OR の JQL でエラーが発生します。
プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。
サーバー*製品のサポートは 2024 年 2 月 15 日に終了しました。サーバー製品を利用している場合は、アトラシアンのサーバー製品のサポート終了のお知らせページにて移行オプションをご確認ください。
*Fisheye および Crucible は除く
While trying to run an advanced JQL query such as:
project = IT AND status = Open OR project =test
it will result in the below error:
Even though the first two statement are true and the third statement is in "OR" clause.
- Create a JQL with and OR operand.
- Make sure the first statement is correct.
- Type a random value for the filed after the "OR" operand.
- The scenario was tested in the latest version of JIRA 7.1.9
- PostGres SQL
Diagnostic Steps
- Run a JQL with a value that does not exist for a field. For example, in the below JQL:
project = IT AND status = Open OR project =test
the value "test" does not exist for the Field "project".
- It does not matter if it is with the OR section.
The main cause is that JIRA can not search for a value that does not exist and it is equivalent to looking for NULL. It may seem that it is using an "OR" operand but the value needs to be present in order for the JQL to process.
Please make sure that the value exist for the filed that you are trying to search.