Jira Software 8.12.x アップグレード ノート




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ここでは、Jira Software 8.12 へのアップグレードに関する重要な注意事項について説明します。

このリリースの新機能と改善の詳細については、「Jira Software 8.12.x リリース ノート」を参照してください。 

 アップグレード ノート

既知の問題: cross-origin iFrame を使うページでモーダル ダイアログが開かない

Jira の多数のアクションがモーダル ダイアログ (ポップアップ) で行うように構成されています。たとえば、ある項目の横で [編集] をクリックすると、ほとんどの場合、別のページに移動するのではなくモーダルで編集設定が開かれます。


In Jira 8.12.2 and 8.13.0, these modal dialogs might not open on pages that use cross-origin iFrames. An example of this could be a cross-origin iFrame added to the Jira banner to collect some statistics. Because of this problem, you won’t be able to complete actions that rely on modal dialogs — these might include editing permissions, starting sprints, or editing comments in Jira Service Management requests. More about this bug


  • 8.12.2、8.13.0



  • 8.12.3、8.13.1

Known issue: Sprint suggestions aren’t working

The Sprint picker field (used either when creating/editing issues or searching for sprints) suggests the last five sprints you viewed. If you haven’t viewed at least five, Jira will retrieve all existing sprints and calculate which are the best suggestions for you. Because of a bug, Jira isn’t retrieving additional sprints, so you’re seeing suggestions that are based only on your history.

More about this problem: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSWSERVER-20679

Affected versions: 8.11.x, 8.12.x, 8.13.0

Fixed versions: 8.13.1+, 8.14.0+ 

Workaround: The only workaround right now is building your history so Jira can show suggestions based on it. To do this, you have to visit backlogs that include sprints you’re interested in. Follow this bug for updates

Note: Upgrading to one of the fixed versions might cause performance issues in large Jira instances with thousands of sprints. See Sprint picker field might cause performance issues

Setting to prevent phishing attacks (8.12.1+)

To prevent non-authenticated users from navigating to crafted URLs in Jira and injecting messages onto the page, we've added a setting that disables displaying URL parameters in security dialogs. 

The setting is available in Jira administration > System > General configuration and defaults to Off

If the setting is disabled, the URL parameters that might be added to a URL are not captured and displayed in security dialogs. In that case, a security dialog looks the following:

New system property to speed up database search

We're introducing a new mechanism that retrieves custom field values for issues in batches of 50. This speeds up time-consuming operations such as database search. 

For now, all these improvements affect only Jira built-in custom fields. We’re also opening an experimental API to help you leverage these improvements. For details, see Batch custom field value retrieval API

You can configure this feature with the jira.custom.field.indexing.batch.size property. Setting its value to 1 disables batching (values for each issue will be fetched separately). Setting any other number defines the number of issues that will be batched. For example, setting 40 as the value will mean the issues will be fetched in batches of 40.

To disable batching, add the following value to setenv.sh:



既知の問題: Azure SQL がサポート対象外のデータベースとして報告される

Microsoft Azure SQL データベースで Jira を実行している場合は、サポート対象外のデータベースを使用している旨を示す警告が表示されます。これは、Azure SQL が誤って SQL Server 2014 として報告されて、このリリースで SQL のサポートが終了したためです。


We’re working on the update of the Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools app. For now, discard the warnings and wait for the available update. Your database is fine.

既知の問題: MySQL 8.0 が設定エラーと報告される

If you use the Jira configuration tool to connect Jira to MySQL 8.0, the health check will display the following warning about a problem with connection settings:

The following database configuration are not set as per our recommended settings: 'validation query, validation-query-timeout 


The warning is caused by missing entries in the dbconfig.xml file that weren’t added by the configuration tool. To fix this, edit the dbconfig.xml file and add the following entries and restart Jira:

<validation-query>select 1</validation-query>


If you're upgrading from Jira 7.x to Jira 8.x we recommend changing the pool-max-size parameter to 40 in your dbconfig.xml before the upgrade. Leaving the default of 20 can sometimes lead to “ResultSet Closed” errors during re-indexing on 8.x. For information on implementing the change, see Tuning database connections.


We fixed a bug that caused issues removed from sprint not showing in Burndown Chart or Sprint Report. The problem will automatically be fixed for all the newly created and edited issues and they will display in the Sprint Report and Burndown Chart.
If you are not concerned about the past issues, you don’t have to take any action. However, if you want to be sure all the past and current issues get fixed too, you need to perform a full reindex.

アップグレード時に問題を引き起こす Tomcat のバグ

Tomcat started to use double-quotes as of version 8.5.48 as a result of Expansion of JAVA_OPTS in catalina.sh containing '*' stops startup on linux bug. That's why when you upgrade to Jira 8.12 and set parameters in setenv.sh or setenv.bat, make sure that you:

  • catalina.sh の二重引用符を削除しない
  • Set all your parameters in one line without any new line in setenv.sh or setenv.bat

それ以外の場合、Jira の開始時に問題が発生する可能性があります。 

Audit log system property change

We've made a change to the system property that can be used to restrict the audit log to system administrators only.  Set this property to true  if you want to prevent people with Jira Administrator global permission from accessing the audit log. 


データベース パスワードの暗号化

We're now using Base64 encoding to encode all new and existing mail server passwords. As a result the mailpassword field isn't plain text any longer. 

アーカイブ済みプロジェクトを探すための API 応答を拡張

We've added an archived field with the current status to each project in response to <host>/rest/api/latest/project?expand=description,lead,url,projectKeys&includeArchived=<boolean>.

高度な監査ログに新しいイベントを追加 DATA CENTER

より素晴らしいインサイトをアプリケーションにもたらすために、優先順位 (作成、削除、更新) と安全な管理者ログイン (websudo) を追跡するための新しいイベントを追加しています。 


In Jira 8.12, we're ending support for:

  • MySQL 5.6
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014

For more details, see End of support announcements.


アプリに関するすべての重要な変更については、「Jira 8.12 への準備」を参照してください。


Jira バージョン 8.x.x からアップグレードする場合 

See Upgrading Jira applications for complete upgrade procedures, including all available upgrade methods and pre-upgrade steps. For a more tailored upgrade, go to Jira administration > Applications > Plan your upgrade. We’ll recommend a version to upgrade to, run pre-upgrade checks, and provide you with a custom upgrade guide with step-by-step instructions.

最終更新日: 2020 年 12 月 4 日


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