Jira アプリケーションの概要



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The Jira Cloud family of applications (Jira Software, Jira Service Management, and Jira Work Management) are standalone applications built on the Jira platform and can be used on its own or in any combination on the same site.

Jira Service Management and Jira Software can be added to the same cloud site for optimal integration benefits. Our Jira integration page shows the relationship between Jira Service Management and Jira Software and how it allows for both IT and DevOps to collaborate on issues. Our Jira family page shows the difference between our 4 flavors of Jira Cloud products.

Jira Service Management licensing overview

When it comes to licensing, both Jira Work Management and Jira Software are licensed based on total users. Jira Service Management is licensed based on total agents (users able to edit/work on requests). Customers (users submitting requests) can access the product for free and do not need a license. By default, both a Jira Service Management license and Jira Software license include Jira Work Management functionality with their licenses.

Depending on your setup, users can be licensed to one, all, or any combination of these products. Read on to understand how Jira Software licensing and roles affect what agents, customers, and other Jira users can do.

製品の特徴とプロジェクト タイプ

各製品はユーザーに 合わせたエクスペリエンスを提供するとともに、関連付けられたプロジェクト タイプを持ち、それに応じた製品固有の機能を提供します。以下は、プロジェクト タイプとそれに関連付けられた機能のリストです。

アプリケーションプロジェクト タイプアプリケーション特有の機能セット

Jira Product Discovery

Discovery projects
  • Captures ideas to prioritize + inform product roadmaps
  • Flexible views, granular fields, various roles.
  • Integration with Jira Software


ビジネス プロジェクト
  • すべてのライセンスユーザーが利用できます
  • 人事、法務、およびその他の業務チーム向けのテンプレート

ソフトウェア プロジェクト
  • 開発ツールとの連携
  • アジャイル/カンバン ボード
  • ソフトウェアバージョンのリリースハブ

Jira Service Management

サービス プロジェクト
  • サービス レベル アグリーメント (SLA)
  • カスタマー向けのカスタマイズ可能な web ポータル
  • カスタマーによるアクセスを許可する権限スキーム

All users who can log into a Jira site will be able to see all the projects in that instance (pending permissions), but they will only be able to see the product-specific features when they have access. For example, a software project is able to display information from linked development tools, such as Bitbucket and Fisheye, as well as agile boards, but this information is only viewable by a software project user. A business project user would be able to see the software project, but wouldn't be able to see the software-specific features, like agile boards or the information from linked development tools. Likewise, a software project user would not be able to see any Jira Service Management-specific features in a service project (they'll see only a basic view of the project and its issues).

  • インストール済みアプリケーションのプロジェクトは、Jira 管理者のみが作成できます。Jira 管理者はプロジェクトを作成する場合はアプリケーション アクセスは不要ですが、プロジェクトの表示や使用にはアプリケーション アクセスが必要です。
  • Anonymous users (people who haven't logged in) will have access equivalent to business project users. In other words, they can view issues and work in any type of project, but they won't see product-specific features like agile boards, which are software project specific. To know how to allow anonymous users access to projects, see Managing anonymous or public access.

製品の一覧、製品のユーザー ロール、それらのプロジェクト固有機能は以下の通りです。

Project-specific feature権限Business project userSoftware project userService desk agentカスタマー

Service projects

カスタマー ポータル作成
プロジェクト レベル作成


SLA レベル作成
キュー レベル作成

Jira Service Management ガジェット


By default, Jira users are restricted from viewing or commenting on Jira Service Management issues. However, they can participate in requests within the portal. 

For Jira users not licensed for another Jira application on the same cloud site, browse and comment permissions can be granted on projects. For example, software project users can comment on Jira Service Management issues and Jira Service Management agents can browse and comment on software issues, without having a paid license for the other product. Learn more about collaborating with other Jira users on Jira Service Management issues.

最終更新日: 2025 年 2 月 4 日


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