Crowd 2.11 Release Notes



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2017 年 1 月 12 日

Thank you for your feedback:

(green star) 80 votes satisfied

(green star) 17 feature and improvement requests fulfilled




Improved license counting

We've improved license counting so that duplicated usernames no longer consume more than one license. 


This table shows some examples of the changes in the Crowd 2.11 license system. Generally, a consumed license is a unique username which can authenticate against one or more applications in Crowd.

構成Crowd version < 2.11 license countCrowd version >= 2.11 license count
  • Application1
    • directory1
      • user1 inactive
    • directory2
      • user1 active

License count: 1, but user1 cannot authenticate, because was seen inactive in directory1.

  • Application1
    • directory1
      • user1 active
    • directory2
      • user1 active

2, but in fact only user1 from directory1 is able to authenticate against application1.

  • Application1
    • directory1
      • user1 active
  • Application2
    • directory2
      • user1 active
  • Application1
    • directory1 with authorised groups
      • user1 active but not in any of authorised groups
    • directory2 with authorised groups
      • user1 active and present in one or more authorised groups

1, but in fact user1 is unable to authenticate at all, because user1 from directory1 is not present in any of authorised groups.

  • Application1
    • directory1
      • Bob
      • Jane
      • Steve, inactive
      • Martin, inactive
    • directory2
      • Bob
      • John
      • Steve
  • Application2
    • directory3
      • Bob
      • Clare
      • Martin
    • directory4
      • Bob
      • John
  • Application3
    • directory5
      • Bob
      • Mike
    • directory6
      • Bob
      • Clare

License count: 14, this is caused by the previous method taking into account not only the username, but also the directory where the username comes from. The count is thus:

Dir1 - Bob, Jane 
Dir2 - Bob, John, Steve 
Dir3 - Bob, Clare, Martin 
Dir4 - Bob, John 
Dir5 - Bob, Mike 
Dir6 - Bob Clare


Dir1 - Bob, Jane 
Dir2 - John
Dir3 - Clare, Martin 
Dir4 - none new
Dir5 - Mike 
Dir6 - none new

Get support easily with the Support Tools Plugin

With Crowd 2.11 you can easily check your logs for common errors and use our support resources directly from Crowd, using the new Support Tools functionality.


We've improved LDAP user search speed, which provides a better experience during searches and synchronisation.

Example of average initial synchronisation durations of 10,000 user base for Crowd 2.9.1, 2.10.1 and 2.11.0.

Support for newer databases versions

We've added support for MySQL 5.6 and 5.7, Postgres 9.5 and Microsoft SQL Server 2014. For a full list of supported platforms, you can check out our supported platforms page.


Complete list of changes and improvements

Crowd 2.11.0 - 12 January 2017

P T キー 要約

Crowd 2.11.1 - 10 March 2017

P T キー 要約

Crowd 2.11.2 - 31 March 2017

P T キー 要約

Last modified on Mar 31, 2017


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