Crucible 2.7 Release Notes
2011 年 9 月 7 日
With great pleasure, Atlassian presents Crucible 2.7 featuring new JIRA Transitions and Review Reminders.このリリースのハイライトは次のとおりです。
- すべての課題と投票に感謝を申し上げます。改善を続けるために、問題を引き続きログに記録してください!
- Read the release notices for important information about this release.
Highlights of Crucible 2.7
JIRA Transitions in Crucible
For Crucible reviews that are linked to JIRA issues, you can now transition these JIRA issues through workflow from within Crucible.
After closing a review, Crucible will now display any available transitions for the linked JIRA issue.
Review Reminders
Crucible will now automatically send reviewers a reminder email one working day before the deadline.
Review authors and moderators can also do the following:
- Send manual reminders to reviewers whose work is still pending.
- Configure preset reminders for reviews that have a deadline.
Small Improvements
Crucible 2.7 also comes bundled with numerous other bug fixes and improvements, including:
- Syntax highlighting for Java 7, Groovy, Velocity and Scala
- Crucible can now run on Java 7
- 管理画面のユーザー インターフェイスの改善
- 開発者向けのプラグイン ポイントの改善
Visit our issue tracker to see the full list of improvements and bug fixes in Crucible and FishEye for this release.
Release Notices
- Upgrading from a previous version of Crucible. Upgrading Crucible should be fairly straight forward. We strongly recommend that you back up Crucible before upgrading. Please refer to the Crucible 2.7 Upgrade Guide for further essential information about your upgrade.
- Known Issues. Please check the important technical advisories on the front page of the Knowledge Base for information about any known issues for this release.