Jira Server, Jira Core and Jira Service Desk Document Archives
- 関連コンテンツがありません
Welcome to the Old Home of the JIRA Server Knowledge Base!
These documents are specifically for JIRA versions 6 and below.
For anything specific to the Atlassian Cloud platform, please refer to the following:
Atlassian Cloud System
Google Apps and Atlassian Cloud
Atlassian Cloud User Management
Jira Software
Jira Core
Jira Service Desk
最終更新日 2022 年 6 月 22 日
- JIRA Troubleshooting Articles
- Jira Service Management Internationalization
- List of users showing when the accounts were created and by whom
- Changing Workflow Scheme Results in XSRF Token Error
- Sub Tasks Transitions upon Parent Issues Transitioning
- Attachment rendering errors following migration of Jira server
- Recover Saved Filter from XML Backup
- JIRA Calendar Plugin
- How to connect to PostgreSQL using JNDI
- "This project isn't available" error after creating a new Jira project
- An exception occured while rendering the web panel
- Image attachments are not displayed inline in wiki renderer fields
- Issue Security Scheme with a Security Level Anyone prevents issues from being shown when people search in projects it is associated with.
- "Invalid character, please rename" error when uploading attachments to Jira
- How to prevent issues from being closed while the sub-tasks are still open in Jira
- Jira Server でカスタム フィールドのインデックスが失われ、エラーが表示される
- Unable to Delete Inactive Workflow
- Too many PermissionScheme schemes found for Project
- java.net.NoRouteToHostException in LDAP connection
- How to create a Gadget to display issues of certain status ( task and sub task) of a single project.
- Bulk import attachments to Jira server issues via REST API
- How to unsubscribe JIRA filter results.
- Project import fails due to missing custom field options in Jira Server or Data Center
- JIRA is not accessible after installing or updating the JavaMelody plugin
- Importing Issues from Mantis fails with Database Connection Error
- Change the time format to 24 hours in Jira
- The current license generated by the Atlassian partner - XXXX - is not valid for this installation of JIRA.
- CSV import fails if customfield restricted by context
- JIRA is Unable to Start due to Could not reserve enough space for object heap
- How to Rollback Agile from 6.7 to be able to use Classic Boards
- Jira で CSV ファイルから課題リンクをインポートする方法
- Using jvmtop to analyze JIRA performance
- Factors contributing to JQL performance in Jira Server and Data Center
- Analyzing CPU usage per thread
- Attachment is disabled after JIRA migrated from Windows to Linux
- Security warning when accessing JIRA in Chrome
- Moving or clicking on issues in JIRA Agile board causes a Javascript TypeError
- Jira アプリケーション用に Linux のファイアウォールを構成する
- How to export issue and comment in CSV with proper format to import in Jira
- JSU's "Copy Value From Other Field" doesn't work for a Cloned Subtask
- Creating a project via REST based on JIRA Default Schemes
- User Profile Page Shows a Blank Screen
- After Upgrading JIRA presented with JIRA Access Constraints warning
- "There are no subversion log entries for this issue yet" shown in the Subversion Tab
- Updating HipChat Plugin in JIRA fails
- Project icons don't update in JIRA Browse Projects view
- Accessing JIRA in the browser fails due to NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED
- How to change custom field types in Jira
- JIRA throws No sub-file with id found when indexing
- Jira でライセンスの更新時に "製品ライセンスと非互換です" と表示される
- JIRA throws Could not determine database type Unknown storage engine InnoDB when starting
- JIRA throws SQLException with Table is read only errno 165 when starting
- Additional gadgets have been found and can be loaded - message appears when you load gadgets
- JIRA slow and throwing error There was an error getting a DBCP datasource in logs
- JIRA crashes with java.io.IOException: Map fail
- JIRA Can't Start Due Error: SEVERE: Error filterStart
- JIRA Connection reset error when synchronising with Active Directory 2012r2
- Indexing fails due to a modified jpm.xml file
- Plugins not working properly due to an incompatible JAVA version
- Java Certificate Issue - IOException: DerInputStream.getLength(): lengthTag=109, too big
- LDAP - JIRA - You cannot move the directory without losing your system admin privileges.
