In Jira Cloud, you have the option of importing and exporting your automation rules. This is useful for when you have to move your data from one Jira Cloud site to another, or if your team is migrating from Jira Server to Jira Cloud.
You must be a global administrator to import and export automation rules. Learn more about global permissions.
自動化ルールを JSON ファイルにエクスポートする
Jira Automation を使用すると、すべての自動化データを 1 つのファイルに簡単にエクスポートできます。
In Jira settings, select System > Automation rules. You’ll be navigated to the global Automation screen.
右上隅にある […] > [ルールをエクスポート] を選択します。これによって、すべてのグローバルおよびプロジェクト スコープ自動化ルールを含む JSON ファイルがダウンロードされます。
Import your automation rules to a Jira Cloud site
Things to be aware of when importing automation rules
After migrating rules from Automation for Jira Server to Jira Cloud, you may have to reconfigure your rules. In particular, there’s a strong chance that data specific to your Jira instance such as Statuses, Issue types, or Fields and custom fields won’t map correctly and those rules will need to be reconfigured.
You may also need to reconfigure your rules when migrating from one Jira Cloud site to another, but this is more likely to be successful.
Once you have your JSON file, you can then import that automation data to any Jira site.
In Jira settings, select System > Automation rules. You’ll be navigated to the global Automation screen.
In the top right corner, select … > Import rules.
Select Upload JSON or drag and drop your JSON file to the area inside the dotted line.
Select the rules you want to import and the scope of projects for each rule.
Select Let's do this to finish the import.
All imported rules will initially be disabled and you’ll have to enable them to use them. If a rule with the same name already exists, the imported rule’s name will become Copy of [rulename].