Crowd 3.4 Release Notes




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2019 年 3 月 13 日

The Atlassian Crowd team is pleased to bring you Crowd 3.4 , which comes with some great new features.

Crowd SSO 2.0

We’re proud to present you SSO 2.0 - Crowd’s single point of access for Jira, Jira Service Desk, Bitbucket, and Confluence across different domains with one common login page.

The SSO 2.0 functionality is available for Crowd Data Center only. If you are not a Crowd Data Center license holder, you can create your evaluation license for Crowd Data Center and take Crowd for a spin. You can get your free Crowd Data Center evaluation license from Atlassian license evaluation page.

For more information, see Crowd SSO 2.0.

Crowd's new clothes

Crowd 3.4 is released with fresh new look thanks to the implementation of Atlassian Design Guidelines (ADG) in Server. ADG in Server is based on the new Atlassian design and contains updates to color palette, typography and icons but doesn't include any of the navigation changes that are unique to Atlassian cloud products. These design changes are implemented via an upgrade to AUI.

Managing direct group members got refreshed

For directories with disabled nested groups, Crowd 3.4 brings you refreshed screen where you manage direct group members. We've introduced a totally new search box, dynamic table, and an easy way to quickly add and remove your users. Enjoy! 

Known issues & Security considerations

Infinite-authentication-loop in Confluence and Jira

If you’re using SAML authentication with Crowd in Confluence or Jira and you encounter a restricted area in one of these applications, you’ll be redirect to Crowd to authenticate. Once you authenticate in Crowd, you’ll be redirected back to your application. Since you don’t have permissions to access that particular area, the application redirects you again to Crowd this way creating an infinite loop. The Crowd team is currently working on a solution to this issue. CWD-5400 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Protection against brute-force attacks

If you’re using an external directory with Crowd, it will protect you against such brute-force attacks as submitting many passwords or passphrases to a log in page. However, for internal directories, there’s no limit for passwords attempts by default. To enable the maximum password attempts, in your directory click the configuration tab and set the maximum password attempts to >0. See Configuring an Internal Directory

List of other known issues

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Complete list of changes and improvements

Crowd 3.4.0 - 13 March 2019

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Crowd 3.4.1

This version was never made available for downloads.

Crowd 3.4.2

This version was never made available for downloads.

Crowd 3.4.3 - 3 April 2019

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Crowd 3.4.4 - 2 May 2019

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Crowd 3.4.6 - 23 Aug 2019

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Crowd 3.4.5 - 23 May 2019

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最終更新日 2019 年 8 月 23 日


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