Jira Cloud for Slack


The Jira Cloud for Slack app allows you to connect Jira projects to Slack, see personal notifications, view automatic issue previews, create Jira issues, and interact with Jira issues - all from within Slack.

Slack isn't currently available in the Atlassian Government environment.

Integrate Jira Cloud and Slack

  1. Install the Jira Cloud for Slack app onto your Slack workspace. 
  2. After installing, you'll be guided to log into your Atlassian account to link Slack and Jira; this should only take a minute.
  3. After logging in, you'll get a direct message from the Jira Cloud app in Slack. From here, you'll be able to connect your first Jira project to a Slack channel.

Once this is set up, the following will become available:

  • Personal Jira notifications in Slack - Get personal Jira notifications in Slack via a DM with @Jira instead of via email.
  • Connect Jira projects to Slack - Get updates for a specific project in Slack via a DM with @Jira or in a channel of your choosing.
  • Issue previews - Automatically send helpful issue previews whenever a Jira issue link/issue key is sent in a conversation
  • Create issues from Slack - Create issues straight from Slack, in the context of a conversation
  • Interact with issues from Slack - Transition, assign, comment on, and watch issues right from Slack.

Get personal Jira notifications in Slack instead of email

Once you've added the Jira Cloud app to your Slack workspace, you can start receiving your personal Jira notifications in Slack.

  1. In Slack, open a DM with @Jira, any public channel, or a private channel that @Jira has been invited to.
  2. Enter /jira notify.
  3. Select Turn on personal notifications.
  4. Choose when you want to be notified and select Submit.

Once you’ve set up personal notifications in Slack, you can disable email notifications by going to Jira in Personal settings > Email notifications for issue activity.

Connect a Slack channel to a Jira Project

Once you've added the Jira Cloud app to your Slack workspace, you can set up a Jira Cloud project to send notifications into a Slack channel a couple of different ways.

bot をチャンネルに招待する

Jira Cloud bot を Slack チャンネルに招待すると、bot によってチャンネルとプロジェクトを接続できます。

If your Atlassian account is connected to multiple Jira Cloud sites, select the site and then the project that you want to connect to the channel. Once you’ve established this connection, you’ll get a confirmation sent to the channel.

「/jira connect」と入力

In public and private channels, you can type /jira connect to quickly set up a connection between Jira Cloud and Slack.

Note: This functionality is not supported in direct messages with other Slack users.

Manage a connection between a Jira Cloud project and a Slack channel

You can manage your subscription settings by typing /jira manage in the channel you want to update. From there, select Manage to configure the connection in Jira Cloud. 

Use the Jira Cloud for Slack app to provide a preview of Jira issues

When someone writes a message with one or more Jira issue links or issue keys (in upper case, so DEV-36 not dev-36), the bot will unfurl the message and show a preview of the issues. That way, readers of the message don’t have to go into Jira to understand what the sender is talking about:

Note: To unfurl a Jira issue with an issue key (e.g. DEV-36) in a Slack channel, the channel must be connected to the relevant project (e.g. DEV) via /jira connect

Interact with Jira issues from Slack (aka unfurling)

Whenever Jira issue previews are unfurled by the bot, you can take action on them by selecting the interaction button below the preview or the “More actions…” menu. That way, you don’t have to leave the context of the conversation to update an issue in Jira.

Access Jira issues without leaving Slack

To see your work from Jira without leaving Slack:

  1. Find the “Apps” section in the sidebar with your channels and DM’s.
  2. Navigate to the “Jira” app and go to the “Home” tab.
  3. Here you will find your work from Jira: issues that are assigned to you and issues that you are watching.

You can unwatch/watch, assign, transition, or comment on any of these issues by selecting the  menu beside the issue.

Use slash commands in the Jira Cloud Slack app

Jira Cloud for Slack では次のようなスラッシュ コマンドを使用できます。

スラッシュ コマンド


/jira notify

Get your personal Jira notifications directly in Slack. If you’ve already set up personal notifications, you can use /jira notify to adjust your notification preferences.

