How to download Atlassian Marketplace apps through the command line

アトラシアン ナレッジベース



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プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Fisheye および Crucible は除く



Many users want to automate the download of Apps (plugins) for Jira, Confluence or other Atlassian products.

This article provide examples on how to do that.

These apps are downloaded as either OBR or JAR files.


Linux-like terminal (Linux, macOs or cygwyn)

Internet connectivity to (port 443)


Here's the steps layout:

  1. Find the desired app through a browser on the Marketplace
  2. Copy the download URL
  3. Write the command

1) Find the app

First, access through a browser and search for the app you want to download.

Click on Versions then on See all ... versions.

Some apps are "hidden" from the Marketplace because they're either bundled into newer version of the Products or download/installed in other way.

Here's a list of useful apps/products not indexed in the Marketplace search:

(see How to download Jira through the Command Line for a similar approach to download the main installers for Jira)

Hidden or deprecated apps

Some apps may be hidden from the marketplace. If this is the case, you can append ?includeHiddenVersions=1 to the URL to list the versions, like in:

2) Copy the URL

On the Version history page, look for the version you want to download, right-click the mouse on the Download link and copy the link.

It should look something like:

3) Write the command

Simply downloading the resource through curl or wget will create a file named after the last part of the URL: "800701050" in this case.

This is unlikely ideal, so we can output the download to the filename specified by the redirected URL:

Example output from Insight
$ curl -s -I -L -s | grep content-disposition | egrep -o '".*"' | tr -d '"'

We can now include this command in the output parameter of curl or wget:

curl example
$ curl -L -o `curl -s -I -L -s | grep content-disposition | egrep -o '".*"' | tr -d '"'`
wget example
$ wget -O `curl -s -I -L -s | grep content-disposition | egrep -o '".*"' | tr -d '"'`

These commands will download the file and create it as the same filename as specified in the content-disposition header attribute.


Installing, Uninstalling, Upgrading and Downgrading Marketplace Apps on Confluence using REST API

最終更新日 2024 年 8 月 20 日


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