Crowd 5.1 Release Notes

2022 年 11 月 21 日

The Crowd team is proud to bring you Crowd 5.1.


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New type of connection pooling: Dynamic LDAP connection pool

We’ve introduced a new type of LDAP connection pooling – Dynamic LDAP connection pool. You can enable and configure it for each directory separately. It also improves performance and brings more settings and customizations than the current JNDI pooling.

In summary, Dynamic LDAP connection pool:

  • Works with Connector and Delegated directories

  • Can be configured on a per-directory basis, directly from the Crowd web console

  • Supports pooling connections that use the StartTLS security protocol

  • Can be reconfigured at runtime, without the need to restart Crowd

  • Exposes a REST endpoint and JMX MBeans for pool monitoring

  • Improves performance, even when the configuration isn’t adjusted to the environment size

To enable Dynamic LDAP connection pool, view a directory and open the LDAP connection pooling tab. Learn more

Encrypting the database password

You can now encrypt the database password in a similar way to other Atlassian products, like Jira. This lets you add extra security to your Crowd instance, just to make sure everything is safe and sound. The database password you encrypt is the one stored in the crowd.cfg.xml file, a configuration file that’s part of the shared directory.

The password isn’t encrypted by default. You’ll need to take some steps to encrypt it and then propagate the changes to the configuration files. Learn more

Compatibility with New Relic

In Crowd 5.1.3, we've upgraded Tomcat to version 8.5.87. This version is incompatible with the older versions of the New Relic java-agent. If you're using New Relic as a service, make sure to upgrade java-agent to version 8.2.0. Learn more 

Non-Marketplace apps upload disabled

Updated 22 April 2024

Starting from Crowd 5.1.9, manual uploads of non-Marketplace apps are disabled by default. Understand how to re-enable manual uploads

Complete list of changes and improvements

Here's a full list of issues resolved in this release:

Crowd 5.1 - 21 November 2022

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Crowd 5.1.1 - 23 December 2022

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Crowd 5.1.2 - 10 February 2023

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Crowd 5.1.3 - 31 May 2023

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Crowd 5.1.4 - 3 August 2023

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Crowd 5.1.5 - 4 September 2023

This release doesn't include any resolved issues from our public instance, only small fixes and improvements.

Crowd 5.1.6 - 15 November 2023

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Crowd 5.1.7 - 12 December 2023

This release doesn't include any resolved issues from our public instance, only small fixes and improvements.

Crowd 5.1.8 - 9 January 2024

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Crowd 5.1.9 - 8 April 2024

This release doesn't include any resolved issues from our public instance, only small fixes and improvements.

Crowd 5.1.11 - 10 July 2024

This release doesn't include any resolved issues from our public instance, only small fixes and improvements.

Crowd 5.1.12 - 4 September 2024

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Crowd 5.1.13 - 9 October 2024

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最終更新日: 2024 年 10 月 10 日


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