JIRA Doesn't Start Due to Disabled Bundled Plugins After Upgrade
When upgrading from JIRA 5.2.x to 6.4.x, below are seen on the logs.
JIRA Startup Failed
The following plugins are required by JIRA, but have not been started:
Atlassian JIRA - Plugins - Look And Feel Logo Upload Plugin (com.atlassian.jira.lookandfeel)
Atlassian JIRA - Plugins - Quick Edit Plugin (com.atlassian.jira.jira-quick-edit-plugin)
Atlassian JIRA - Plugins - REST Plugin (com.atlassian.jira.rest)
Atlassian Navigation Links Plugin (com.atlassian.plugins.atlassian-nav-links-plugin)
Atlassian JIRA - Plugins - Issue Search (com.atlassian.jira.jira-issue-nav-plugin)
If all the possible causes below were already ruled out, you may want to check on how the upgrade has been done.
- メモリの割り当て
- アンチウィルス ソフト
- プラグインのキャッシュの破損
- 互換性のない Java バージョン
- データベースでプラグインが無効化されている
- プラグイン側で起動のための時間が不足している
- Jira がロックされている
This may also happen when the whole JIRA Installation directory wasn't replaced by the 6.4.x installation directory. That means, only the atlassian-jira
folder was replaced and the rest are still using the 5.2.x installation directory.
When upgrading, it is not recommended to only replace some of the folders in the Installation directory as there are changes introduced per version. It might cause some of the features not to work properly. Follow the steps mentioned in Upgrading JIRA. In this case, replacing evrything with the JIRA 6.4.x folder resolved the issue.