Bamboo 5.9 Release Notes


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。


2015 年 6 月 11 日 

The Atlassian Bamboo team are excited to release Bamboo 5.9.

If you are upgrading, please read the Bamboo upgrade guide.

The Bamboo 5.9 changelog is at the bottom of this page.

Manage your plan branches more efficiently

We've improved the plan branch management process and now you can create and delete plan branches automatically. Bamboo checks for changes in the primary source repository and takes actions based on the configuration details that you provided:

Customize the Docker tasks

Now with the Docker run command, you can:

  • use dynamic port mapping
  • specify the container working directory and add additional arguments
  • mount additional host directories as data volumes inside the container

AWS Code Deploy for Bamboo Server

The new AWS CodeDeploy task for Bamboo ensures smooth and safe application deployments to EC2 instances.


このタスクは指定したディレクトリを .zip ファイルに圧縮して、そのファイルを Amazon S3 にアップロードしてデプロイを開始します。

デプロイ プロセス全体が AWS CodeDeploy 内で追跡されて、デプロイのステータス、設定、健全性などの情報を確認できます。

AWS 資格情報の管理が容易

AWS の作業は簡単です。AWS 資格情報を Bamboo に保存して、共有されている資格情報を活用するタスクで再利用できるようになりました。

Plan directory information REST API

Future changes to on-disk directory layout

A future release of Bamboo will make changes to the layout of the on-disk directory structure for artifacts and logs. These changes are necessary to make functionality more robust. If you are relying on scripts or other tools that examine data in the Bamboo home directory, you will need to update them to ensure that they continue to work.

To make this easier, we have added a resource to the Bamboo REST API to retrieve information about where on disk log files and artifacts will be stored. We have made this available in 5.9 so that you can prepare for the changes now.

Bamboo Clover プラグインの改良

Automatic Clover integration for Maven tasks has been improved. Integration is tighter, thanks to which:

  • the builds are faster, because the Maven build cycle is performed only once
  • マルチモジュールの Maven プロジェクトのコンパイルに関する問題を修正 (BAM-13208)

However, it also means that automatic Clover integration will not run if a task calls 'mvn install' or 'mvn deploy' - this is to protect your builds from polluting repositories with instrumented code. This may require reviewing your builds having automatic Clover integration and changing them (to run 'mvn verify', for instance). 

Automatic Clover integration for Grails tasks has also been improved. Integration now uses the BuildConfig.groovy or pom.xml file, instead of the grails install-plugin command (which was deprecated and removed in Grails 2.3.5).


This section will contain information about the Bamboo 5.9 bugfix releases as they become available. These releases will be free to all customers with active Bamboo software maintenance.

22 January 2016 - Bamboo 5.9.10

This is a bug fix release. We've fixed the following issue:

BAM-17131 - Getting issue details... STATUS

18 January 2016 - Bamboo 5.9.9

This is a bug fix release.

Announcement: End of support for JAVA 1.6

We're dropping support for JAVA 1.6 with this Bamboo release.

This change requires agent restart on upgrade. The agents might take unusually long to recover after this upgrade (about 30 minutes). The process can be sped up by restarting the agents manually.

For more information, see Bamboo supported platforms.

15 October 2015 - Bamboo 5.9.7

If you're using Elastic (EC2) agents and your base URL is using a HTTPS protocol, you need to modify your file to start Bamboo with an additional parameter:


Adjust the port accordingly (8085 is used by default). The host should always be set to localhost, the protocol must be set to HTTP. This does not degrade security in any way, the connections your agents make to Bamboo will still be encrypted by Bamboo security mechanisms. Although it is a 5.9.7-specific requirement, it is the recommended setting for a setup utilizing EC2 agents and you can keep using it even after you have upgraded.


In this release, we’re introducing timestamp and executable bit preservation. We’ve also improved the artifact publish and retrieve performance. 

Note: If your builds rely on the timestamps not being preserved, you may need to reset them in your build scripts.

This release contains a security fix. For more information, see Bamboo Security Advisory 2015-10-21.


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19 August 2015 - Bamboo 5.9.4

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29 July 2015 - Bamboo 5.9.3

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10 July 2015 - Bamboo 5.9.2 was erroneously marked as fixed in 5.9.2. We have since released Bamboo 5.9.3 with the appropriate changes. 

We apologize for the inconvenience. 

24 June 2015 - Bamboo 5.9.1

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11 June 2015 - Bamboo 5.9.0

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最終更新日 2016 年 5 月 26 日


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