Using the branch status page

With Bamboo you can view and manage your plan branch assignments on a single page.


Getting to the branch status dashboard

You can find the page in the top menu, in Build > Branch status:

Branch status

You can also find a link to the Branch status page in some other places, like screens with the details of builds or plans:

Branch status plan view

Using the Branch status dashboard

Here are the most important things that you need to know about the Branch status dashboard.

Picking a repository and a VCS branch

To start working with branch statuses, you must specify a repository and a VCS branch. You can select it from a list or start typing to search by name.

Branch status repository and VCS list

The dashboard works for all linked repositories that support branches: 

    • Git
    • Mercurial
    • SVN
    • Bitbucket Cloud
    • Bitbucket Data Center
    • GitHub
tip/resting Created with Sketch.

We've added a small  Copy button next to the selected branch name - it copies the name of the branch in case you need to share it.

Viewing build plans assigned to a VCS branch

Once you select a repository and a VCS branch, you'll see a list of plans that build the branch:

Branch status page

If the information about the commits is available to Bamboo, you can see the number of commits next to the build status:

Select the number to display the details of the commits:

Build commits details

It might happen that there aren't any build plans assigned to the VCS branch that you selected. You can associate the branch with a plan directly from the Branch status page (see Managing plan branches below).

Managing plan branches

You can manage assignments between plan branches and VCS branches directly from the Branch status page.

Adding a build plan to a VCS branch

On top of the list of existing plans (or on top of the empty list if there aren't any plans yet), you can find the search field and the Add button. To assign a build plan to the selected VCS branch, select within the search field and either pick a build plan from a list or start typing to search:

Add build plans

Select Add to save the assignment.

Managing existing build plans

Once you've specified some plans that will build your branch, you can see them in the list on the Branch status page. Next to each plan, there's a small Actions menu that allows you to run, edit, or remove build plans assigned to a VCS branch:

Action menu

Viewing pull requests 

Starting from Bamboo 6.0, the branch status page also displays open pull requests outgoing from the selected VCS branch. Pull request information includes pull request name, target branch, and whether it's in conflicted state.

Pull requests on branch status page

Currently, only the Bitbucket Data Center repository type is supported.

最終更新日: 2024 年 1 月 18 日


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