Confluence 3.1 リリース候補版 1 リリースノート
Do not use this release to upgrade your production systems.
This release is a public development release ('milestone') leading up to the next Confluence major release. Development releases are a snapshot of our work in progress, allowing our customers and especially plugin developers to see what we're up to.
Who should upgrade?
Development releases are not production ready. Development releases are snapshots of the ongoing Confluence development process. While we try to keep these releases stable, they have not undergone the same degree of testing as a full release, and could contain features that are incomplete or may change or be removed before the next full release.
No upgrade path. Because development releases represent work in progress, we cannot provide a supported upgrade path between development releases, or from any development release to a final release. You may not be able to migrate any data you store in a Confluence development release to a future Confluence release.
Atlassian does not provide support for development releases.
In supplying milestone releases, our aim is to provide plugin developers with an opportunity to see the latest changes in the code.
Each milestone release has passed all our automatic tests and has been used for one week on our official internal Confluence server. Most of the issues solved have been reviewed too, and all of our milestone releases even have been performance tested for a while.
However, since our milestones releases are timeboxed (that is, they are released every two weeks, no matter how far we have come implementing features and bugfixes) there is always a chance that we have new known bugs that are scheduled to be fixed in the next milestone, or completely new bugs unknown even to us.
Additionally, we have not completed our performance testing and compatibility testing for all supported databases and user management systems. So, for example, a milestone release may behave well on a small installation but show severe problems when subjected to many users.
Follow the normal upgrade instructions to upgrade your test instance to this release. We strongly recommend that you backup your Confluence home directory and database before upgrading!
すべての開発リリースは、アトラシアン Web サイトの開発リリース ページから入手できます。
すべての機能の詳細は、ベータ 2 の発表で確認できます。リリース候補に関するこの最新情報は、ベータ 2 とリリース候補の間で何が変わったかを知りたい開発者と評価者を対象としています。変更はそれほど多くありません。
RC1 の変更点
It's should come as no surprise that we have mainly been bugfixing since the Beta 2.
しかし、私たちの Selenium ビルドをより確実に通過させるために、Agnes はエディターの高速化に時間を費やす必要がありました。そして、実現したのです!
UI tweaks
Matt came up with a better widget connector icon, we've added the table-of-content which had been forgotten, and Stephen came up with a great fullscreen icon that really grabs your attention and means something.
Office ファイルのプレビューには、よく目立つ編集ボタンがあります
A common complaint at Atlassian Summit was that people didn't realize that you could launch your editor directly from the file preview so we've made it more obvious.
Road ahead
RC を最終リリースに変えることを目指して、12 月 3 日 (木) にリリースします。