How to Update all User Profiles for the Notify Me option
Looking for a way to change all user profiles to change their notification settings at once.
By default, all users start with preferences to not be notified of their own updates. Sample profile screenshot:
As of JIRA 5.2.2, the Autowatch functionality can now be disabled, as tracked in JRA-28268 - Getting issue details... STATUS .
- How to stop being automatically added to the watcher's list when working on issues? For both Cloud and Server
Please upgrade to the latest JIRA version to pick up this functionality. Alternatively, the below SQL update may be used:
データベースの変更を行う場合は必ず事前にバックアップを取得してください。可能な場合は、まずステージング サーバーで SQL コマンドの変更、挿入、更新、または削除を行うようにします。
- The tables you'll compare are: external_entities, propertyentry, propertystring
- Here is a sample SQL query that will pull the information you need to write a SQL update:
select,e.property_key,n.propertyvalue from propertyentry e join propertynumber n on join external_entities x on e.entity_id = where e.property_key = 'user.notify.own.changes';
This SQL may need to be modified depending on the DBMS that is used by JIRA.