Jira server does not terminate after executing shutdown script


After stopping a JIRA application on Linux, Unix, or OS X via shutdown.sh or stop-jira.sh or catalina.sh stop, the java process never terminates.


To assess whether the service is still running, run ps -A | grep jira.


To kill the java process and stop JIRA,

Pass the -force parameter to catalina.sh as:

catalina.sh stop -force

Still not shutting down properly?

  1. If the above results in an error, such as:

    Kill failed: $CATALINA_PID not set

    Add the following line of code to the top of your <JIRA-Installation-Directory>/bin/setenv.sh file (Standalone instance):

    CATALINA_PID="<Change this to your preferred location>/id.pid"
    export CATALINA_PID

    Tomcat will automatically write its process id to id.pid in your specified path and kill its process with the -force parameter.

  2. In addition to the above, you can try a custom script that runs shutdown.sh first before forcing Tomcat to shutdown. This script will sleep 60 seconds then look inside ./id.pid to check if Tomcat is still running. If Tomcat is still running, it will issue a catalina.sh stop -force.
  3. Also, here you can find a script which forces the application to shutdown and deletes the lock file in the application home directory. It will look inside ./id.pid for the process ID and run catalina.sh stop -force for that process.
    (info) Both scripts need to be saved in <JIRA install>/bin and assume id.pid is located in the same location.
最終更新日 2019 年 9 月 25 日


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