- Uncaught QuotaExceededError displays in browser using Jira server
- Cannot search issues that contain umlaut characters in link
- How to Restrict Access to Jira with Tomcat
- HTTP 400 errors observed in Jira server when integrated with IIS
- Some users unable to login after upgrading JIRA
- Firefox 39+ Returns Error code:ssl_error_weak_server_ephemeral_dh_key with SSL
- Enable HTML tag usage in Jira server text fields
- How to setup Average Time in Status Gadget
- Unable to migrate from JIRA 5.x to JIRA 6.x and above
- Missing Project Roles
- JIRA UI hangs when opening view issue screen
- A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment
- JIRA reports NullPointerException when trying to delete issues
- Deleted issue still appears in filter using JQL query
- Use the Average Time In Status gadget in Jira server
- View in Issue Navigator link from Test Sessions is not displaying issues
- JIRA User Directory migration fails due to MembershipNotFoundException
- Contact JIRA Administrators page shows "Your JIRA administrator has not yet configured this contact form."
- Pie Chart Gadget showing Unknown as result
- Reset the project counter and reuse Jira issue keys after moving issues
- JIRA Doesn't Start Due to Disabled Bundled Plugins After Upgrade
- JIRA Reports Could not load class com.herzum.jira.plugin.approval.wf.CheckApprovalCondition when transitioning JIRA issues
- Searching for Projects by name does not work if Project Lead is not defined in JIRA
- Recover deleted issues from Jira server backups
- Could not determine the proper mapping from Oracle export, for column:DEFAULT
- Creating or deleting issues in Jira fails with NullPointerException
- Unable to attach files, reassign ticket, move ticket to sprint using Firefox browser
- Trying to view a Project in JIRA throws java.lang.NumberFormatException: null
- Could not create table due to missing Field Type definition
- JIRA and IIS as Reverse Proxy with Reverse rewrite host in response headers option Enabled fails for HTTPS
- Jira サーバーのインデックス プロセスを理解する
- Unable to transition issue after upgrade plugin
- Failed to generate an XML backup due to Timestamp SQL Exception
- How to Access UPM REST API for License Details
- How to fix the getAvatarUrlNoPermCheck Exception in Notifications
- Browsing Certain Issues Results in a NullPointerException
- An error occurs when trying to access Plugin Administration Page
- Change the schema name for Jira database tables
- Unable to Load a Service Descriptor for a Job
- Backup restore fails with a syntax error in Jira
- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Input must be in the format 'YYYYMMDD'
- JIRA default workflow changed
- Connection Reset when Accessing the Database
- Error on JIRA source tab for disabled Fisheye Repo
- 'Unable to synchronise directory' Due to Duplicate Groups in an External Directory
- 404 Error message on GreenHopper: Error creating bean with name com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.actions.LicenseAction
- Bugzilla import FAQ
- Cannot edit transitions from the Design Workflow screen
- Card creation hangs on GreenHopper boards
- Cast error when trying to configure default value in custom field
- Change Fisheye URL in JIRA
- Filter search results are not returned in expected order when exporting to Excel or CSV
- Configuring the JIRA HOME over an UNC path
- Creating a Support Zip results in Error
- Error Message 'Velocity Runtime ran out of parsers' due to Velocity Configurations
- Error Message After Log Off
- How are the 'suggestions' calculated in the Assignee dropdown
- Install a custom language pack for Jira server
- How to Update all User Profiles for the Notify Me option
- Incorrect MS SQL Schema Used
- Internal Server Error when Listing Repositories in the Source Tab
- Internal server error when opening Sprint Report
- Invalid date when trying to Log Work on Issue in JIRA
- Issue description or comment is showing the HTML code rather than the real content
- 'Exception thrown from listener [de.polscheit.jira.listener.GanttPlanningDatesSync] : null' due to Gantt Plugin
- Administration pages show getNotEmptySectionsForLocation error
- JIRA Calendar Javascript Errors on Issue Edit
- Search in All Projects page doesn't do anything
- Disable HTML Escaping message appears randomly in JIRA pages
- System plugins fail to load due to NoClassDefFoundError
- Generate a Directory Configuration Summary in Jira server
- Jira server process is terminated in Linux by Out Of Memory Killer
- Group does not exist error when adding a user to Group
- JIRA DVCS Plugin Install Fails after Upgrade
- LDAP Error Code 53
- Jira server fails to connect to LDAP server with UnknownHostException (Server and Data Center)
- JIRA unable to start after an upgrade due to java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError
- Date Picker when logging work shows invalid date
- XML Import fails with IOException No Such File or Directory
- The JIRA server could not be contacted. This may be a temporary glitch or the server may be down.
