Confluence 3.1 アップグレード ノート



アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。


Below are some important notes on upgrading to Confluence 3.1. For details of the new features and improvements in this release, please read the Confluence 3.1 Release Notes.

On this page:

アップグレード ノート

New License Key Requirements for Confluence 3.1

In order to continue using Confluence, you must upgrade your Confluence license to Atlassian's new license key format.


We have undertaken this change to enhance and improve the support we provide our customers. Bear in mind that this license upgrade will not incur any additional costs and does not change Confluence's functionality in any way.

Upgrading an Existing Confluence License for Confluence 3.1 Compatibility

This procedure can only be performed by Confluence Administrators.

To upgrade your existing license to the new license key format, which will be required for continued use of Confluence 3.1:

  1. Visit the license upgrade area in your account at
  2. Enter your Atlassian account details (email address and password) to access and manage your Atlassian product licenses.
  3. If your Confluence license is already associated with a Confluence Server ID (that is, most customers running recent versions of Confluence), follow procedure b below. If prompts you to enter a Server ID before upgrading your license, follow procedure a:

    1. Procedure for associating a Confluence license with your Confluence Server ID:

      1. If you have not already upgraded your Confluence installation to version 3.1, go to your Confluence installation's License Details page to access the Server ID associated with your Confluence license. Make a note of this Server ID.
      2. If you have already upgraded your Confluence installation to version 3.1 and cannot access your Confluence installation's License Details page, open the confluence.cfg.xml file (located inside the Confluence Data Directory) in a text editor and make a note of your Confluence installation's Server ID from the property in this file.
      3. If you cannot access the Server ID in your Confluence installation using either of the two methods above, then please contact our customer support team for further assistance. This issue may occur when upgrading from a very old version of Confluence.
      4. Follow the remaining prompts on to enter your Server ID and then upgrade your Confluence license.
    2. Procedure for upgrading a Confluence license associated with a Server ID:

      1. Select the appropriate Confluence license to expand its details.
      2. In the 'info' note below your license on the right-hand side of the page, click the 'update your license key' link (as shown in screenshot 1 below). Once this is done, the note changes to that shown in screenshot 2 below.

        Screenshot 1: License Key Upgrade Function

        Screenshot 2: Upgraded License Key Note

      3. Copy the new license from the text box above this message to your clipboard.
  4. Ensure your upgraded Confluence installation has been started, enter your Confluence site's URL into a web browser and on the Confluence license upgrade screen, click the 'page' link in the 'Description' field to begin updating Confluence with your upgraded Confluence license to open the 'Update Confluence License' page.

    Screenshot: Confluence License Upgrade Screen

  5. On the 'Update Confluence License' page, paste your new license details into the 'License' field.
  6. Enter the Confluence administrator account's username and password details and click the 'Save' button.

    Screenshot: Update Confluence License Page

  7. If your license update was successful, you will be prompted to restart Confluence.

    Screenshot: Successful Confluence License Update Screen

Custom layouts must be re-implemented after upgrading Confluence

If you have customized your Main Layout on either the space or the global level, or if you have a custom theme plugin, the new Link to this Page, Page Restrictions and 'Move Page' dialog box features in Confluence 3.1 will not immediately work for you.

To resolve these issues, you will need to re-implement your custom layouts or reset these custom layouts back to the Confluence default settings.

Other Issues:

The following other issues may occur prior to resolving these issues:

  • The Atlassian Confluence footer may appear fixed on the page and obscure content that extends below the length of the web page.
  • Some pages may not render at all.

アップグレードする前の Confluence のバージョンと実装されたカスタマイズによっては、他のユーザー インターフェイスの問題や Confluence の機能に関する問題が見つかる場合があります。

カスタム レイアウトの再実装:

To re-implement your custom layouts, please refer to Upgrading Customized Site and Space Layouts for details on retrieving the customizations made to your layouts and re-implementing them into your upgraded version of Confluence.

Customers running Confluence on Weblogic are required to specify the prefer-web-inf-classes element in the weblogic.xml file prior to upgrading Confluence

If you are a customer running Confluence on Weblogic, then before upgrading to Confluence 3.1, you must ensure that the prefer-web-ing-classes element in the weblogic.xml file has been specified with the content value of true


  1. Ensure that Confluence and Weblogic have been stopped.
  2. Open the weblogic.xml file in a text editor. (This file is located in the <confluence install directory>\confluence\WEB-INF directory.)
  3. Ensure that <prefer-web-inf-classes>true</prefer-web-inf-classes> has been added as a child element of the <container-descriptor> element, such that your <container-descriptor> element looks something like:


    (warning) 特定の weblogic.xml には <container-descriptor> 要素の他の子要素があるかもしれないので、これらはそのままにしておいてください。

  4. Save any changes made to the weblogic.xml file.
  5. Follow the upgrade procedure.

The Drag-and-Drop feature disables the ability to drag and drop links or text in Firefox 3.0

Some browsers like Firefox and Safari allow Confluence users to create links easily by dragging and dropping hyperlinks from other web pages directly into the rich text editor window. This browser-specific feature also allows the rearrangement of text when editing Confluence wiki page content, by highlighting text and dragging and dropping it elsewhere.

