Confluence 6.8.0-beta リリース ノート
Development releases are not production ready. Development releases are snapshots of the ongoing Confluence development process. While we try to keep these releases stable, they have not undergone the same degree of testing as a full release, and could contain features that are incomplete or may change or be removed before the next full release.
No upgrade path. Because development releases represent work in progress, we cannot provide a supported upgrade path between development releases, or from any development release to a final release. You may not be able to migrate any data you store in a Confluence development release to a future Confluence release.
Atlassian does not provide support for development releases.
Highlights of 6.8.0-rc1
Released 15 March 2018
Confluence 6.8 is almost ready to launch! There are no significant changes in this release candidate.
Highlights of 6.8.0-beta1
Released 6 March 2018
Confluence Server mobile app is nearly here
We know work doesn't just happen at your desk. Sometimes, you need to stay connected to your team, capture a great idea, or move work forward – wherever you happen to be. That's why we're so excited to announce that our iOS and Android app will be available for Confluence Server and Data Center with the release of Confluence 6.8.
The app has a lot in common with its Confluence Cloud cousin, but lets you log in to your site, no matter how you manage your users (LDAP, Crowd, or SAML single sign-on).
If you think your team could benefit from using the app, head to Confluence Server mobile app beta to find out what you need to do to join the beta.
Other notable changes
アクセス リクエストの送信先を 5 倍に増加
アクセス リクエストの処理方法を改善しました。アクセス権の付与を 1 ユーザーに確認するのではなく、最大 5 人のユーザーに同時にメールを送信するようにしました。
Confluence は問い合わせ先を次の順序で判断します。
- ページに参加していてその時点でページを参照可能な、"制限" または "管理" スペース権限を持つユーザー (最終更新日順)
- ページを参照可能なスペース管理者 (アルファベット順)。
直近でページでの操作を行ったユーザーに優先的に問い合わせを行うため、アクセス リクエストへの対応を迅速に行えるようになると考えています。
ページ コンテンツの外観の改善
We're continuing our work to bring a refreshed look and feel to Confluence. This work is based on the new Atlassian design and includes things like updated colors, typography, and icons. In 6.8 we've been working on page content, including:
- ステータス マクロ
- 日付の表示形式
- ユーザーへのメンションの形式
- 絵文字
- tasks.
No changes planned for this release.
Head to Preparing for Confluence 6.8 to find out about changes that will impact add-on developers.
No known issues at this time.