/jira connect

Slack チャンネルを Jira プロジェクトに接続し、そのプロジェクトの最新の通知を受け取ります。

/jira manage

対象のチャンネルでの Jira プロジェクト接続を管理します。

/jira create

Quickly create Jira tickets from Slack by filling out the summary, description, and issue type with the dialog that is created from this command. If you have a project connected to the Slack channel you issue this command from, the project will be automatically selected as the project for the created issue.

Note: The fields that appear in Slack are not guaranteed to be in the same order that they appear in Jira.

/jira create [issueType] [Summary] [description]

Jira 課題をさらにすばやく作成できます。この構文を使用して、課題タイプ、要約、および説明を指定できます。例:

/jira create bug Printer is on fire

The printer on floor 16 is on fire. I suspect this has a high priority

/jira [issue key]

Get information about a specific Jira Cloud issue. For example:

/jira PROJ-12

Note that this information will only be visible the person who uses the command.

/jira feedback

Jira Cloud for Slack アプリのフィードバックを送信します。

/jira logout

Log out of your Atlassian ID. Your Atlassian ID is used to retrieve the list of sites to connect to or create Jira issues from. Logging out will not remove or suspend any of your previously set up subscriptions.

/jira help

利用可能なさまざまなスラッシュ コマンドのヘルプ情報を表示します。

Create issues suggested by AI

Use Atlassian Intelligence (AI) to create Jira issues directly from Slack messages and threads. AI uses the context of your conversations to generate the summary and description, enabling you to create issues faster.

This feature is in beta and available only for Enterprise and Premium plans. It requires AI features to be enabled in Atlassian Administration for your site and Jira project.

To create an issue suggested by AI from Slack:

  1. Install the Jira Cloud app for Slack.

  2. Go to a Slack message or thread.

  3. Select More actions.

  4. Select Create issue from Jira Cloud.

  5. Choose a Site and Project and proceed to the next step.

    • If not already added, we will add the Jira Cloud for Slack app to your Slack channel for AI-driven issue creation. This app is required to access messages to generate the summary and description.

  6. If not already selected, select Use Atlassian Intelligence to generate the summary and description to let AI generate the issue details.

    • The app will remember your selection from the last time you used it and apply it every time until you change it.

  7. Complete other fields as necessary.

  8. Select Submit to create the issue.

AI can only access threads in channels so it can use the conversation to gather context for the issue. It doesn’t have access to threads in direct messages and only uses the message you selected as context.

The feature is unavailable when creating issues using the /jira create command.

Invite users to Jira via Slack

The Jira Cloud for Slack app can help your teammates get access to Jira when they need it.

From Slack

  • Invite a Slack user, or request access on their behalf – If you add a Jira link to a Slack channel where user/s don’t have access to Jira, the app will prompt you to invite them directly (if you are able to) or send a request to an admin to give them access. Admins can review these requests in Atlassian Administration or directly in Slack.

  • Request access for yourself - If a Slack user receives a Jira link but doesn’t have access to Jira, the app will allow them to request access to Jira. Admins can review these requests in Atlassian Administration or directly in Slack.

From Jira

  • When inviting users to Jira from the Jira UI, you can invite teammates directly from your Slack Workspace. Go to People > Invite a teammate. Then Connect teammates from > Slack.

Migrating from the Jira Server Integration for Slack to the Jira Cloud app

If you've already set up the Jira Server integration based on webhooks for your Jira Cloud site, follow these steps to switch to the Jira Cloud app:

  1. Go to your-slack-team.slack.com/apps/manage and choose Jira Server.
  2. For each configuration you want to remove, select the pencil icon and then choose Disable or Remove in the top-right corner.
  3. Go to https://slack.atlassian.com and select Add to Slack to install the new Jira Cloud for Slack app.
  4. インストール手順に従って新しいアプリをセットアップします。

Once you've confirmed your Jira Cloud site, you can configure the new app to manage your previous settings.

Security considerations

The Jira Cloud for Slack app respects existing Jira permissions at the issue level and at the administration level.

  • If @jira is connected to a Jira Cloud project with issue-level security, you won't receive Slack notifications for issues with security settings.

If the app is not enabled, you may see a message such as: "Connecting with this Jira Cloud instance was disabled by administrator".

最終更新日: 2025 年 2 月 4 日


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