Bamboo 権限
Bamboo には、継続的なデリバリーワークフローへのアクセスを完全にカスタマイズして制御できるように、次のタイプの権限が用意されています。
- グローバル権限
- ビルド計画の権限
- プロジェクト権限
- デプロイメント権限
- デプロイ プロジェクトの権限
- デプロイ環境の権限
- 権限は既定で設定されています
- 権限はオプションとして利用できます
- 権限は、オプションとしてすら利用できません
The Global permissions level controls the ability to view the system, create a new build plan and use administration tools. Global application permissions are accessed from the Global permissions page within the Bamboo administration pages.
ユーザーのタイプ | アクセス | 作成 | Create repository | 制限付き管理者 | 管理 |
Anonymous | |||||
ログイン済み | |||||
Administrator |
- Access - log in to Bamboo; this permission does not give you any additional permission.
- Create - create new plans, projects, and deployment projects in Bamboo.
- Create repository - create and manage linked repositories.
Restricted admin - perform some administration operations and view all plans in Bamboo; this role excludes permissions that directly influence the host on which the Bamboo Server is located.
Restricted Admins can't perform agent dedication by default. You can change that by setting the Allow users to dedicate agents to builds and deployments option in the Security Settings.
Admin - perform all operations and view all plans in Bamboo.
Build plan permissions allow a user to control access to the functions of the build plan. These include viewing, editing, building, cloning, and administering a build plan. Build plan level permissions are accessed from the build plan configuration page.
ユーザー | ビュー | 編集 | View configuration | Build | clone | 管理 |
Anonymous | ||||||
ログイン済み | ||||||
Administrator |
- View - view the plan and its builds; when creating a new plan, check the Allow all users to view this plan to allow anonymous and logged-in users view your plan.
- View configuration - view the configuration of the plan and its jobs.
- 編集 - 権限やステージを含まない、計画とそのジョブの設定を表示して編集します。
- ビルド - 手動ビルドをトリガーするか、計画を一時停止して再開します。
- 複製 - 計画を複製します。
- 管理者 - 権限とステージを含む、計画のすべての側面を編集します。
To access any plans in a project you must have the View permission granted. Without the project View permission, you won't be able to see, run, or administer any plans.
Project permissions allow you to control access to project permissions and settings. See Configuring project permissions.
ユーザー | ビュー | プランの作成 | Create repository | 管理 |
Anonymous | ||||
ログイン済み | ||||
Administrator |
- View - access the project and plans or repositories for the project
Create plan - create plans for the project
- Create repository - create repository for the project.
Admin -
manage permissions for the project
manage permissions for all plans in a project
change project settings
Bamboo のデプロイ機能によって、デプロイ プロジェクトとデプロイ環境の両方の権限を制御できます。
ユーザー | ビュー | View configuration | Create release | Approve release | 編集 | Clone project | 管理 |
Anonymous | |||||||
ログイン済み | |||||||
Administrator |
- View — view the project and its associated environments.
- View configuration — view the project configuration.
- Create release — create a new release manually.
- Approve release — allow users to approve or decline deployment releases.
- Edit — edit the project, its related plan, and environment configuration, and create releases.
- Clone project — create a copy of the project.
- Admin — Manage permissions, configure RSS options, delete and rename releases, perform actions in the audit log, and remove the project.
ユーザー | ビュー | View configuration | 編集 | デプロイ |
Anonymous | ||||
ログイン済み | ||||
Administrator |
- View - view the environment. You must also have view permission on the deployment project.
- View configuration - view the environment configuration.
- Edit - edit the environment configuration.
- デプロイ - この環境にリリースをデプロイし、このプロジェクトのリリースを作成します。
Permission dependencies
To ensure the consistency of Bamboo permissions, we provide an update mechanism which will fix all inconsistencies for all permissions in your Bamboo environment. We have also modified all the pages where you can edit permissions in a way which won’t allow granting inconsistent or clashing permissions in the future.
If you want to revoke a lower-level permission for a user, you must revoke the higher-level permissions first. Also, when granting a higher-level permission to a user, all relevant lower-level permissions will be granted automatically to that user.
Permission consistency might still be broken when using third-party plugins.