Since a version has many moving parts, you need to be sure that everything is ready before you can release a particular version — issues are complete, code is committed, reviewed, and merged, builds are passing, etc. The Release Hub in Jira Software can help you stay on top of everything when it's time to release a version. Each issue in Jira Software also has a development panel that helps you see the development status of an issue at a glance.
リリース ハブを使用する
If you have Jira Software connected to your development tools, the 'Warnings' tab can also help you spot issues that could cause problems for the release. These include issues that should be in the release but haven't been merged (open pull requests), issues that haven't had code reviews, etc. Rather than spend your time hunting this information down, you can help your team sort these problems out as soon as they occur.
リリース ハブでバージョンを表示する
自分のバージョンが含まれるプロジェクトへ移動して、[リリース] > 希望するバージョンをクリックします。
お困りですか? 必要な回答がドキュメントで見つからなかった場合、他のリソースもご利用いただけます。「ヘルプの活用」をご参照ください。