スマート バリュー - Insight

Jira のプロセスとワークフローを自動化する



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The smart values on this page are for Jira Service Management only, as part of the product's Insight feature. Learn more about Insight in Jira Service Management.

Object attribute

Used for accessing attributes for an object that triggers an automation rule.


{{(object).(attribute name)}}


  • attribute name refers to the name of the attribute
  • object refers to the Insight custom field name.

Let's say you have a HR object schema with an Insight object type called Employee, used to represent employees at your company. Let's also say you want to send a welcome email to all new employees when they join the company. You could create an automation rule that is triggered whenever a new Employee is created, and with the Send email action, create an email for that person.

In this case, the following input:

Hi {{object.Name}},

Welcome to your first week! We're really excited to have you as our newest {{object.Job title}.


The Team

Would return the following:

Hi Jessie,

Welcome to your first week! We're really excited to have you as our newest Frontend developer.


The Team

Object reference

Used for accessing the attributes of an object's reference.


{{(object).(reference name).(attribute name)}}


  • object refers to the Insight custom field name.
  • reference name refers to the attribute that contains the reference
  • attribute name refers to the referenced object's attribute

Let's say you have a HR object schema with an Insight object type called Employee, used to represent employees at your company. Let's also say that each Employee object has Manager references.

The following input in an action such as Send email:

Hi {{object.Name}},

Welcome to your first week! Your primary contact for your first day will be {{object.Manager.Name}}. Please contact them if you have any questions.

The Team

Would return the following:

Hi James,

Welcome to your first week! Your primary contact for your first day will be Jessie. Please contact them if you have any questions.

The Team


Used for accessing the list of objects returned by the Lookup objects action.



{{lookupObjects.(attribute name)}}

{{lookupObjects.(reference name).(attribute name)}}


  • attribute name refers to the referenced object's attribute
  • reference name refers to the attribute that contains the reference

This can also be combined with the smart values found in Smart values - Lists

Let's say you have a HR object schema with an Insight object type called Employee, used to represent employees at your company. Let's also say you what to send an email, welcoming all new employees who started in the last week. You could use the Lookup objects action to obtain a list of all Employee objects that were created in the last week, and then use the Send email action to send out a list of all new employees.

The following input:

Hey team,

We have {{lookupObjects.size}} new people joining the team today. Please welcome:
* {{Name}}

Would return:

Hey team,

We have 3 new people joining the team today. Please welcome:
• Omar Darboe
• Fran Perez 
• Jie Yan Song

 Learn more about using smart values with issue lists.

最終更新日 2021 年 6 月 29 日


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