However, the Confluence 3.1 Drag-and-Drop feature is not compatible with these link creation and text rearrangement features of Firefox 3.0 and setting up Confluence's Drag-and-drop feature will disable these Firefox 3.0 features.

To allow the Confluence 3.1 Drag-and-Drop feature to work together with these link creation and text rearrangement features of Firefox, upgrade your Firefox browser to version 3.5.

Clarification of supported user management configurations in Confluence

In Confluence 3.1, Atlassian is clarifying our support for user management configurations and code-level customizations. This is being done so that we can deliver significant improvements in our user management performance and configuration in a future release.

Confluence is fully supported with the following configurations provided and documented by Atlassian:

  • Built-in user management with Atlassian-User Hibernate managers ("default user management")
  • Built-in user management, with OSUser LDAP authentication (deprecated since 2.7, moving to Atlassian-User LDAP is recommended)
  • External user management with read-only JIRA JDBC providers ("JIRA delegated user management")
  • External user management with Atlassian-User LDAP providers ("standard LDAP user management")
  • External user management with Atlassian Crowd.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer complete support for code-level customizations in our user management system. The following caveats apply to customers who are using extensions to our user management systems:

  • Custom implementations of Atlassian-User managers are supported for problems which are not related to user management.
  • Custom Seraph authenticators are supported for problems which are not related to user management or authentication.
  • Custom implementations of OSUser providers are not supported with Confluence. The OSUser APIs required for implementing custom providers were deprecated in Confluence 2.7, so customers with custom OSUser implementations will need to migrate their code to the Atlassian-User API to have support for their Confluence instance.

Advance warning: In Confluence 3.2, Atlassian will be removing functionality required for custom OSUser providers. From this point, custom OSUser providers will not work correctly with Confluence 3.2, so we recommend porting any custom OSUser providers to the Atlassian-User interfaces as part of your Confluence upgrade process.


Upgrade a test environment first

As always, please test your upgrades in your test environment before rolling into production.

すでに Confluence のいずれかのバージョンを実行している場合、以下の手順に従って最新バージョンにアップグレードしてください。

  1. Before you upgrade, we strongly recommend that you back up your Confluence Home and database.  If you are using an external database, perform a database backup.
  2. If your version of Confluence is earlier than 3.0.x, then please read the Upgrade Notes Overview and the Upgrade Notes for each version of Confluence listed on that page. (There are hyperlinks to each one.) Furthermore:
    • 2.1 以前のバージョンからアップグレードする際には、2.2 リリース ノートをお読みください。
    • If you are upgrading from 2.2 or earlier, you will need to upgrade to Confluence 2.7.x first, confirm the upgrade was successful, then upgrade again from version 2.7.x to the latest. For more details, please refer to CONF-11767.
  3. Download the latest version of Confluence.
  4. Follow the instructions in the Upgrade Guide.

Checking for Known Issues and Troubleshooting the Confluence Upgrade

Confluence インストールのアップグレードに必要な手順が完了したら、「Confluence のアップグレード後のチェックリスト」のすべての項目を確認し、すべてが期待どおりに動作していることを確認します。適切に動作していないところがあれば、既知の Confluence の問題を確認し、以下に記載されているアップグレードのトラブルシューティングを試してください。

  • 既知の問題を確認してください。Confluence のリリース後にその最新バージョンで問題が見つかる場合があります。そのような場合、既知の問題に関する情報を Confluence ナレッジベースで公開します。
  • コミュニティで回答をご確認ください。他のユーザーに同じ問題が発生している可能性があります。アトラシアン コミュニティ で回答を確認できます。
  • Confluence のアップグレード中に問題が発生しましたか?Confluence ナレッジベースで、アップグレードのトラブルシューティングを行うガイドを参照してください。

  • If you encounter a problem during the upgrade and cannot solve it, please create a support ticket and one of our support engineers will assist you through the process.

Useful Plugins

Confluence サイトにアドオン(プラグインとも言う)をインストールする前に、アドオンの情報ページをチェックし、アドオンがアトラシアンによってサポートされているか、他のベンダーによってサポートされているか、またはまったくサポートされていないか確認してください。 アドオンのサポートについては、弊社のガイドラインを参照してください 。

  • [Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found. ({include} をレンダリングできません。ページが見つかりませんでした)] を選択し、

Confluence 3.1 リリース ノート

最終更新日 2016 年 8 月 11 日


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