- Connecting JIRA to Crowd Throwing ApplicationPermissionException
- Unable to update plugin license
- Content Encoding Error on the browser
- Remove the Everyone share option from filters in Jira server
- Using an Unsupported Version of MySQL
- JIRA Backup Fails with Illegal Pattern Character Error
- Universal Plugin Manager Operations Fails with NoClassDefFoundError
- ViewProfile doesn't show user information
- NullPointerException when viewing User Profile in Jira Server or Data Center
- System Error when trying to Edit a Workflow
- JIRA Log Files Showing HipChat Related Exceptions and HipChat is not enabled
- Hercules Log Scanner Unable to Proceed Past Zero
- Putty X11 Error Starting JIRA
- JIRA Toolkit Auto Transition Listener fails due to InvalidActionException
- Why is the Column for Custom Field not Showing in the Issue Navigator?
- Re-index fails due to ClassCastException for Timestamp types
- JIRA Fisheye/Crucible Integration Fails with HTTP error 404
- UPM Self-Update fails when updating from UPM 2.7.8 or 2.7.9 to newer versions
- JIRA Startup fails with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger.log
- Activity stream is empty when filtered by username
- JIRA Users Unable to log in due to ServiceUnavailableException
- How to Connect JIRA to ORACLE Using Service Name
- Modifying Gadgets refresh interval
- Mac OS X Not Supported by JIRA
- ユーザーが理由もなく断続的にログアウトされたり、ログインできなかったりする
- Unable to Access JIRA due to BindException Permission Denied
- Page keeps re-loading when loading a Greenhopper report
- Find the location of the Jira home directory
- User and groups are not migrated to the new cwd tables upon upgrade
- Unable to add more users to Project Role in JIRA
- Unable to Access JIRA due to Document Base does not Exist or is not a Readable Directory
- Cannot Delete Issue Due to File Permission
- java.sql.SQLException: Schema change failed on object
- JIRA Cannot Create Issues when Using MySQL with Binary Logging
- Getting error message "com.opensymphony.user.EntityNotFoundException" when operating on issue
- JIRA Crashes After Exceeding Maximum Number of Threads
- Jira Displays a Mixture of Different Languages
- Jira で NTLM 認証を使用できない
- NullPointerException when trying to run a search in Issue Navigator
- Planning Board not accessible due to an InvocationException thrown by method 'canEdit'
- Project gadget throws internal server error
- Reindexing JIRA crashes the JRE
- The Atlassian Marketplace server is not reachable. PacException: 404
- Transitioning an Issue Results in a Workflow Error
- Unable to change password on AD user from within JIRA
- Unable to determine the target status for issue when trying to perform move operation
- Unable to Log in to JIRA due to Group already exists in the Remote Directory
- Insecure Content Warning in Browser on an SSL Instance
- Trying to Watch an Issue Results in NullPointerException
- User failed to logon JIRA when it had limitation on the logon workstation from Active directory
- Action in Jira server fails with Could not find column in previously parsed query error in log
- Backup Service is not Working Properly due to Misconfigured Parameter
- Unable to Connect to SQL Server due to Login from an Untrusted Domain Error
- Installing UPM 2.7.2 or later on versions of Tomcat prior to 6 fails
- Greenhopper fails to upgrade from 6.x or earlier to 6.1.x later
- Error listing Confluence spaces on JIRA
- JIRA Fails to Start with Error parsing database configuration file
- How to track who resolved an issue in JIRA through the Issue Navigator
- HowTo: Installing the JIRA Mobile Add-On
- Permission denied error in Apache logs for proxy
- XML Backup or Restore Fails due to Could not read fields for Table
- Change Locale for Jira server
- Accessing the SearchRequest XML displays a Forbidden 403
- Watchers on Issue not Receiving Notifications After Comments
- Workflow Invalid Status
