Crowd 6.2 Release Notes

18 December, 2024

The Crowd team is proud to bring you Crowd 6.2.



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2 段階認証による新しいログイン エクスペリエンス

We’ve overhauled the Crowd login experience and added a second authentication layer to keep your account secure. You can now set up two-step verification and verify your identity with an authentication app when you log in to protect your Atlassian account. Explore how to manage two-step verification

User access log

The user access log functionality stores the requests received by the Crowd application in the "logs" directory for Tomcat. By default, it’s <crowd-install>/apache-tomcat/logs. The access log is generated with the use of Tomcat valve.

With Crowd 6.2, the functionality is enabled by default and set in the Engine element of Crowd's server.xml file. By default, the configuration file is located at <crowd-install>/apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml.

Improved date format of user attributes

User attributes such as lastActive store date information in the epoch format. We’ve updated it with an additional timestamp representation displayed below the user attribute input. The displayed value represents the epoch value and regenerates on change.

Complete list of changes and improvements

Here's a full list of issues resolved in this release:

Crowd 6.2.0 - 18 December, 2024

T キー 要約

 Crowd 6.2.2 - 11 February, 2024

T キー 要約

最終更新日: 2025 年 2 月 11 日


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