このページでは、Subversion リポジトリを使用するように Bamboo を設定する方法を説明します。
Bamboo では、次のレベルでリポジトリを指定できます。
- グローバル - Bamboo のすべてのプランでリポジトリを利用できます。
- プラン - Bamboo プランのすべてのジョブでリポジトリを利用できます。
- ジョブ - Bamboo ジョブのすべてのタスクでリポジトリを利用できます。
推奨されるアプローチは、リンクされたソース リポジトリをグローバル レベルで設定することです。「ソース コード リポジトリへのリンク」を参照してください。
Subversion ソース リポジトリを設定する
- リンクされたリポジトリ、計画、またはジョブのリポジトリ設定に移動します。「ソース コード リポジトリへのリンク」を参照してください。
- Either select Add repository to add a new repository, or edit an existing repository configuration.
- Select Subversion from the Source repository list.
- Enter a Display name to help identify the repository in Bamboo.
- 計画の Subversion ソース リポジトリ用に以下の設定を設定できます。
Repository URL
The location of the root of your Subversion repository. For example:
Note that you can use global variables in this field (see Using Global or Build-specific Variables).
If you are importing a Maven 2 Project, this location should contain your project's
Branch name
The display name of a branch or a module that you want to check out. For example My project. The name will be used in the Bamboo UI.
Branch path
The path to a branch or a module that you want to checkout. For example, trunk, branches/my_branch
. The path is relative to the root URL of the repository.
Note that you can use global variables in this field (see Using Global or Build-specific Variables).
If you are importing a Maven 2 Project, this location should contain your project's
Username (Optional)
The Subversion username (if any) required to access the repository.
- Password – choose this option if you want to authenticate with a username and password.
- SSH – if you choose to authenticate using SSH, you need to provide the following details:
- Private key — the absolute path of your SSH private key.
- パスフレーズ - SSH 秘密鍵のパスフレーズ。
If you are planning to use remote agents the ssh private key file has to be copied to the agent box into the same location as specified.
- SSL Client Certificate – if you choose to authenticate using an SSL Client Certificate, you need to provide the following details:
- Private key — the absolute path of your SSL client certificate.
- Passphrase — the passphrase for your SSL client certificate.
クライアント証明書は PKCS12 形式であり、クライアント証明書ファイルはパスフレーズで保護されている必要があることにご注意ください。そうでない場合は、ユーザー キーを開いた際に JDK のセキュリティ エンジンによって実行時例外がスローされます。
Detect changes in externals
Select this if your Subversion repository uses svn:externals to link to other repositories (your externals must be in the root of the checkout directory, not in a subdirectory). Please note that you only need to select this check box if you require Bamboo to detect changes in the externals. If your externals reference a particular (static) revision, you do not need to check this box.
Use SVN export
This option will speed up the first-time checkout, but updates are not supported. Implies Force Clean Build.
Enable commit isolation
Ensures that a build will only have one change, allowing you to isolate your build failures.
Automatically detect root URL for branches
Specifies whether the VCS Branching Task automatically determines the location of created branches.
Automatically detect root URL for tags
Specifies whether the VCS Tagging Task automatically determines the location of created branches.
Enable quiet period
Specifies a delay after a single commit is detected before the build is started. This allows multiple commits to be aggregated into a single build.
Include/Exclude files
Allows you to specify the files that Bamboo should, or should not, use to detect changes.
Enter into File pattern a regular expression to match the files that Bamboo includes or excludes. The regex pattern must match the file path in the repository. See include/exclude files examples.
Exclude Changesets
Enter a regular expression to match the commit messages for changesets that should not start a build.
Web Repository
If your repository can be viewed in a web browser, select the repository type.
This allows links to relevant files to be displayed in the Code changes section of a build result.
Generic web repository
- Web repository URL – the URL of the repository.
- Web repository module — the particular repository required for this plan or job, if the Web repository URL above points to multiple repositories.
Stash – specify the following details for the repository:
- Stash URL – the URL of your Stash (now Bitbucket Data Center) instance (for example,
). - Stash project key – the key of the project in Stash (e.g. CONF).
- Repository name – the name of the repository in Stash (e.g. conf-dev).
- Stash URL – the URL of your Stash (now Bitbucket Data Center) instance (for example,
Use this option to connect to a Bitbucket Data Center repository.
See Integrating Bamboo with Bitbucket Data Center for more information.
Fisheye – specify the URL and other details for the repository:
- Fisheye URL — the URL of your Fisheye repository (e.g.
). - Repository name — the name of your Fisheye repository (e.g.
). This is effectively the alias for your repository path. - Repository path — the path for your Fisheye repository (e.g.
- Fisheye URL — the URL of your Fisheye repository (e.g.
See Integrating Bamboo with Fisheye for more information.
If you have previously run builds with changes from your repository, the easiest way of determining your repository path is to view the code changes and copy the path from the start of the path of one of the changed files, up to (but not including) the appropriate root directory. The root directories for repositories are the ones shown by Fisheye when browsing a repository (e.g. trunk
)). For example, if a code change listed /atlassian/bamboo/trunk/bamboo-acceptance-test/pom.xml
, the path would be /atlassian/bamboo/
If you have not previously run builds with changes from your repository, you will need to ask your Fisheye administrator for the repository path indexed by Fisheye.
- Subversion への接続に問題がある場合は、Subversion 接続のトラブルシューティングに関するドキュメントを参照してください。
- 1.5 より前のバージョンの Subversion クライアントを使用して Bamboo によってチェックアウトされたコードにアクセスすると、ビルドで問題が発生する可能性があります。これは、Bamboo 2.1.4 で SVNKit がアップグレードされたことが原因です。詳細については、このナレッジ ベース記事をお読みください。
- SVNKit に
システム プロパティを追加すると、Bamboo で NTLM 認証を使用できます。