- Installing JIRA Importers Plugin on versions of Tomcat prior to 6 fails
- JIRA Startup Fails due to Plugin Installation
- LDAP Error Code 3
- JIRA server functionality fails due to InstanceAlreadyExistsException
- Unable to Integrate Bitbucket with JIRA due to Could not verify OAuth Request
- Upgrade or Export Fails due to GenericDataSourceException Communications Link Failure
- Attaching a File Results in Request Entity Too Large
- "Exception is org.xml.sax.SAXParseException" によって XML バックアップの復元に失敗する
- How to run JIRA on a specific IP
- Jira server fails to synchronize with LDAP server with Unable to find the username of the principal error
- Unable to install or update Add-ons via UPM due to Invalid anti-XSRF token provided
- Administrator Access is Incorrectly Redirecting
- [Unloading class sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor] found in Tomcat logs
- Date Pickers select Wrong Year
- Can't See Commits with and without Issue Key from Crucible + Fisheye
- Change the Base URL of Jira server in the database
- Run Jira server in a virtualized environment
- Creating Application Link throws Echo response is inconsistent with request in JIRA
- Cannot login in JIRA after upgrading "Git Integration Plugin for JIRA"
- Could not Move or Copy Attachment due to Access is Denied
- Deadlock detected on startup error in logfile
- How to reindex Jira Server and Data Center using REST API via cURL command
- JIRA Cannot render WebPanel with key 'com.atlassian.jira.jira-projects-plugin:summary-page-project-key' when Browsing Project
- JIRA Security and Permissions Management
- JIRA System Dashboard is Displayed When Not Logged In
- JIRA throws NumberFormatException when adding new issue types
- Users cannot see projects, issues, or any Jira content after login
- Issue key increments unexpectedly on new issue creation in Jira server
- Workflows Does Not Show Transitions After JIRA Upgrade
- PropertySet Table Mappings
- Attempting to Download all Attachments Displays a Not Found 404
- JIRA Operations Fail with the SQL Exception No more data to read from socket
- Unable to Log in Because of userWorkstations Attribute in Active Directory
- 500 error page when logging with a JIRA administrator user after restore a backup from Cloud in a Server instance
- How to Create New Issue with Different Project during Post Function
- Jira server throws LexoRankIntegrityException error during reindexing or reranking operations
- Build and Release option missing in JIRA
- Exception: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL while using Agile board
- 404 and 500 page error in various page in JIRA even when bypass proxy
- JIRA to Confluence Application Link not working after upgrade
- LDAP only syncs 1000 users when should sync more
- How to remove the "Start typing to get a list of possible matches or press down to select" label from all fields
- Unable to login JIRA after Restoring from Backup
- How to block Activity Stream on the HTTP proxy
- Logging into Jira server returns 500 internal server error
- Existing attachments will not open after migrating Jira server
- JIRA Issue Key is not in Sequence during Issue Creation
- Add-on page is not displaying
- How to Enable Detailed JQL Logging in Jira Server and Data Center
- Mail handler adds PNG files embedded in JIRA email notification as attachment
- Adding a field to a Screen tab throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Adding a Local Group in JIRA Results in a Connection Error to an External Directory
- Jira Service Management mail processor stuck waiting for signature removal script to complete
- Application Link Authentication Fails Due to Bad URL Signature
- Jira server does not terminate after executing shutdown script
- Migrate from HSQL embedded database to external database in Jira server
- ライセンス数の超過により、課題を作成できない事例
- Using Jira for Requirements Management
- 関連コンテンツがありません
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