Jira Software 8.20.x アップグレード ノート




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ここでは、Jira Software 8.20 へのアップグレードに関する重要な注意事項について説明します。

 アップグレード ノート

弊社では通常、長期サポート リリースでの新機能の追加は通常は行わない代わりに、長期サポート リリース (Jira 8.5 と Jira 8.13) 以降の変更をまとめています。前回の長期サポート リリースからのすべての機能と修正については変更履歴をご確認ください。詳細情報

 Login performance improvements from 8.20.8

In this release, we have provided some bug-fixes and performance improvements to the user login process.


JRASERVER-70690 - 課題詳細を取得中... ステータス

We’ve added a  UNIQUE constraint to idx_mem_dir_parent_child index of cwd_membership table. This will improve data consistency and eliminate rare user login issues. Jira will perform this work automatically during upgrade, but it might take some additional time to process. 

JRASERVER-71483 - 課題詳細を取得中... ステータス

User login was occasionally disrupted by inconsistent state of caches across the cluster. We’ve made the process independent from the cache, which will prevent any issues with logging in to the instances. 


JRASERVER-70468 - 課題詳細を取得中... ステータス

This release comes with performance improvements mainly targeting bots, which frequently log in to Jira via basic authentication.

From now on, Jira delaying storing user login counters and timestamps. This change will improve the performance of instances will improve, however, the latest information might be not available immediately. The displayed information is eventually consistent with maximum delay of 30 seconds.

Authentications are now cached inside Jira for 15 minutes or until the first unsuccessful attempt. This will improve the performance and reduce the load on authenticating external directories.

If, for security reasons, you've decided to change the default session timeout to a value lower than 15 minutes, you need to update system property com.atlassian.jira.user.crowd.service.authenticate.cache.minutes accordingly. However, if session timeout has been lowered due to performance reasons (for example, on “rest nodes” where you want to recycle sessions faster), you don't need to make any updates. 

For more information about the introduced changes, check out the following resources: 

Advanced Roadmaps and upgrades from Jira 8.5 LTS or 8.13 LTS

In release 8.15, Advanced Roadmaps for Jira became part of Jira Software Data Center, offering its powerful project planning and visualization capabilities out of the box with no additional cost to customers. The addition of Advanced Roadmaps means that if you're upgrading from Jira 8.5 LTS or 8.13 LTS, you may need to take some action before proceeding with the upgrade.

Impact on reindexing performance

You may notice that reindexing takes longer as compared to release 8.13.x without Advanced Roadmaps installed. In our tests, we observed that reindexing took 94 minutes in 8.13.x without Advanced Roadmaps and 108 minutes in 8.13.x with Advanced Roadmaps. These results amount to an approximately 14% increase in the time required to complete the operation; however, your results may vary depending on your system configuration and the amount of data stored on your instance.

We are aware of this and have decided that it’s a small trade-off in comparison to the improvements in the overall user experience with our products.

Impact on upgrades from Jira 8.5 LTS and 8.13 LTS

If you're upgrading from Jira 8.5 LTS or 8.13 LTS and have installed Advanced Roadmaps from the Atlassian Marketplace, the Jira update check will mark the app as incompatible.

This behavior is expected as newer versions of the plugin are no longer available in the Marketplace. From now on, updates to Advanced Roadmaps will be delivered together with new releases of Jira. 

If you're seeing Advanced Roadmaps on the list of incompatible apps, here's what to do:

  1. On the Jira update check page, select Disable to turn off the currently installed version of Advanced Roadmaps.
  2. Complete the Jira upgrade process.
  3. When you complete the upgrade, go to Administration > Manage apps, and then verify that Advanced Roadmaps for Jira is enabled.

For more information, see Preparing for the upgrade.

Improved indexation for issue-related entities backported to 8.20.12

The feature has been backported from Jira 8.22.2 to Jira 8.20.12. Learn more

To improve Jira performance, we've introduced a limit on the number of issue-related entities that will be indexed after the full issue reindex is triggered. By default, Jira will now index only 1000 newest comments, changehistory items, and worklogs. This value can be changed for each entity via a system property.

For more information about the feature and default limitations, see Safeguards in Jira DC index.


In Jira Software 8.20, we've removed support for the following platforms:

  • Microsoft Edge Legacy

Also, in Jira Software 8.19, we've removed support for PostgreSQL 9.6. Make sure to migrate to the latest supported version of PostgreSQL before upgrading Jira. See Upgrading from PostgreSQL 9.6 to PostgreSQL 12.




アプリに関するすべての重要な変更については、「Jira 8.20 への準備」を参照してください。


Jira バージョン 8.x.x からアップグレードする場合 

  • 利用可能なすべてのアップグレード方法およびアップグレード前の手順を含む完全なアップグレード手順について、「Jira アプリケーションのアップグレード」をご参照ください。

  • ご自身の環境に合わせたアップグレードをご検討の場合、[Jira 管理] > [アプリケーション] > [アップグレードを計画] をご確認ください。アップグレード先のバージョンの提案やアップグレード前のチェックの実行が行われ、詳細な手順を含むカスタムのアップグレード ガイドが提供されます。
最終更新日 2022 年 11 月 14 日


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