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Bamboo でトリガーすると、計画ビルドを自動的に開始できます。Bamboo には次のトリガー メソッドがあります。




Note that a plan that has no configured triggers can only be started manually, or if it is dependent on the successful build of another plan.

From Bamboo 4.3, you can configure multiple triggers for each plan. This allows a plan to be triggered by different trigger types and to have triggering scenarios such as "every 5 minutes between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., and every 20 minutes between 1:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m."

Bamboo 管理者のみがトリガーを設定できます。


This table lists the ways in which plan builds can be triggered in Bamboo.

Triggering option



Bamboo will poll the selected source code repositories for code changes, using either a specified interval (that is, periodically) or a schedule. If Bamboo detects code changes, a build of the plan is triggered.

  • Your VCS must service a check out or update command whenever it is polled, even if no code has changed in a repository.

See Repository polling.


Bamboo waits to receive a message about changed code from any of the selected source code repositories. When Bamboo receives such a message, a build of the plan is triggered.


See Repository triggers the build when changes are committed.

Cron ベースのスケジューリング

Bamboo will trigger scheduled builds of this plan based on a cron expression.

  • This option allows you to schedule builds when server load is likely to be minimal, for example, outside office hours.
  • Scheduled builds are triggered irrespective of any code changes in the source code repositories.

See Cron-based scheduling.

毎日 1 回のビルド

Bamboo will trigger a build of the plan once per day at a specified time.

  • Can be set up to run at a time of you choice.
  • This option is suitable if a build of this plan takes a long time to complete.
  • Scheduled builds are triggered irrespective of any code changes in the source code repositories.

See Single daily build.

Tag triggeringYou can schedule Bamboo to run a build automatically whenever a selected tag appears in your repository. Tag triggering is enabled by default in Bamboo and becomes available when you link a repository to your Bamboo instance.

You can use tag triggering in Bamboo with the following repository types: 

  • Bitbucket Cloud
  • Bitbucket Server/ Stash
  • GitHub repository
  • Git

See Tag triggering.

Triggering a build after successful deployment

Bamboo automatically triggers a plan build following a successful deployment, whether from a specific environment or from any environment within the selected project.

See Triggering a build after successful deployment.

最終更新日 2024 年 8 月 8 日


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