Jira Software can be connected to a range of development tools to help keep your project tracking in sync with your development work. By connecting Jira Software to development tools, you can:
- Bitbucket や GitHub などのリポジトリ マネージャーに接続し、さらに次のことを実行できます。
- リポジトリ内で特定のイベントが発生した場合 (コミットやブランチの作成、プル リクエストのマージ/却下など)、課題を自動的にトランジションするように設定する
- create branches directly from issues in Jira Software
- see every issue with its related commits, branches, builds, and pull requests in Jira Software
- デプロイメントを表示する (Bitbucket Pipelines を有効にしている場合)
- Crucible に接続してコード レビューを行うと、さらに次の操作が可能になります。
- レビューがステータスを変更したときに、自動的にトランジションされるよう課題を設定する
- see every issue with its related reviews in Jira Software
- Connect to Bamboo, and you can see every issue with its related builds and deployments in Jira Software.
Connecting Jira Software to your development tools
Make sure that you have the right permissions. You need to be a Jira administrator to connect Jira Software to another application. You also need to be an administrator for your development tool.
(Jira admin documentation) to connect Jira Software to your development tools.Configuring Jira Software and your development tools
Some features will be automatically enabled when you connect Jira Software to your development tools. Others require some additional configuration. Each feature is listed below, including the configuration work required to set it up.
You don't need to do any further configuration once you have connected Jira Software to your development tools. However, your team will need to know how to reference issues in their development work.
If you have connected Jira Software to one of the supported developer tools, like Bitbucket, Bamboo, Fisheye/Crucible, you will be able to view information about the issues in those tools. For example, in Bitbucket, you'll be able to see the issues that were referenced in a changeset; in Bamboo, you'll be able to see the issues linked to a plan's builds.
以下は、Bitbucket のコミット メッセージ内に課題キー (MSP-15) を含める例です。
Bitbucket で課題キーをクリックすると、課題ビューが表示されます。
詳細: Bitbucket Server、Bitbucket Cloud、Bamboo、Fisheye、Crucible
If you use Bitbucket Cloud or Bitbucket Server to manage your code repositories, you can create code branches directly from issues in Jira Software via the Create branch link. The link will open your connected repository application and launch the process of creating a branch for you. If you have multiple applications connected, then you can choose where you'd like to create the branch.
ワークフロー トリガー
リンクする開発ツールのイベントに対応するワークフローに、トリガーを設定することができます。これを設定することで、後れを取ることなく開発作業と同期しながら課題のステータスを追跡することができます。例えば、開発者が Bitbucket でブランチを作成し課題に取り掛かると、ブランチ名に JIRA 課題を参照でき、課題が自動的に「作業前」から「進行中」に移動します。
You'll need to add triggers to your workflow(s) after connecting Jira Software to your development tools. We recommend that you read our guide on configuring workflow triggers.
(Jira admin documentation)リリースハブにおける開発情報
You don't need to do any further configuration once you have connected Jira Software to your development tools. However, your team will need to know how to reference issues in their development work.
ヘルプの活用」をご参照ください。 お困りですか? 必要な回答がドキュメントで見つからなかった場合、他のリソースもご利用いただけます。「