Confluence 4.3-m11 EAP リリースノート



アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。


2012 年 5 月 31 日

With great pleasure, Atlassian presents Confluence 4.3 Milestone 11 EAP. This is our first public EAP in Confluence 4.3.

This EAP (early access program) release is a snapshot of our work in progress, primarily focused on allowing Confluence users to see the new features in advance. Feel free to comment on the page to provide any feedback or ask any questions. EAP releases also give plugin developers an opportunity to test and fix their plugins in advance of an official release.

Highlights of Confluence 4.3 Milestone 11 EAP:

Confluence のダウンロード

Development releases are not production ready. Development releases are snapshots of the ongoing Confluence development process. While we try to keep these releases stable, they have not undergone the same degree of testing as a full release, and could contain features that are incomplete or may change or be removed before the next full release.

No upgrade path. Because development releases represent work in progress, we cannot provide a supported upgrade path between development releases, or from any development release to a final release. You may not be able to migrate any data you store in a Confluence development release to a future Confluence release.

Atlassian does not provide support for development releases.


 Highlights of Confluence 4.3 EAP

We recommend that you use Chrome when testing features in this milestone.


Confluence モバイル

Introducing a new, super-responsive interface optimized for iPhone and Android devices. With Confluence mobile you can:

  • Browse popular, recent blog posts and network activity. 
  • Like pages, blog posts and comments
  • Add new comments to pages and blog posts.
  • コンテンツおよびユーザーについて Confluence を検索
  • View the profiles of your colleagues - tap to call, SMS or email them directly from your mobile device.




In-app and mobile notifications

Now you can view and take action on all your important notifications in one place, including:




On the run? Confluence Mobile supports in-app notifications too.




Personal tasks help you stay focused on the task at hand and plan your day's work.



Tasks in pages

It's now really simple to track team tasks inside your pages – project tasks, meeting action items and checklists.

  1. タスク リストを作成する
    エディターで新規タスク アイコン をクリックして、新しいタスク リストを開始します。
  2. Assign tasks using mentions
    You can @mention a user within a task to assign it to them.
  3. Receive instant notifications
    Users receive a notification when a task has been assigned to them. Page watchers will be notified when tasks in a page are marked as complete.
  4. Track tasks from anywhere
    View all your assigned tasks in your personal taskslist where you can add notes, prioritize them, and mark them as complete.




Table improvements

  1. 列の並べ替え
  2. Cell highlighting
    Fill table cells with a custom background color to highlight important information.




  1. Send user invitations from Confluence
    Now Confluence can send emails directly to people inviting them to create an account.
  2. Add spaces quickly and simply
    A new 'Add Space' button in  the top right of the dashboard opens a simplified dialog for adding global spaces.



Here are some points of interest for plugin developers.

アップグレード ノート

次の注意事項は、テスト サイトをこの EAP リリースにアップグレードする際に役立ちます。

  1. The JIRA Portlet macro is no longer supported.
    Gadgets replaced portlets in JIRA 4.0 and Confluence 3.1. We deprecated the use of JIRA portlets in Confluence 4.2 (see the Confluence 4.2 upgrade notes) and have removed the portlet code in Confluence 4.3. Pages that contain the macro will no longer display information drawn from JIRA. Instead, they will show an error reporting that the macro does not exist. To prevent this behavior, please upgrade to a version of JIRA that supports gadgets, and follow the instructions in Migrating from JIRA Issues and JIRA Portlets to Gadgets.
  2. アクティブ オブジェクトがバンドルされるようになりました。
    Confluence 4.3 には、アクティブ オブジェクト プラグインが付属しています。アクティブ オブジェクトを Confluence 4.2 サイトに以前インストールしたことがある場合は、Confluence 4.3 にアップグレードする前にアンインストールする必要があります。これは、ユーザーがインストールしたプラグインがバンドルされたプラグインを上書きするためです。

Follow the usual upgrade instructions to upgrade your test site to this release.

最終更新日 2016 年 5 月 27 日


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