JDK 機能の表示

You can view all the JDK capabilities that have been defined in your Bamboo system on the JDKs page. These include local server capabilities and remote agent-specific capabilities.


  • Bamboo による JDK の自動検出 — Bamboo または Bamboo Remote Agent のいずれかをインストールすると、(マシンの JAVA_HOME 環境変数に基づいて) 同じマシンにインストールされている既存の JDK を自動的に探して、その JDK インストール用の「JDK 機能」を作成します。そのパスの値は JAVA_HOME です。

Bamboo で定義されている JDK 機能を表示/設定するには、次の手順に従います。

  1. From the top navigation bar select Administration  > Build resources > JDKs.
  2. Select the tab for a specific JDK to see the agents and jobs related to this JDK capability.

    • View the capabilities and jobs associated with an agent with this JDK capability — select the linked name of the agent in the Agent column. See Viewing a capability's agents and jobs.
    • Edit JAVA_HOME for an agent — select Edit in the Operations column for the agent you wish to configure. See Defining a new JDK capability.
    • Remove this JDK capability from an agent  — select Delete in the Operations column for the agent that currently possesses this JDK capability.
    • View details about (and configure) an elastic image with this JDK capability — select the name of the elastic image in the Elastic image configuration column. See Viewing an elastic image.
    • Configure a job that relies on this JDK capability — select the name of the job in the Plan column.
    • To add a new JDK as a local server capability, select add a JDK as a server capability at the top of the page. This opens the Server capabilities page at the Add capability section, with the JDK selected as the Capability type.
最終更新日 2024 年 8 月 13 日


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