which is being worked on by looking at descriptions, comments and attachments
  • Quickly review the requirements for a new feature or bugfix
  • Click straight through into JIRA, to keep issues up to date for upcoming releases

Read more about pull requests in Stash.

Build status API

Picture this: you're about to click the 'merge' button, and then you pause to consider: did these changes pass all their tests? To answer that, it's important to know what the latest build status of the branch is before the changes are integrated into master. But don't waste time navigating to your build system and sifting through test data to see whether the changes passed or failed. Stash 2.1 does it automatically. Our new build status API allows build servers, such as Bamboo and Jenkins, to publish build details to the pull request's overview, giving you a quick idea of whether the pull request is good to merge or not.

But why stop with pull requests? The build status API will show you the build status of any commit, anywhere in Stash.

Read more about the build status API in our developer documentation. 

Project Avatars

Give your projects some personality and make it easier to find them on the Dashboard with the new project avatars. Stash will randomly provide one of its colorful built-in avatars if you don't have one.

Pull request inbox

When you work across multiple repositories and projects, it can be hard to keep track of all the reviews you have to complete. We solved the problem by providing a globally accessible inbox, displaying all Pull Requests that are waiting for your approval. Use the inbox as a task list, and leave no pull request behind!

Release log

A few handpicked tickets out of a list of more than 100 features and improvements. 

New Features & Improvements
Pull requests show linked JIRA issue details
Build status API
プロジェクト アバター
Track viewed files in a pull request
Current branch is preserved when navigating between Files and Commits tab
Improved pull request title & description generation
Pull request inbox
A user can see build status information in the pull request overview
A user can see build status information in the commit details view
A user can see build status information in the commit list
Bundle the Scala runtime library and expose to Plugins
Just in time comment drift calculation (less load on your server!)
Add rich tooltips to disabled image diff toggles
Add mention 'tip' to emails
Added web sections for pull request metadata
Stash now shows file mode changes (executable bit) in changesets and pull requests
Add an "About" page
Allow use of `@` when adding reviewers to a pull request
Add default avatar to project create page
Stash plugins can listen for user cleanup events
Add endpoint to retrieve issue details for a pull request
Improve error handling for reflog config upgrade task
Allow for the hook callback address and port to be specified via a property
Add [ as a keyboard shortcut for toggling the diff tree
Stash throttling: Improve experience for user pushing/pulling when number of concurrent git processes have been exceeded.
Stash returns HTTP 500 and /mvc/error500 on git error during hosting operations
Use $STASH_HOME/lib for classpath library directory
Cannot view a commit that has a vertical bar character username
HTML returned from incorrect auth details for REST API request
LifecycleAware component's onStart method is not called after plugin upgrade/enablement
j and k keyboard shortcuts don't respect "Your unactioned pull requests" filter
Thread local cache in ActiveObjects causes incorrect branch permissions to be evaluated
service.bat does not call permgenservice.bat
Comment tip re:markdown should link to help docs
Hide "Add Users" from Stash dashboard and Group administration if internal directory is disabled
Project key is appended to PR link in pull request list
Cmd/Ctrl+Return doesn't submit comment when in preview
最終更新日 2016 年 8 月 19 日


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