An error occurs when trying to access Plugin Administration Page
Trying to access the Plugins page within the JIRA administration menu results in:
Cause: com.atlassian.templaterenderer.RenderingException: org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException: Invocation of method 'isLegacyLicensingCompatibilitySpiUpm20Aware' in class com.atlassian.upm.UpmVersionTracker threw exception java.lang.NullPointerException at plugin-manager.vm[line 805, column 60] Stack Trace: [hide] com.atlassian.templaterenderer.RenderingException: org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException: Invocation of method 'isLegacyLicensingCompatibilitySpiUpm20Aware' in class com.atlassian.upm.UpmVersionTracker threw exception java.lang.NullPointerException at plugin-manager.vm[line 805, column 60] at at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
Database errors appear in the
atlassian-jira.log (the errors will look different depending on the database that JIRA uses)
:2012-03-23 11:56:18,883 http-8000-6 ERROR administrator 716x36x1 4nu2wr /rest/plugins/1.0/notifications/administrator [server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl] Internal server error java.lang.NullPointerException at org.ofbiz.core.entity.jdbc.SQLProcessor.prepareStatement( at org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericDAO.selectListIteratorByCondition(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl.findClassOrResourceByDelegation( at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl.access$200(
JIRA is using this version of the plugin manager:
- Atlassian Universal Plugin Manager Plugin 2.0.5
The UPM plugin needs to access the database to store plugin data and check versions/licenses. In this case, it is unable to properly access the database (possibly due to parsing errors) when the password contains special characters/symbols.
Change the database password, removing special characters. Update/restart JIRA to use this new password
Last modified on Mar 30, 2016
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