Configuring an Internal Directory

Internal directories use the Crowd database to store user, group and role information. Internal directories are stored in Crowd's database server.

To configure an internal directory,

  1. Crowd Administration Console にログインします。
  2. In the top navigation bar, click Directories.
    This will display the Directory Browser.
  3. In the left-hand menu, click Add directory.
  4. Select internal as the directory type and click Next.
  5. Complete the fields as described in the table below.
  6. Click the Continue button to configure the directory's permissions.

(info) Once you have configured the directory's permissions, you will have finished configuring your new directory. You can then map the directory to appropriate applications.

Screenshot: Create internal directory

Internal Directory Attributes



The name used to identify the directory within Crowd. This is useful when there are multiple directories configured, e.g. Chicago Employees or Web Customers.


Details about this specific directory.

  • アクティブ

Only deselect this if you wish to prevent all users within the directory from accessing all mapped applications. If a directory is not marked as 'Active', it is inactive. Inactive directories:

  • are not included when searching for users, groups or memberships.
  • are still displayed in the Crowd Administration Console screens.

Password regex

Regex pattern which new passwords will be validated against. The regular expression format used is the java.util.regex.Pattern. For example, for an alphanumeric password of at least 8 characters, you could use the pattern:


Leave blank to disable this feature.

Password complexity requirement messageA message shown when a user is resetting a password to explain custom complexity requirements set with Password Regex (since Crowd 2.5.2).

Maximum password attempts

The maximum number of invalid password attempts before the authenticating account will be locked. Enter 0 to disable this feature.

Password history countThe number of previous passwords to prevent the user from using. Enter 0 to disable this feature.

Days until password expiry

The number of days until the password must be changed. This value is in days, enter 0 to disable this feature.

Notify the user of password expiry in

How many days before the password expiry would you like to send users a reminder about changing their password.

Password encryption

If you wish to import users into this directory from another Atlassian product, specify 'ATLASSIAN-SECURITY' in order to ensure password compatibility.

  • Use nested groups

Enable or disable support for nested groups on the internal user directory.


See Specifying Directory Permissions.

最終更新日: 2021 年 10 月 21 日


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